The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6569: The realm of ancient, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Gu Xiu sighed and said, "The best candidates we were looking for were your three incarnations."

"We also thought that you would definitely keep an avatar, so we didn't explain it to you."

"Let's not say whether we can trust the person you found."

"If you want to find someone from a place outside the law to come here, it's definitely not possible."

"Because a monk living in a place outside the law, no matter how strong he is, he must have accumulated a lot of negative aura in his body."

"In the land outside the law, they may still be able to control their minds, but if they enter here and get closer to the corpse, then their final result will be completely lost and even become emperor corpses."

"If you want to find someone from the real domain, you can't quench your thirst from afar."

"Even if you can successfully leave the land of detachment, leave the land of extrajudicial, wait until you find the right person you said, and then send it here, I don't know how long it will take."

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "The person I mentioned meets all the standards you said."

"And, you just met him just now!"

Gu Ling and Gu Xiu were stunned and said, "Dharma Master?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "My third senior brother, Xuanyuan Xing!"

"My third senior brother is not only a disciple of Master, but also a descendant of ancient demons, with the ability to be immortal and indestructible, and even practiced the ancient demon's exercises."

"He entered the extrajudicial land, but it has only been more than half a year, and he has hardly been affected by the negative atmosphere."

"Although my third senior brother's strength is a little weak now, under the guidance of the two of you, I think it won't take long for him to become stronger."

"Let him take the place of the original ancient demon senior, there should be no one more suitable than him!"

Jiang Yun has been thinking about how to improve the strength of the third senior brother.

Originally, he had negotiated with Ji Kongfan, and found an opportunity to kill Wu Chenzi, rob the other party of the primordial energy in his body, and give it to the third senior brother.

But because of the death of the senior brother and the second senior sister, Ji Kongfan had to bring the third senior brother back to the place outside the law.

Although there should also be physical rules here, and even in the realm of ancient rules, there may be a source of physical rules, but the three senior brothers are not allowed to enter.

However, I didn't expect that Gu Ling and Gu Xiu would need someone to make up enough three people with them to continue to sit here.

In particular, the two also mastered the complete ancient demon cultivation technique, which can just help the third senior brother to improve his strength.

Therefore, letting the third senior brother enter this space is really the best choice.

Jiang Yun didn't care too much about whether the strength of the third senior brother could increase quickly.

The most important thing is that here, it is absolutely safe!

If it is possible, Jiang Yundu wants to wait until the dream domain is taken back, and send it here, so that the dream domain creatures will no longer have to live in fear.

Hearing that Jiang Yun recommended his third senior brother, Gu Ling and Gu Xiu couldn't help looking at each other.

To be honest, although they did see Xuanyuan Xing just now, they just swept away and didn't pay attention at all.

There is no reason for him.

Compared to Jiang Yun, who has the aura of ancient times, and Ji Kongfan, who is the master of the law, Xuanyuan Xingwei really has no sense of existence.

However, Jiang Yun's description of Xuanyuan Xing made the two of them interested.

Gu Xiuwei pondered and nodded and said, "If what you said is true, then there is no one who is more suitable to sit here than Xuanyuan Xing.

Gu Ling also continued: "Well, you bring your third senior brother here first, let us see!"

Jiang Yun said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem, but the array here is damaged, can the array in the extrajudicial land still enter here?"

"Yes!" Gu Ling replied: "That pattern is the function of one-way teleportation, and it has nothing to do with our pattern here."

"As long as it's not damaged, it can be used."

"However, you must remember that after you are sure you don't need that pattern, you must destroy it so that no one else knows about it."

Jiang Yun knew very well that the other person in the other's mouth was referring to Ji Kongfan!

The array map is in the world of the master of the law, and the world of the master of the law is covered with dense lines of extrajudicial gods. Except for the master of the law, no one can approach it, which is extremely safe.

"Okay!" Although Jiang Yun wouldn't be on guard against Ji Kongfan, he didn't want to waste time. He explained to the two that Ji Kongfan was equally trustworthy, so he simply agreed.

"As long as I successfully enter the extrajudicial land, I will immediately take my third senior brother and come back here."

"Now, can you two send me into the realm of ancient rules?"

"Of course!" Gu Ling and Gu Xiu immediately took the lead in walking towards the realm of Gu Ze, followed by Jiang Yun.

The entrance to the realm of ancient rules is a golden ring about the size of a zhang.

Through the hollow in the middle of the ring, you can clearly see the situation inside.

Gu Ling and Gu Xiu, one left and one right, stood on both sides of the ring, stretched out their hands, and pressed gently towards the middle of the ring.


This originally transparent hollowed-out part suddenly had one after another of runes, which began to emerge one after another, and lighted up.

In just one breath, the rune had formed a large net, covering the hollow part of the ring.

At this time, Gu Ling said: "These runes disappear after a while, and you can enter them."

"I want to remind you a few more words, your purpose is to find the exit to leave, and don't try to hit the corpse."

"At the same time, be careful of the source of Gu Ze and the negative aura."

"If you still can't find the exit, then go back the same way, and we'll pick you up!"

This is Gu Ling's consideration for Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun also nodded gently.

Although Gu Ling didn't think that Jiang Yun would really listen to his own words, but now, he can only choose to trust Jiang Yun.

"get ready!"

With Gu Ling's violent shout, a powerful force burst out from the bodies of him and Gu Xiu at the same time, following their palms and spreading to the rune net.

All the runes, together with the light released, began to disappear quickly again.

This time, the time will be slower, and after about three breaths, the runes will all disappear.

And the voices of Gu Ling and Gu Xiu also sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "Fast forward!"

Jiang Yun took one step without hesitation, and as expected, he stepped into the realm of ancient rules without any hindrance!

Entering the realm of ancient rules, Jiang Yun did not rush to look around, but turned around first and found that the golden ring still existed behind him, and he could also see Gu Xiu and Gu Ling who were watching him.

However, although the distance between himself and them is close at hand, they can clearly feel that there is an invisible barrier between them, and they cannot hear their voices.

Jiang Yun naturally knew that this was because he and they were already in different spaces.

Holding a fist towards the two of them, Jiang Yun turned around and looked at the realm of Gu Zezhi in front of him.

Outside the ring, Gu Ling and Gu Xiu watched Jiang Yun's back, and Gu Ling said softly, "Tell me, will he really run to hit the corpse?"

Gu Xiu shook his head and said, "Probably not."

"Besides, even if he wanted to hit the corpse, he couldn't do anything."

"Don't forget, that corpse is not affected by any force at all."

"That's true!" Gu Ling nodded first, but then shook his head and said, "But I always have a bad premonition."

Gu Xiu stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Then you can watch him here. I will continue to repair the map."

"In case he can't find an exit in the realm of ancient rules, he will still have to leave the map at that time."

"I hope he can quickly find the exit and find the ancient demon!"

"This time, the ancient demon has gone too far!"

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