The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6543: who has a bigger face, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"To the Outlaw Lord?"

Shuang Qingsoul was stunned for a moment, then he smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, you have just provoked Master Bingji, and are you going to continue provoking the Lord of Outlaws?"

"We can go to other places to hide if we mess with the people on the ice, but if you mess with the Lord of Outlaws, there will be no place for us in the whole Outlaws!"

Jiang Yun said indifferently: "There is no way, I really can't think of a safer place except for the Lord of the Law."

"Safe?" Shuang Qingpo was amused by Jiang Yun's words and said, "In the entire extrajudicial land, I am afraid the most dangerous place is the extrajudicial master!"

Jiang Yun glanced behind him and said, "If the Ice Supreme Master is willing to give up, it doesn't matter where he goes."

"However, do you think that the ice man can really let us leave so safely?"

Shuang Qingpo frowned and said, "Why not?"

"Without my Shuang Clan, there are only twelve clans left in the Bingji Holy Mountain, and each clan can get a little more of the source of ice, so there is no need for him to kill us all."

There was a hint of coldness in Jiang Yun's eyes and said: "It may not be necessary for you, but he may not let me go."

Shuang Qingpo pondered for a while, and then understood what Jiang Yun meant.

Since Jiang Yun was able to sneak into the source of Bingze without being aware of it, he would naturally be able to enter again.

This time, Jiang Yun was worried about affecting the Shuang Clan, so he had to leave voluntarily, but next time, if Jiang Yun re-entered, he would not have any concerns.

Unless the Bingji Master does nothing, that is, always stay at the source of Bingze, otherwise, from now on, he will always be on guard against Jiang Yun's sneaking in.

Therefore, Master Bingji would definitely not let Jiang Yun go. He must kill Jiang Yun in order to be completely at ease.

Wanting to understand all of this, Shuang Qingpo sighed and said, "You said you too, what are you going to do at Bingzezhiyuan when you have nothing to do?"

"If you want to comprehend the ancient rules of ice, you can be anywhere in the Holy Ice Mountain."

"Now, can your deity escape?"

Jiang Yun naturally wouldn't tell Shuang Qingpo that he wanted to devour the source of Bingze, and said calmly, "If you run away, it's not a big problem."

"But I can't leave until I'm sure we're safe."

Shuang Qingsoul continued: "Even if Master Bingji won't let you go, but if you think that the Lord outside the law can provide you with shelter, then you are wrong."

"In a place outside the law, the only order is the law of the weak."

"The strong rarely protect the weak."

"What's more, Bingji Shangren is a real emperor of ancient times, and he is a powerhouse at the same time as Weiyangnu, Nanion and others."

"Even outside the law, he is well connected."

"I'm afraid, even the Lord outside the law will give him some face."

Jiang Yun also laughed and said, "If Master Bingji is willing to stop here, then it will be the best."

"If he refuses, let's see who has more face."

Shuang Qingpo glanced at Jiang Yun with a thoughtful look on his face, but he stopped talking.

Shuang Qingpo began to contemplate in his heart whether he should continue to be with Jiang Yun.

What the Bingji Master wanted to kill was only Jiang Yun, and he would not kill off his own Frost Clan.

Instead of following Jiang Yun and being implicated by him, it would be safer to take the clan and find another place.

However, Shuang Qingpo was very curious about Jiang Yun's identity.

Walking out of the forbidden area, he could quietly enter the source of Bingze, and now he dared to go to the Lord outside the law to seek shelter.

In the end, Shuang Qingshen was heartbroken, and decided to follow Jiang Yun and go to see the Lord of the Outsiders first.

If Jiang Yun couldn't seek the protection of the lord outside the law at all, then it would be a big deal for him to find another chance to escape.

At the same time, four figures flew into a huge palace standing on the top of the mountain in the Holy Ice Mountain.

This palace is the Ice Extreme Sect!

The Bingji Master sat on the highest part of the palace, looked at the four figures who walked in, and said bluntly: "You four, set off immediately and secretly track the Frost Clan and the unknown monk."

"Then, wait for my order to kill them all."

These four people, three males and one female, are all true emperors.

The only woman was a middle-aged and beautiful woman, with an enchanting figure and beautiful appearance, who was the elder of the Ice Extreme Sect.

The other three were from Hanshanmen and the clan elders of the other two forces.

Thirteen clans, headed by Ice Extreme Sect!

The middle-aged woman clenched her fists at Bingji, and said somewhat puzzled: "Sect Master, it's a good thing for us to leave the Frost clan, and they shouldn't come back, why should they kill them too? ?"

The Master Bingji looked at the woman and smiled slightly: "Han wants to see something that I don't know, that cultivator was clearly brought into the holy mountain by Shuang Qingpo on purpose."

"Shuang Qingpo's behavior is a betrayal of us. If they don't kill their clan, won't other clans follow him in the future?"

Only then did everyone understand that the extermination of the Frost Clan was to set an example!

Elder Han nodded and said, "Then we will set off now."

With the departure of the four people, the ice man also took one step out of the palace. standing in the air.

Under him, he and the other three consciousnesses were staring at Jiang Yun.

As Shuang Qingpo said, Bingji's strength is extremely strong, even more than Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness could not reach the location of the source of Bingze, but Bingji Master was still able to turn his spiritual consciousness into a human form!

After an hour passed, the Bingji Master said coldly: "The Frost clan and your clone are already far away from the holy mountain, what else do you ask for?"

Master Bingji is not afraid of Jiang Yun, he is just worried that Jiang Yun will destroy the source of Bingze.

Now, he wanted to see how Jiang Yun was going to escape in front of him.

There is a feeling between Jiang Yun and the soul avatar, and he naturally knows that the Bingji Master is not lying.

Therefore, after hearing the words of Bingji, Jiang Yun's body suddenly walked out of a soul clone again!

And looking at this scene, both the ice master and the master of the three gods were stunned.

Jiang Yun was able to separate two soul clones, which surprised them.

However, they naturally understand that Jiang Yun's purpose is to leave the soul clone, continue to guard the source of Bingze, and threaten themselves and others so that the deity can escape.

But in that case, Jiang Yun's soul clone is sure to die!

In the land outside the law, the soul is damaged, and there is no possibility of recovery.

Jiang Yun then said: "Then I will leave in a while."

"Today's matter, in fact, you have nothing to lose, we don't need to die endlessly."

"It's better than this. After my deity leaves, I will tell you a secret about the source of ice."

"I use this secret to exchange my soul clone and leave, how!"

Master Bingji smiled coldly and said, "This old man has already comprehended the ancient rules of ice long before he entered the land outside the law."

"Do you think your so-called secret of the source of ice is valuable to me?"

Jiang Yun nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes!"

"Haha!" Bingji sneered and shook his head: "Okay, you don't have to waste time, just get out."

"Killing you with a soul clone can be regarded as offsetting today's events."

Jiang Yun no longer said nonsense: "Okay, then I will leave."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun's deity charged directly above the ice surface.

And his soul clone simply reached out and stuck it on the source of ice.

However, Master Bingji's eyes were fixed on Jiang Yun's deity, and he saw that Jiang Yun had clearly turned into a soul, so he was able to walk through the thick layer of ice unaffected.

"Is this person also an ancient emperor who has understood the rules of the soul?"

"However, I have been in the land outside the law for so many years, and I have never heard of anyone who understands the rules of the soul!"

Seeing that Jiang Yun's figure had broken away from the ice, Master Bingji suddenly raised his hand, pointed at Jiang Yun's soul clone, and scolded lightly, "Sure."

And the deity of Bingji Supreme also shot almost at the same time, a huge ice palm slapped Jiang Yun's deity fiercely.

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