The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6706: Rule imprint, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The three guardians appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

After Jiang Yun motioned them to sit down, he reached out and randomly arranged a simple isolation formation to isolate the four of them from the outside world.

This made the three guardians look at each other, not understanding what Jiang Yun was doing.

Jiang Yun looked at the three of them and said straight to the point: "How much do you know about the imprint of the rules of the three?"

Feng Nianhua hired these three as Dharma protectors. Although the names given to them were indeed a bit domineering, the attribution of the imprint of the rules in the three bodies also corresponded to their respective positions.

The imprint of the rules in the body of the guardian of the gods, Du Ruoxian, belongs to the gods.

The imprint of the rules in Wenrentianyi's body is respected by humans.

And Feng Nianyi's imprint of the rules is respected by the earth.

Although Feng Beiling and Feng Nianhua were originally from the Human Respect Domain, Feng Nianyi was Feng Beiling's disciple in Jiehai.

When Feng Beiling left, Feng Nianyi was not even the Great Emperor. After he became the Great Emperor, for some unknown reason, the imprint of the Earth Venerable's rules was left in his body.

And although Jiang Yun knew about the existence of the three rule marks for a long time, he didn't know anything about it, even the process of obtaining the rule mark, etc., so now I want to ask these three for advice.

Du Ruoxian first said: "Pavilion Master, we all know a little bit about the rules of the three statues, but your question is too general. What do you want to know?"

Jiang Yun thought for a while and said, "Then let me talk about it first, how exactly did this imprint of the rules get into your body?"

"Three kinds of imprints of the rules, which imprint did you get, did you choose by yourself, or did the three forcibly require it?"

Du Ruoxian said with a smile: "The imprint of the rules is formed by the power of the calamity and a certain supreme rule entering our bodies after we successfully passed the Great Emperor Tribulation."

"In principle, we can choose which supreme imprint to obtain."

"The method of choice is also very simple. You just need to enter the corresponding Supreme Realm and go to the Great Emperor Tribulation."

Jiang Yun nodded clearly.

He had known for a long time that the monks in the real realm, from the moment they were born, would face the hidden difficulties of the three statues and make various choices.

Only after going through many trials can one become a great emperor.

If you want to become a great emperor, you must go through the great emperor tribulation.

And all the calamities in the real realm are also from the hands of the three gods.

Since the three are three-thirds of the true domain, naturally they can only cast a catastrophe within their own territory.

However, Jiang Yun asked a little puzzled: "What does it mean to be able to choose by yourself in principle?"

This time, Feng Nianyi replied, "Because of balance!"

"Among the three, Tianzun has the best character, and the environment of Tianzunyu is the most peaceful, while the environment of Humanzunyu is the worst, with many battles and chaos."

"Then for most monks, they naturally want to go to Tianzun's domain, become Tianzun's subordinates, and be sheltered by Tianzun."

"But if this is the case, everyone will go to the Tianzun domain. Over time, the power of the Tianzun will inevitably be the dominant one, far exceeding the earth and human beings."

"Therefore, in order to ensure the balance between the forces of the three, the three have reached a consensus."

"After the number of great emperors in Tianzun reaches a certain number, if there are cultivators who go to Tianzun's realm and want to transcend the emperor's calamity, they will be prohibited from entering by Tianzun, and they can only go to Earthzun or Human Zun's realm."

This is beyond Jiang Yun's expectations. Unexpectedly, in order to ensure that the three are evenly matched with each other, even the number of monks crossing the emperor's robbery has achieved this level of balance.

Jiang Yun then asked: "Do the monks in the realm sea also need to go to the three realms?"

"No!" Du Ruoxian shook his head and said, "Jiehai seems to be independent, but in fact, it is also divided among the three."

"Simply put, in the air and sea water of the boundary sea, there are three rules everywhere."

"Jiehai cultivator crossing the Great Emperor Tribulation will, according to his own specific conditions, such as the strength of cultivation, and which Supreme is similar, will trigger the corresponding rules of a certain Supreme, thus bringing down the Heavenly Tribulation."

"In short, as long as it is a cultivator who crosses the Great Emperor Tribulation in the real domain, in the end, because of the balance maintained by the three statues, there will be a certain Supreme Rule imprint in the body."

Jiang Yun nodded. In short, the three masters' control of the real domain has reached the level of watertightness, and they can indeed ensure that every great emperor is under their control.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Yun suddenly returned to his original appearance and said, "Three, I want to feel the three imprints of the rules in your body."

After Jiang Yun's request made the three look at each other again, Du Ruoxian lowered his voice and asked, "Pavilion Master, don't you want to try to erase the imprint of the rules of the three statues?"

The three of them are the strengths of the ancient emperors, and their vision is very high. Naturally, it is not difficult to guess what Jiang Yun wants to do through Jiang Yun's mysterious actions.

Since it was broken, Jiang Yun did not hide it, nodded and said: "Yes, I said, my goal is to compete with the three."

"If I don't erase the rules of the three statues, then even if I can become the supreme, I am still not the opponent of the three."

"The three of you can rest assured. I'm just looking at it now. Before I'm absolutely sure, I won't act rashly to erase the imprint of the rules in your body."

Although Haotian, who came from outside the realm, reminded Jiang Yun that the rule imprint of the three statues was related to luck, but Jiang Yun still had no clue as to how to erase the rule imprint of the three statues.

Now, he just wants to use his appearance and the same luck he has on himself to see if he can find something on top of the rules of the three statues.

For this request made by Jiang Yun, the three guardians did not refuse.

Although they admit that Jiang Yun's strength is indeed stronger than themselves and others, and they are willing to follow Jiang Yun, they do not believe that Jiang Yun really has the strength to erase the imprint of the three rules.

Therefore, letting Jiang Yun feel it has no effect.

"Pavilion Master, just look at the imprint of the rules of the Heavenly Venerate in my body first!"

Du Ruoxian said to Jiang Yun with a charming smile: "If the pavilion master can really erase the imprint of the rules of Tianzun, then Du Ruoxian has nothing to repay, and can only promise with his body."

In the face of Du Ruoxian's always making such ambiguous jokes, Jiang Yun said, "I have a wife!"

Du Ruoxian said with a smile, "I don't mind being a concubine!"

Jiang Yun was really too lazy to care about her, so he directly infiltrated the consciousness of the other party's body, found the imprint of the rules of Tianzun, and observed it.

In fact, after Jiang Yun obtained the last bit of luck in the real domain, he only felt the luck once.

It was when he went to the Kui Yao clan and almost wiped out the Kui Yao clan, he felt the power of luck pouring into his body.

That is the luck that belongs to the Earth Venerable.

It also made him understand that only people with luck can take away the luck of others.

In addition to this, luck cannot be seen or sensed at all.

Sure enough, Jiang Yun searched carefully for a long time in the imprint of the Heavenly Venerate rules in Du Ruoxian's body, but did not notice the slightest luck.

After taking back his consciousness, Jiang Yun's eyes turned to Wen Ren Tianyi again.

When he was in Jiehai before, Jiang Yun had been studying the imprint of the rules of Ren Zun, and he was relatively familiar with it, so he sent his consciousness into Wen Ren Tianyi's body.

As a result, still nothing.

This made Jiang Yun a little disappointed, and he secretly said in his heart: "Haotian said that the rule imprint of the three statues is not based on the rules or strength of the three statues, but the luck of this world."

"But in the imprint of the rules, I can't even sense the luck, how can I erase their imprint of the rules!"

While thinking about it, Jiang Yun sent his divine sense into Feng Nianyi's body, and looked at the seal of the rules of Di Zun.

At a glance, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly widened, and his face showed surprise!

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