The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6564: is it him, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun's body shook for a while, and he sat on the ground!

If he can't repair the map, he can't leave this space, he can't find the ancient demon, and he can't take back the dreamland.

Although Ji Kongfan should stop the ancient demon, it is impossible to stop it for too long.

Even, even if the two started to fight, Ji Kongfan might not be the opponent of the ancient demon.

After all, Ji Kongfan's strength is derived from those extrajudicial divine patterns, while the ancient demon is an old fake venerable.

Once the ancient demon defeated Ji Kongfan, although he still couldn't leave the place outside the law, it would be extremely difficult to find her again, like finding a needle in a haystack.

The most important thing is, I don't know why she stole Mengyu.

If she wants to kill Gu Bulao, then she may directly destroy the entire dream realm!

Once the Dreamland was destroyed, it would be meaningless to find her again.

Thinking of the worst possible consequence, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and stood up again, and continued to stare at the pattern under his body, trying to repair the pattern.

At this time, the ancient cultivator said again: "Jiang Yun, you don't have to worry too much, it's not that simple to repair the array map, you'd better take care of your injuries first!"

Jiang Yun did not respond.

In fact, Jiang Yun was not at fault when Mengyu was taken away.

He was already cautious enough, but the ancient demon was too cunning and disguised too well.

The first person to wake up and come into contact with Jiang Yun was Gu Xiu.

Only when Gu Xiu couldn't decide whether to change the rules and let Jiang Yun directly enter the realm of Gu Ze did he wake her and Gu Ling together.

Moreover, after the ancient demon woke up, not only did he treat Jiang Yun with the best attitude, but also like a peacemaker, he took the initiative to help smooth things out and ease the relationship between Jiang Yun and Gu Lingxiu.

In this case, let alone Jiang Yun, it would be impossible for anyone to think that the other party wanted to kill the chicken and **** the dream domain.

Therefore, Jiang Yun still has a deep sense of guilt in his heart.

Seeing Jiang Yun ignoring himself, Gu Ling had already walked behind him and sighed: "We really didn't expect that Gu Yao would do such a thing."

"Since Zungu opened this space, the four of us have entered here and have never left here for half a step."

"In the past countless years, we have not had any contact with the outside world except for cultivation."

"So we don't know when the ancient demon started, and there will be... the idea of ​​betraying Zun Gu."

Although Gu Xiu still wants to excuse the ancient demon as much as possible and find a reasonable explanation for the other party's behavior, in fact, he knows it well.

The ancient demon robbed the dream domain and killed Zungu's disciples, and all that he did was to betray Zungu!

As for the reason, he really didn't know.

Jiang Yun said calmly, "Everyone can change."

"It doesn't make any sense to discuss why she betrayed Master now."

"The most important thing now is to find her as soon as possible, get back to Dreamland, and talk about other things!"

Gu Xiu sighed again: "I'm afraid, I can't find it."

Gu Xiu's words made Jiang Yun turn his head suddenly, looked at the other party and said, "Why can't I find it?"

"Senior Ji is the master of the law. Without his consent, no one can leave the land outside the law!"

Gu Ling, who was on the side, also came over and replied for Gu Xiu: "That is for the monks who entered the extrajudicial land, not including us!"

"In those days, Zungu, just in case, opened up a place outside the law, he would deliberately hide an exit that only we knew, and it was a way of life for us."

"Since the ancient demon left here and entered the land outside the law, it will definitely go to that exit."

Jiang Yun closed his eyes forcefully, and soon opened it again: "Where does the exit lead to?"

"I don't know!" The old man Gu Ling shook his head and said, "Zun Gu didn't say it, and we have never left, so naturally we won't know."

Jiang Yun took a deep look at the two of them and said, "Then trouble the two seniors. The three of us will join hands to repair the map as soon as possible, and maybe there will be enough time to stop the ancient demon from leaving!"

After speaking, Jiang Yun ignored the two and continued to focus on the pattern.

Although Jiang Yun didn't say anything, he was still thinking about it in his heart.

"The exit left by the master, the only possible place to lead to, is the real domain!"

"Is it possible that this ancient demon was actually instructed by one of the three."

"Most likely, it is Tianzun. Tianzun likes to use women as his subordinates."

"The ancient demon is actually just like Yuan Ning back then."

"On the surface, the ancient monster is trusted by the master, but in fact, the ancient monster is the Tianzun placed by the master's side, in order to find the ancient world, or catch the master!"

"The ancient demon forbearance for many years, until today, my arrival, let her know that the master is hiding in the dreamland."

"And the dream domain has shrunk into a small ball, so that she finally found the opportunity, and then the attack broke out, robbed the dream domain, and now goes to Tianzun to die!"

"If that's the case, it's a fortune among misfortunes."

"Because Tianzun will not hurt the creatures in the dream domain in order to keep my Dao heart."

"Master also said that Tianzun will never kill him."

"In this way, there is no need to worry about the safety of the dreamland creatures and the master for the time being."

In this way, Jiang Yun carefully studied the formation map while analyzing the ins and outs of the matter and countermeasures in his mind.

After a short while, Gu Ling and Gu Xiu, who were also researching and trying to repair the pattern, suddenly winked at each other.

Then, their lips quivered silently, clearly speaking secretly, discussing something.

Finally, Gu Xiu said to Jiang Yun, "Jiang Yun, to tell the truth, the three of you and I will not be able to repair this formation in a short period of time."

"We can understand the anxiety in your heart, so I discussed it with Gu Ling and decided to violate the rules of respecting the ancients and let you directly enter the realm of ancient rules."

"In the realm of ancient rules, there may be a way to leave our space!"

Jiang Yun doesn't care whether he can enter the realm of ancient rules.

But Gu Xiu's last sentence made Jiang Yun suddenly moved.

In particular, he also saw that this formation was indeed extremely complicated, and it was too different from the formation he was familiar with.

If Liu Peng was here, he might be able to repair it in a short time, but he could never do it himself.

Ancient demons and ancient spirits are also not proficient in formation patterns.

If there is really a way to leave the realm of ancient rules, then I am afraid that the latter is more time-saving.

Jiang Yun took his eyes away from the array map and turned to look at the two of them: "The way to leave, where is the place hidden in the realm of ancient rules?"

"We don't know!" Gu Ling shook his head and said, "Our mission is to guard the realm of ancient rules, which cannot be entered."

Jiang Yun frowned, since the two have never entered the realm of ancient rules, how do they know that there is a way to leave this space.

Gu Ling and Gu Xiu looked at each other and nodded lightly, obviously they had reached some kind of consensus.

This time, the old man Yu Gu Ling said: "We told you before that we were originally four people, but there was one less person."

"And the lesser one entered the realm of ancient rules and never appeared again."

"We suspect that he left this space from the ancient world."

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his hand, and under the surge of spiritual energy, it condensed into a fallen golem with three heads and six arms, suspended in the air.

"The younger senior, is it him!"

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