The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6538: ice melt, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Shuang Qingpo is very good at observing words and expressions. Seeing the contemplative look on Jiang Yun's face, he guessed what Jiang Yun was thinking, so he smiled and said, "We call the owner of that voice the Fa-external envoy!"

"After I came to the extrajudicial land, I also discussed the identity of each other with several strong men who had similar experiences."

"It turned out that each of us hears a different voice."

"I heard a thick man's voice, some people heard the old man's voice, and some even heard a woman's voice."

"When this happens, there are only two possibilities."

"One possibility is that the other party is not a person."

"Another possibility is that every time the other party invites someone into the extrajudicial place, a voice will change, making it impossible to speculate his true origin."

"And after we discussed it, we are more inclined to the former possibility!"

Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "Why?"

Shuang Qingpo explained: "Because the few of us, when we were in the real realm, lived in the three realms and the realm respectively."

"Aside from the distance between us, generally speaking, the cultivator who can freely travel through the entire real domain and appear anywhere at will, the weakest should be the real emperor."

"But the emperors of the true rank and above are subject to some restrictions on their actions in the true domain."

"If they go to other Supreme Domain, they need to notify the other Supreme Domain in advance and leave a record."

"Once you find out that you travel between different Supreme Realms too frequently, you will immediately follow the three."

"And if the owner of this voice is a person, then like him, who constantly shuttles through every Supreme Realm, looking for the right person to send to the extrajudicial land, he should have been discovered by the three."

"In short, we believe that the external envoy should be an organization composed of many people and distributed in different supreme domains."

Jiang Yun nodded, admitting that Shuang Qingpo and their analysis made sense.

That is to say, the extrajudicial land also secretly created an organization in the real domain, trained some people, and was specially responsible for attracting suitable monks to enter the extrajudicial land.

These people must have other identities on the surface.

If they can be found, it may also be a help against the three gods.

Shuang Qingpo continued: "However, since there is no longer a passage between the land outside the law and the real domain, no one in the real domain has entered the land outside the law again."

"I'm afraid those envoys are no longer there."

Jiang Yun also knew that the existence of the extrajudicial land seriously threatened the three gods, so that the three gods made a move to make the extrajudicial land completely disappear from the real domain.

In order to be able to re-enter the real realm and open up the channel, the extrajudicial land also specially sent Liuli and the Great Emperor Jijie to go from the dream realm, through the fantasy real realm, and then to the real realm.

Thinking of the Great Emperor Jijie, Jiang Yun also thought of Ji Kongfan, and directly changed the subject: "Is there a master in that place outside the law?"

"Yes!" Shuang Qingpo nodded and said, "The land outside the law has always had a master."

"It's just that, about a few decades ago, the previous Outlaw Lord died, and a new Outlaw Lord appeared, Ji Kongfan!"

"This new Outlaw Lord, we have never seen him before, it seems that he appeared out of thin air. According to our speculation, he may come from the dream realm!"

This is another unexpected news for Jiang Yun.

It turns out that the land outside the law has always had a master.

And Ji Kongfan is indeed the place outside the law that came decades ago, and not long after he came here, he became the master outside the law.

If it was said that Ji Kongfan killed the last outlaw master and replaced him, Jiang Yun would not believe it.

Although Ji Kongfan's strength is extremely strong, especially the way of separation and union is amazing, but a cultivator who can become the master of the law, how can his strength be weak.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yun asked, "How can I become an outlaw master? Where is the outlaw master's residence?"

Shuang Qingpo glanced at Jiang Yun and secretly said in his heart, "He didn't leave the forbidden area just to become an outsider, right?"

Shuang Qingpo naturally didn't say what was in his mind, shook his head and said, "I don't know about that."

"My strength can only be regarded as a middle-ranking player in a land outside the law."

"Being an outlaw lord is too far away from me."

"As for the residence of the Outlaw Lord, I only know that it is in a world in the southeast, which has always been regarded as a forbidden area, and no one will easily set foot there."

"Forbidden land?" Jiang Yun repeated these two words.

Shuang Qingpo smiled and waved his hand: "This forbidden place is not the same as the forbidden place where you appeared, brother."

"The forbidden place where you appeared has been through the ages. Anyway, I have never heard of anyone entering."

"And the residence of the Lord outside the law is too dangerous, so it is regarded as a forbidden place."

Jiang Yun lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said, "I want to try to understand the ancient rules of ice. Is there anything to pay attention to?"

Shuang Qingpo laughed and said, "What's the point of paying attention!"

"Everyone who lives on the Sacred Ice Mountain is to understand the ancient rules of ice. If you have one more, it will not affect anyone."

Speaking of this, Shuang Qingsoul also stood up and said, "Brother, you are here with me temporarily, feel at ease, feel it as long as you want, and no one will disturb you."

"I'm nearby. If you have anything to do, just call me at any time."

Shuang Qingpo got up and said goodbye very wisely.

After watching Shuang Qingshen walk out of the house, Jiang Yun did not rush to understand the source of Bingze, but reached out and took out a few true essence stones, and arranged a simple isolation formation.

Although Shuang Qingpo seemed to have really turned enemies into friends with him, Jiang Yun couldn't trust the other party at all, and he was on the other party's territory, so he couldn't help but be on guard.

However, after knowing that the deity of Shuang Qingsoul was not the ancient emperor, Jiang Yun was also confident that he could kill him.

Looking at the formation he had arranged, Jiang Yun took a deep breath, and then sent his consciousness into the ice below him again.

Now his plan is very clear. Since he came to this holy mountain of ice and met the source of ice, he naturally has to try to understand the rules of ice.

If it can be successful, that is the best.

If it doesn't work, he won't stay for too long. When the time comes, he will go to the residence of the Lord of Outlaws, find Ji Kongfan, and go to the real domain.

Jiang Yun's consciousness came to a depth of nearly ten thousand feet under the ice surface again, and at the same time opened the pores of his body, and directly began to absorb the cold air.

Shuang Qingsoul, who left the room, found a room not too far from Jiang Yun. After getting in, he released his consciousness and wanted to monitor Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's isolation formation was far more brilliant than the Shuang clan's formation, so Shuang Qingpo's consciousness was directly blocked, and he couldn't see anything at all.

Shuang Qingpo could only helplessly withdrew his consciousness, and said to himself, "This guy, obviously, came out of the forbidden area, but why does he know nothing about the extrajudicial land?"

"Could it be that, in the forbidden land, there is actually no pioneer of the extra-law land, just like the existence of the secret realm."

"However, it is certain that this guy is not a cultivator in a land outside the law."

"Then what is his identity? Where did he come from, and how did he enter the forbidden area?"

For these doubts, even if Shuang Qingpo wanted to break his head, he couldn't come up with an answer.

Therefore, after a while, he gave up thinking, looked at the room where Jiang Yun was, and said with a cold smile: "It's so easy to understand the ancient rules of ice!"

"I want to see if you really understand it!"

Shuang Qingpo sent a clan to monitor Jiang Yun, and went to a place to practice.

At the beginning, Shuang Qingpo was still worried about Jiang Yun, and he had to check Jiang Yun's situation almost every day.

And Jiang Yun was always calm there, which made Shuang Qingpo temporarily relieved and ignored it.

Just like that, when more than half a month had passed, Shuang Qingpo, who was also in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes and said to himself, "Why do you feel a little hot?"

While speaking, Shuang Qingpo lowered his head, his eyes widened to the extreme.

Because, he found that the ice surface under him was melting!

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