The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6673: re-entry whale belly, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Seeing the sudden change in Jiang Yun's complexion, the Taikoo Array Spirit asked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Yun's complexion returned to normal in an instant, and he said with a smile: "It's nothing, Senior Array Spirit, I'm leaving, and then I'll meet the owner of this array map!"

Re-sensing his own split soul made Jiang Yun more certain that he should have been the pavilion master who spoke to himself before, using some special means to block the induction between himself and the split soul.

Regardless of whether Pavilion Master Yanji knows that her soul is hidden in her base camp, it has only been a few days now. With her cautious character, since she dares to put away special means, it is enough. It means that she is no longer worried that she will go to his base camp again.

Even Jiang Yun guessed that the other party may have set up a net in the base camp, waiting for his arrival.

In order to prevent the other party from hiding the base camp of Yanji Pavilion, Jiang Yun must go as soon as possible, solve the other party as soon as possible, and recover Yanji Pavilion!

Although the Primordial Array Spirit did not know the existence of the Yanji Pavilion, he heard that Jiang Yun was going to meet the master of the Array, and he did not ask any further questions. He immediately nodded and said, "Okay, shall we leave now?"

"We?" Jiang Yun was slightly startled and said, "Senior want to go with me?"

"Of course!" The ancient array spirit nodded and said, "I haven't had time to find out how to decipher this array."

"You went. If you are trapped in the array by the other party again, no one will help."

"I'll go with you. When the time comes, you can deal with other things, just leave the array to me."

The words of the ancient array spirit moved Jiang Yun's heart.

The other party didn't even know who he was dealing with, where he was going, and whether there was any danger, so he wanted to accompany him, thinking of helping him decipher the pattern.

Moreover, I can also see that the Primordial Spirit Formation is purely trying to help me, without any other purpose.

However, since Pavilion Master Yanji may have set up a net of heaven and earth, he has seen his own strength, and he has the confidence to deal with himself, then there will definitely be pseudo-respected powerhouses.

With the ancient array spirit, it is possible to implicate her.

After all, her strength lies only in her formation.

In addition, Jiang Yun does not want to let the spirit of the ancient times know about the existence of Yanji Pavilion for the time being.

Therefore, Jiang Yun shook his head with a smile and said, "Senior's kindness, I have received it."

"However, this is my private matter, so I won't bother seniors to help."

The Primordial Formation Spirit stretched out his finger and pointed at the formation map: "Then what if you are trapped in the formation again?"

"You said it yourself, you can't bear to hurt those monks who have runes in their bodies. In this case, your situation will be more passive."

Jiang Yun's eyes also looked at the array map and said: "Don't worry, I have other ways, maybe I can break the formation without involving those monks."

"Okay, senior, thank you for your help and guidance over the past few days, I'll take my leave first."

"If there is a chance in the future, I will come back to the senior to ask the question about the formation."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun clasped his fist at the Taikoo array spirit and said, "Please also ask the seniors to send me away!"

The ancient array spirit also saw that Jiang Yun really didn't want to follow him.

After hesitating for a while, she nodded and said, "Since that's the case, I won't insist, so be careful yourself."

The voice fell, and the ancient array spirit had already waved his sleeves and sent Jiang Yun out of his own space.

Once again in the boundary sea, Jiang Yun carefully sensed the position of his split soul, and without hesitation, he immediately unfolded his movements and rushed towards the place where the split soul was.

Although the split soul is still in a state of movement, Jiang Yun is gratified that at least the connection between himself and the split soul has not been disconnected anymore.

However, the location of the split soul is a little far away from Jiang Yun.

Under Jiang Yun's all-out rush, two days have passed, and there is still half of the distance.

Just when Jiang Yun was about to move on, the light of the message jade slip lit up on his body.

Who will contact you at this time?

Jiang Yun's figure kept moving, and he took out the communication jade slip, and the voice of the ancient spirit came from it: "Jiang Yun, are you in danger now?"

"No!" Jiang Yun replied, "I haven't reached my destination yet."

"That's good, that's good!" Taikoo Formation said with relief: "I'm afraid it's too late."

"Although I haven't completely broken the pattern, I have found several key positions."

"These positions are equivalent to the formation of the formation."

"As long as you can destroy these key positions, not to mention completely breaking the formation, it is enough to stop the formation for a short time."

"You are thinking about the complete pattern in your mind now, you should be able to remember it, I will tell you a few locations!"

Hearing the hasty words of the Primordial Spirit Formation, Jiang Yun couldn't help but slow down, even stopped and listened quietly.

It was only then that he opened his mouth and said, "I remember the complete pattern, senior please tell me."

"Okay, with the part of the array you arranged as the center, you look to the east, about three thousand feet laterally, there is a pattern shaped like a tower, do you see it?"

"Remember this location."

In this way, the Primordial Array Spirit pointed out to Jiang Yun in detail the key positions of the seven arrays she had discovered.

After confirming that Jiang Yunzhen had completely written it down, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, it's alright, take care of yourself, just contact me if you need any help from me."

Jiang Yun nodded and said softly, "Thank you, senior!"

These four words have become the four words that Jiang Yun has spoken the most in this period of time.

Although he didn't want to say thank you, apart from that, he really didn't know how to thank the ancient spirits for everything they had done for him.

It took four days to complete the array map, and after she refused to accompany her, she spent another two days to find the key position to decipher the array map.

This is naturally a great kindness for me.

"After the Yanji Pavilion is recovered, I should bring the ancient spirit into the base camp of Yanji Pavilion."

"The base camp of Yanji Pavilion can be said to be as safe as a place outside the law."

"Even if the three want to be detrimental to them, they won't be able to find them for a while."

Yanji Pavilion has existed for such a long time, it is impossible not to leak a trace.

But even so, it can always be safe and sound, which is enough to prove the safety of the base camp.

Putting away the communication jade slip, after another day passed, Jiang Yun finally came to the vicinity of the soul-splitting location, still in the depths of the sea of ​​​​Jiehai.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Yun dived directly into the deep sea, and soon saw the hundred-zhang-sized whale swimming happily in the sea.

Naturally, there are still a lot of Forgotten Marks painted on the whale's body.

Looking at the whale, Jiang Yun said to himself, "You haven't even changed your hiding place. It seems that you are really well prepared."

When the words fell, Jiang Yun was already standing on the whale, and when the whale opened its mouth, he got into the whale's body.

Along the way, Jiang Yun was ready to be ambushed.

Unexpectedly, it came to that vortex without any hindrance.

"Today, I can finally verify my true strength now."

This time, Jiang Yun didn't turn into the corpse again, just stepped into the base camp of Yanji Pavilion with his original appearance!


With the sound of trembling, more than one million Forgotten Seals have appeared in front of Jiang Yun's eyes, overwhelming the sky!

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