The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6626: Find Jiang Yun, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Liu Yingfan was really attentive to the task that Tianzun gave him.

It is no exaggeration to say that she has already engraved Jiang Yun's appearance in her mind.

Therefore, even though the figure is extremely blurred and the body is tightly wrapped under the time reversal at this moment, Liu Yingfan can still tell at a glance that the other person is the person he is looking for.

Qiaoyan on the side was stunned when she saw Jiang Yun's blurred figure.

Just now Liu Yingfan said that her memory had been erased, she still didn't believe it, but she didn't expect that a strong man had really come here, robbed her storage magic tool, and erased her own. memory.

This made her angry at the same time, but also very curious, she couldn't help but asked Liu Yingfan: "Master Liu, who is this person?"

Because she lost the storage tool, Qiaoyan was worried that she would be punished with respect, so now she found that it was not lost by herself, but taken away by others, naturally she wanted to catch the other party, or tell the other party's news Respectful thoughts.

But she forgot that Liu Yingfan came to look for this person with such a big fanfare. Now that he has finally found the trace of the other party, how can he let this news leak out.

Especially this Qiaoyan, or Ren Zun's subordinate.

Therefore, after Liu Yingfan glanced at Qiaoyan, he chose to do the same as Jiang Yun, erasing the memory of Qiaoyan seeing him again...

Looking at Qiaoyan who was unconscious, Liu Yingfan ignored her and pointed at the wicker that was still slowly spinning in the air.

The wicker suddenly stopped rotating, and its length suddenly shortened, becoming straight, passing through Jiang Yun's blurred figure, and flew out directly in one direction.

Jiang Yun's figure dissipated immediately, and Liu Yingfan followed closely behind Liu Tiao and walked away.

Poor Qiaoyan, her memory was wiped from her soul twice in a row, especially Liu Yingfan's shot, without the slightest scruples, hurt her soul even more, making her cultivation in this life impossible to improve.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, although it has been a day since he left Lanqing Island, the distance he has walked is only tens of thousands of miles away.

Looking for the special rune of Yanji Pavilion on the island is very simple for Jiang Yun.

He doesn't even need to set foot on the island, he just needs to stand in the air and sweep it over with his divine sense.

Among the large and small forces occupying these islands, not to mention the pseudo-zun and the true-order great emperor, even the extreme-order great emperor is pitiful, unable to detect Jiang Yun's arrival at all.

Seeing the strength of these cultivators, Jiang Yundu doubted for a while whether they were hiding their true cultivation.

It wasn't until later that he realized that, in fact, this is the real strength of the real domain.

The reason why I think they are too weak is because after I step into the real realm, I have come into contact with the top forces.

First came the primordial forces, then the primordial spirit, then the Yao Yuanzong, and finally the Earth Venerable!

They are the behemoths of the real realm, so they can have a large number of real emperors, ancient emperors and pseudo-respects.

And if he wants to compete with them, even if he can take the Yanji Pavilion as his own, there is still a long way to go.

What's more, there is the most important point, the rule imprint of the three statues.

Although the strength of the big and small forces of Jihai is not strong at all, as long as they are great emperors, they all have the imprint of the rules left by the three in their bodies.

Don't look at them, they seem to be able to occupy a corner of the world and live freely, but that's because the three statues didn't use them.

Once the three emperors use them, they only need to think about it. All the great emperors must obediently go to the corresponding supreme camp automatically.

The great emperors have joined the supreme camp, so their relatives and friends, even if they are not the great emperors, definitely need to follow them.

In short, the three masters' control over the entire real domain can really be said to be leak-proof, making it difficult for others to get a share of the real domain.

Therefore, the biggest obstacle in front of Jiang Yun is not to take the Yanji Pavilion as his own, but to erase the imprint of the rules of the three statues.

Only if a monk can have a free body, can he truly dare to fight against the three gods.

In fact, there are naturally ways to erase the imprint of the rules.

As long as they are both supreme, they can do it.

But Jiang Yun didn't know at all when the last six people in his dream realm would have such strength.

Therefore, Jiang Yun came all the way, in addition to looking for clues of Yanji Pavilion, he has also been carefully observing the imprints in the body of each great emperor, thinking about how to erase the imprints of the three rules!

Even, while the great emperors are not paying attention, he will quietly appear in front of the other party, bring the other party into a dream, and use various methods to try to erase their imprint of the rules.

At this moment, Jiang Yun is standing above an unknown island.

This island is not only large, there are hundreds of monks, and the strongest among them is only a great emperor.

An island with weak strength and few monks like this is the best target for Jiang Yun to try.

Jiang Yun stared at the great emperor, took a step forward, and stood directly in front of the other party. Ten rays of light flashed in his eyes, and he easily fell into a dream.

Then, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and gently touched the other's forehead. Several extrajudicial divine lines had flowed into the other's soul along his fingers.

Because the negative aura emanating from the corpse can affect the rules of the three statues, Jiang Yun is now trying the most method, which is to send the extrajudicial divine runes condensed from the negative aura into the emperor's body to see if it can work. Completely replace the rule imprint.

However, the extrajudicial divine pattern had too much influence on the monks, and Jiang Yun didn't want to hurt these great emperors who had no grievances with him.

Therefore, every time he sent the number of extrajudicial divine patterns into the opponent's soul, he strictly controlled it.

But the several great emperors he met were not only too weak, but also weak in spirit.

Even if Jiang Yun used dreams to help them magnify their minds, they would not be able to hold on for too long, and would soon be affected by the extrajudicial divine runes.

Once this happens, Jiang Yun must stop trying and leave.

Looking at the great emperor in front of him, his expression was always calm, Jiang Yun said softly: "I hope you can hold on for a while!"

Next, Jiang Yun's divine consciousness naturally submerged into the opponent's soul, and began to manipulate the extrajudicial divine runes to cover the imprint of the rules.

At this time, a wicker appeared above the island.

The wicker fell down, just pointing to where Jiang Yun was!

Just seeing Liu Yingfan's figure stepping out of nothingness, his consciousness has also seen Jiang Yun who is closing his eyes and motionless below.

Although Jiang Yun also has a sense of consciousness and is always wandering around, there is clearly something on Liu Yingfan's body that can hide the breath, so that Jiang Yun did not notice her arrival at all.

Liu Yingfan looked at Jiang Yun with a proud smile on his face.

Tianzun explained to her this task, so far, less than ten days have passed, and she has found Jiang Yun!

Now, as long as she informs Jiang Yun, she will be a great success.

However, Liu Yingfan has always been ambitious.

Compared to telling the master about Jiang Yun's news, the master came to arrest the other party himself, and the credit for catching the other party and bringing it to the master is higher!

Therefore, Liu Yingfan quietly reached out, grabbed the wicker stick, and raised it high!

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