The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6532: The place of creation, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

When Jiang Yun felt those negative auras before, he noticed that there was even a regular aura in them.

Moreover, it is not an ordinary rule, but an ancient rule!

Originally, Jiang Yun was a little unsure, but when he wanted to feel it carefully, he was interrupted by a man in black who suddenly appeared.

But now, the frost on Jiang Yun's fist also contains the ancient rules of ice, which allows Jiang Yun to finally be sure that this unlawful place is indeed full of ancient rules!

Although in the real domain, there are also ancient rules, but they are extremely rare, either hidden very deeply, or completely controlled by a few strong people.

Like the rules of the soul, it was held in the hands of Weiyang Nu and turned into a soul beast.

And the rules of dreams are mastered by the Earth Venerable.

However, in this extrajudicial place, even when you are in the gap, you can feel the breath of ancient rules, which is really beyond Jiang Yun's surprise.

Naturally, this also means that monks living in a place outside the law can more easily understand the ancient rules.

Once they realize it successfully, if their strength can keep up, then they will become the Great Emperor of the Ancients!

Jiang Yun also thought of it, no wonder Chiyuezi, Jijie Emperor, Liuli and other powerhouses from the land outside the law are all ancient emperors.

Perhaps, they were originally just ordinary real-level emperors. It was after entering the extrajudicial land that they realized the corresponding ancient rules and became the ancient emperors!

Therefore, the land outside the law can also be regarded as a place of good fortune for monks.

As for the reason, according to Jiang Yun's speculation, this should be deliberately done by his master.

Master just hopes that with the help of ancient rules, more ancient emperors will be born in the land outside the law, and the overall strength of the land outside the law will be strengthened as much as possible, so as to be able to compete with the three and successfully break the game!


Suddenly, a trembling sound came, interrupting Jiang Yun's thinking.

Jiang Yun followed the sound and found that behind the black-clothed man, a hundred-zhang-high iceberg suddenly appeared.

The iceberg was trembling slightly, releasing strong cold air, covering the sky and the sun, causing Jiang Yun and the boundary gaps in all directions to immediately begin to cover layers of frost at a very fast speed.

Under the cover of frost, the bone-piercing chill was madly invading Jiang Yun's body, causing Jiang Yun's blood to gradually stop flowing.

Jiang Yun's body is so strong, this chill can freeze his blood!

It is conceivable that this iceberg is also releasing the power of rules.

Seeing Jiang Yun standing in the same place, covered in frost, he seemed to have turned into an ice man and couldn't move, the man in black smiled coldly and raised his hand.

Among the icebergs behind him, five sharp icicles emerged, stabbing straight towards Jiang Yun's body.

Obviously, even if he saw Jiang Yun being frozen, the man still couldn't rest assured. He still had to injure Jiang Yun first, or kill him directly.

Five ice cubes, flickering with a cold light, were no weaker than five peerless weapons, and instantly stabbed Jiang Yun's limbs and eyebrows!


Immediately, on the frost covered by Jiang Yun's limbs and eyebrows, there immediately appeared one after another of meandering cracks.

And the five icicles did not stop moving forward, but suddenly spun up and continued to stab Jiang Yun's body, as if to firmly nail Jiang Yun!

However, at this moment, the smile on the face of the man in black suddenly condensed.

Because whether it was the five ice cubes or the frost covering Jiang Yun's body, all of a sudden, they all melted away, turning into a water dragon with open teeth and claws, and turned towards the man in black.

This sudden change left the man at a loss.

It's not the first time he's used the rules of ice to fight people.

Although he has encountered various methods of cracking, it is the first time he has encountered a situation like Jiang Yun who can turn his ice into water and attack him in turn.

He really couldn't figure out how Jiang Yun did it.

However, the man's reaction was extremely fast.

Just as the water dragon rushed towards him, the iceberg behind him had appeared directly in front of him, blocking his body.

When he thought about it, no matter how strong the water dragon was, it was impossible to smash his own iceberg.

But Jiang Yun, who had already escaped the predicament, suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed gently towards the iceberg.

As soon as I heard a "crash" sound, the iceberg turned into a pool of water in an instant.

Because the size of the iceberg is so large, from a distance, it seems like a lake has suddenly appeared in the gap between the boundaries.

As a result, the water dragon not only immersed in the water unimpeded, but also the water that the iceberg melted was attached to the water dragon, causing the water dragon's volume to skyrocket in an instant.

The water dragon raised the huge faucet that was already the size of an iceberg and slammed into the man in black!

At this moment, the man in black wanted to react, but it was too late!

He was still thinking about **** Jiang Yun next, but how could he have imagined that Jiang Yun turned his iceberg into water as well.

In addition, the distance between him and the iceberg is too close, so this time, he can no longer escape.


The huge faucet of the water dragon, and the huge dragon body, all the water, without the slightest wastage, all hit the man's body, knocking him upside down and flying out.


In the air, a mouthful of blood had already spewed out of the man's mouth!

The force of the water dragon's collision was equivalent to bringing together the two forces of Jiang Yun and the man himself, which shocked him!

At the same time, Jiang Yun's voice also entered his ears: "If your deity is here, maybe I will be a little bit afraid."

"But a mere avatar still wants to kill me, it's too small to look down on me!"

Hearing this sentence, the man's complexion changed again, he hurriedly reluctantly stopped his body, swallowed the blood that had poured into his throat, and just wanted to speak, but he saw a turbid water dragon headed towards him. flew over by himself.

The man didn't even have time to say a word, and his figure took a step towards the rear again.

And at the same time as he raised his feet, in the gap behind him, a vortex of about a zhang size appeared!

As the man stepped into the whirlpool with one foot, he also saw that the turbid water dragon actually passed over him and flew to the side.

This made him take a deep breath and looked at Jiang Yundao: "You wait, soon, everyone will know that you are from the forbidden area..."

Before the man's words were finished, the expression on his face suddenly solidified again.

Because he suddenly discovered that his foot that had just fallen into the vortex was lifted uncontrollably and retracted.

And the vortex that he summoned began to shrink and disappear.

What's even more terrifying is that in front of him, the huge water dragon that had just smashed into him and exploded, actually re-condensed and slammed into his body again.

"Back in time!"

There was an exclamation in the man's mouth, and he finally understood that the function of that turbid water dragon was to reverse time.

Moreover, what is even more weird is that the injury in his body is not within the time of the reverse flow!


The man was hit hard by the water dragon in front of him for the second time.

And his already injured body, under this collision, the injury is even worse.

His body flew upside down towards the rear, and fell heavily into the boundary gap. The blood in his mouth was like a fountain, constantly spewing out, and the whole person fell there, unable to move at all.

And in his eyes, Jiang Yun's figure also appeared!

At this moment, the man's eyes showed fear, he hurriedly swallowed the blood in his mouth, and said with difficulty, "No, don't kill me."

"In the land outside the law, the missing soul can no longer be cultivated!"

Jiang Yun looked down at the man condescendingly, with hatred in his eyes, suddenly raised his foot, slammed towards the man's head, and stomped it down.

With a "bang", the man's head, together with a part of the soul within it, exploded directly and turned into nothing!

Looking at the headless corpse under his feet, Jiang Yun's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he said to himself, "This negative aura still affects me!"

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