The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6587: Motokatsu Sannaka, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The words of the corpse made Jiang Yun's eyes light up.

Although he didn't know the origin of the corpse, but the other party could say the word "Dao Nian", it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to guess that the other party's understanding of Dao Xiu was at least far better than his own. All Taoist.

Jiang Yun suspected that the corpse was most likely from a wider and more advanced world outside the real domain, just like that Pan Chaoyang.

Even, the other party may also be a Taoist cultivator, and it is a Taoist cultivator above the Supreme!

Then, with the strength and identity of the corpse, since he said that he has given himself instructions and hints since he stepped into the illusion, it should not be able to lie and deceive himself.

Therefore, Jiang Yun frowned slightly and looked around involuntarily.

Jiang Yun was immersed in enlightenment just now, and he didn't know that he almost completely collapsed this illusion.

But now, in this illusion, apart from himself, the shadow of the guardian, and these eyes, there is nothing else, and there is nothing else, so naturally there is no hint.

Jiang Yun's mind also began to carefully recall his previous experience in the illusion.

Because he guessed from the beginning that he had entered the illusion, in order to speculate the purpose of the corpse, he carefully observed the entire illusion and everyone in the illusion, but did not find anything special.

After a while, Jiang Yun shook his head, looked into his eyes and said, "Junior is stupid, I really didn't find the hints and instructions given by senior, and I asked senior to express it!"

Those eyes stared at Jiang Yun coldly and did not speak again.

However, beside Jiang Yun, three figures suddenly appeared.

It is three!

At this moment, the three statues still maintained the state they were in when time stopped passing, with either anger or grief on their faces, standing in front of Jiang Yun, motionless.

Seeing that the corpse actually made the illusion of the three reappear, Jiang Yun's face showed a look of surprise.

Three, is it the reminder the corpse gave him?

What I don't know now is the next realm of Taoism, what is it, and what does this have to do with the three gods?

Even though the three are supreme, they are not on the road of Taoism.

After their strength reached the Supreme, they, like themselves, encountered a bottleneck and could no longer move forward!

What hints are hidden on them.

Jiang Yun circled around the three statues several times, and even looked at every inch of the three statues carefully, but still couldn't find the slightest clue.

Jiang Yun wanted to ask the corpse again, but was worried that the other party would not tell him.

These powerhouses, when they talk and do things, like to play tricks and say half of their words.

Fortunately, at this time, the corpse has already taken the initiative to say: "Actually, whether it is your master of the world or your master, you have already understood the Tao to a certain extent."

"And, they also gave you, or in other words, a lot of cultivator tips."

It's good that the corpse doesn't speak. His words not only did not solve the doubts in Jiang Yun's heart, but instead made Jiang Yun's face even more shocked and puzzled.

My master has a certain degree of understanding of Tao, and I can still understand it. After all, my master can be regarded as a half Taoist cultivator.

But who is the master of this world in the mouth of the other party?

The three, or the person of the layout?

No matter who it is, is this person actually a Taoist cultivator?

Also, when did they give themselves a lot of tips for monks?

How could they possibly know what Dao Xiu's next cultivation realm is!

Jiang Yun couldn't bear it anymore, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the three statues, and said again, "Senior, are the three of them the masters of our world?"

However, the answer given by the corpse was even more ambiguous: "It is neither!"

Jiang Yun understood that it was impossible for the other party to answer him clearly.

Therefore, Jiang Yun did not continue to ask who is the master, but changed the question: "Senior, among the three of them, only Tianzun can be regarded as a Taoist."

"Earth respect and human respect are not Taoist cultivation at all."

"They can't be right, they have a certain degree of understanding!"

Tianzun can perform all the techniques that Jiang Yun is proficient in, and naturally he can be regarded as a Daoist cultivator.

But the other two are definitely not.

If Earth Venerable and Human Venerable really had an understanding of Tao, then they wouldn't be in a hurry to attack the Dream Realm and look for Jiang Yun.

The corpse was silent for a while and then said, "I misunderstood what I meant, your master, and the ruler of your world, did not understand the Tao..."

Having said that, the corpse paused for a moment, as if sorting out its own language.

"It's just that I already have some understanding of how to transcend the cultivation method of this world."

"However, their comprehension is not enough to allow them to truly leave this world!"

Jiang Yun understood the meaning of the other party's words. In the other party's view, Dao Xiu should be a way of cultivation that can transcend this world.

Therefore, he will express the wrong meaning the first time.

And this is more and more proof that the other party must be a Taoist cultivator who has achieved transcendence!

It's just that my master and the masters, including the corpse, gave me a hint, what exactly is it?

The corpse seemed to be a little dissatisfied with Jiang Yun's stupidity, and his tone became even colder: "Have you ever heard of the saying that Dao gives birth to one, one life to two, two to three, and three to all things?"

Jiang Yun nodded.

Although he didn't know who this sentence originated from, he had heard it more than once.

"Then tell me, how do you understand this sentence!"

Jiang Yun hesitated for a moment and said, "Tao creates one, one creates two, two creates three, and three creates all things, then in reverse, all things combine three, three combine two, two combine one, one combines Tao!"

The corpse then asked, "Then how did you do that?"

Jiang Yun thought about it seriously for a while and said, "I just merged all the Taos that I have mastered and turned them into the Tao of protection that I pursue."

The corpse's voice suddenly increased: "Fart!"

These two words, like a thunderous explosion, shook Jiang Yun's body and blood surged.

The corpse continued to yell: "Your understanding is correct, but your approach is wrong!"

"The three people in front of you, they are the three who create all things!"

"The exercises your master taught you, and the huge figure behind you, is one of the three middle schools!"

"Also, the realm of Taoism you set yourself is all bullshit!"

As these words fell, the eyes of the corpse suddenly closed, and the voice stopped sounding, as if it was really angry.

However, Jiang Yun didn't have time to pay attention to the reaction of the corpse at all, but stared deeply at the three statues!

The three are the three of the three things!

The Tao is unique, two in one life, and yin and yang, and three represent the three talents.

Three talents, people from heaven and earth!

Could it be that the next realm of Taoism is the realm of three talents?

"No, it's not the Three Talents Realm!"

"There is also one of the three middle schools, one of the three middle schools. Does it refer to people? Humanity?"

"From my apprenticeship to the present, the exercises that my master taught me, apart from the Nine Sacrifice to Heaven, the Ancient Four Vessels and the Dao Ruins, are the only human ways!"

"My guardian figure is also a human being."

"Yes, one of the three middle schools is one of the three talents, which is a human being. The next realm is the human realm!"

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