The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6619: Di Zun sells badly, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although there is an open and secret battle between the three, as the most powerful three in the real domain, in order to deal with possible crises, they all have techniques that can be directly linked to each other.

At this moment, as soon as the voice of the Earth Venerable fell, the voices of the Heavenly Venerate and the Human Venerable already sounded in his ears: "What good news?"

Di Zun's consciousness swept around, and after confirming that there were no other people in a certain area, he calmly said: "Not long ago, I met a person who was able to open that door!"

If anyone else heard this sentence, they would be at a loss, but the voices of the two gods sounded at the same time again: "Who!"

Obviously, they all know that the door that Di Zun said is a space with a high mountain.

Di Zun suddenly sighed leisurely and said, "My power is already weaker than the two of you."

"Now, the world that I have worked so hard to build and the many monks I have cultivated have all vanished. Thinking about it makes me feel bad!"

This time, the voices of Tianzun and Renzun did not sound immediately, but after a moment of silence, Tianzun smiled and said: "This is not simple, the end of the earth is gone, you can create another one."

"The monk is gone, I'll give you some."

"Later, I will have people select 10,000 reincarnation cultivators and 1,000 great emperors, erase the imprint of my rules in their souls, and go to your place."

"From now on, they belong to you!"

Renzun also said immediately: "Brother Dizun, you know, our situation is similar, and my power is not as good as before."

"Man, I can't send it, I can only send you some cultivation resources."

The three, they are all strong men who have become refined.

Tianzun and Renzun know very well that Dizun is deliberately selling out at this moment, nothing more than because the loss in the dream realm is too heavy, so he wants to make some compensation from the two of them.

If the Earth Venerable opened his mouth and asked for it directly, the Heaven and Human Venerables would not pay attention at all, but the news about the monk who could open the door was something that the two Venerable Venerables must know at all costs.

Therefore, Tianzun gives people, people give things, and, in their identities, giving people and things to the earth is not the best, and it will definitely not be bad. It gives some compensation to the earth.

After getting the reply from the two gods, the earth **** showed a smile on his face and said, "I'm so sorry."

"However, I really need it, and the two of you are so kind, so I can only be disrespectful!"

His goal was achieved, and Di Zun didn't give a shit, and continued: "The person I met is from outside the realm."

"His strength is equivalent to the pseudo-respect of the real domain."

"However, he called me a cultivator of the realm, and said he was a cultivator of the human realm."

"This person's name is Ji Wang, and his appearance is ordinary, but his entire body, except for his head, is covered with a strange black tattoo-like rune."

"Those lines can be condensed into avatars, and they also have the strength of pseudo-respect."

"I have taken him to that space and watched him shake the invisible barrier there with his own runes."

"I originally wanted to keep him by my side, but he said there were other important things."

"Moreover, he is just a clone, and there is a powerful family behind him. There are many threats to me in his words, and I don't want to have bad relations with him, so I can only let him leave."

"As for where he is now, I don't know."

As Di Zun completed the description of Jiang Yun, Tian Zun's voice followed: "Di Zun, according to your character, logically speaking, you should try to hide this person so that we don't know."

"Now, how come you have become so generous, and you even took the initiative to tell us?"

Although Ren Zun did not speak, he also had the same doubts in his heart.

Di Zun sighed again and said, "This time is different from what it used to be."

"My world has been destroyed. Even if I want to hide that person, there is nowhere to hide."

"What's more, that space is related to whether we can break through to the supreme, whether we can leave the real domain and go to a higher world."

"And the situation in that space is extremely unfamiliar to us, we don't know what it is like!"

"After going through this incident, I'm not afraid of your two jokes. I have no confidence in my own strength."

"I would like to enter that lofty mountain alone, but I am more afraid that I will die there, so I will tell you the news of this person, and I hope we can go there together."

Earth Venerable's explanation can only be said to be half-truth!

The real reason why he decided to tell the other two about Jiang Yun was because Jiang Yun had already left the far realm and left his surveillance.

And Jiang Yun, whether it is his appearance or the aura he exudes, is extremely conspicuous.

Once you travel in the real realm, even if you change your appearance, as long as you make a move, you will soon be known by the two gods.

Therefore, the Earth Venerable thought about it, and it is better to take the initiative to say it now, not only can he take the opportunity to ask for some benefits from the two gods, but also the two respect him.

Do more than one thing!

Although the two gods also understand that the words of the gods cannot be completely believed, but they cannot refute the explanation given by him.

One of the three dignified nobles, he took so many strong men to the dreamland and the land outside the law. Not only was the entire army annihilated, but he was also forced to destroy his base camp with his own hands.

This will be somewhat of a blow to the Earth Venerable.

Especially Heavenly Venerate, he knows clearly that Earth Venerable's clone and his subordinates died in a place outside the law, but died in the dream domain, died in the hands of Jiang Yun in the last reincarnation.

Even dealing with a mere dream domain has paid such a huge price. In the face of the mysterious space that even the three of them cannot open together, it is normal that the Earth Venerable does not dare to go alone.

Tianzun said: "Okay, Dizun, you don't have to deliberately sell miserably there, and quickly restore the end of the earth."

"I will send someone to inquire about the whereabouts of that extraterritorial cultivator. Once there is news, I will naturally notify you!"

Earth Zun nodded and said, "The two of you, I only have one request, that is, no matter who finds that Ji Wang, when we enter that space, the three of us must be together."

After finishing the communication with the two gods, the goddess did not rush to restore the horizon, but stood in place and pondered.

After a while, a dignified expression gradually appeared on his face: "Who took away the last piece of True Domain luck?"

Di Zun sent Jiang Yun to Diyuan Realm, and the reason why he has only come back to Di Ya is because he went to Haiyan again and entered the land of luck, and wanted to take away the last bit of real luck.

But he never imagined that the last bit of luck was gone.

And the spirit of luck didn't tell him anything, which made him a little troubled and worried.

Whoever can obtain the luck of the true domain, it means that there is a possibility of becoming an honorable person.

To become a venerable does not necessarily mean that he will become the fourth supreme, but it is possible to replace one of the current three!

"It's useless to think about this now. People who have obtained luck are protected by luck, and no one can know it. There is nowhere to find them, no traces to be found."

"All I can do is to try my best to ensure that my remaining luck is not lost!"

Shaking his head, Di Zun put away all his thoughts, finally turned his eyes to the ruins of Di Ya in front of him, waved his sleeves, and began to rebuild Di Ya.

At the same time, in the residence of Tianzun, Tianzun frowned slightly and said to himself: "There is another monk from outside the territory, which means that it is another variable, and it is still a huge variable."

"Since Jiang Yun escaped from the last reincarnation, there have been more and more variables in this game."

"If we continue, there is a real possibility of being broken!"

"This time, no matter what, I have to find that non-territorial monk and solve this variable before Earth Venerable and Human Venerable!"

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