The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6713: plotting what, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although Liu Yingfan's voice was not loud, every word was clearly heard in Jiang Yun's ears, which made Jiang Yun suddenly stop.

As the first disciple of Tianzun, it is not surprising that Liu Yingfan knows some secrets of Tianzun.

But Liu Yingfan did not mention other secrets of Tianzun, but mentioned what Tianzun and Taigu Bu Ling were conspiring, but it made Jiang Yun interested.

Because, Taigu Bu Ling, and the other three spirits, had already set off for the land outside the law as early as a year ago.

If Tianzun is conspiring with Taikoo Buling within this year, it means that Tianzun has seen Taikoo Buling.

But the Taikoo Buling who is now in the real realm is not the deity, but a clone.

Not only Bu Ling, but also the other three spirits.

Moreover, the four of them have also personally admitted that their clones are responsible for daily affairs, and there will be no revealing, but if they encounter three, they will inevitably be exposed.

When Tianzun saw the clone of Taikoo Bu Ling, did he not recognize that the other party was just a clone, and he was conspiring with the other party?

If Tianzun had seen Taikoo Buling a year ago, no matter what the conspiracy was, why did Taikoo Buling not mention a word when he went to the land outside the law!

These thoughts came to Jiang Yun's mind immediately after hearing Liu Yingfan's words.

He also faintly realized that if what Liu Yingfan said was true, then something must have happened in the middle.

It was a matter that Tianzun and Taigu Buling participated, and that he and Ji Kongfan and others did not know.

Therefore, Jiang Yun stood in front of Liu Yingfan again.

However, Jiang Yun did not directly ask what Tianzun and Taigu Bu Ling were conspiring, but asked blankly, "Why did you tell me this news?"

Jiang Yun's current name is Ji Wang, an outsider monk.

As for the news about Tianzun and Taigu Bu Ling mentioned by Liu Yingfan, the person who is really interested should be Jiang Yun.

Therefore, Jiang Yun wondered if Liu Yingfan already knew that he was Jiang Yun.

Liu Yingfan was still not surprised by Jiang Yun's departure and return. He didn't even answer his question, but turned to look around and said, "We both have special identities."

"Just standing here and talking so grandly, if someone sees it, it's not good."

"Do you have any safe place?"

Jiang Yun stared deeply at Liu Yingfan, and couldn't tell for a while whether she really betrayed Tianzun, or whether she set a trap and led herself into it.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun reached out and pointed to Jie Haidao below: "Go to the depths, I have a safe place."

When the words fell, Jiang Yun took the lead and plunged into the sea of ​​boundaries.

Liu Yingfan looked at the position where Jiang Yun disappeared, and smiled proudly: "Since I dare to wait for you here, how can I do something I am not sure about."

After speaking, Liu Yingfan also jumped into the sea of ​​boundaries.

In the depths of the world, looking at Liu Yingfan who was approaching, Jiang Yun opened his mouth and spat out something that looked like light in Liu Yingfan's eyes.

Before she could see what it was, she was already in a darkness filled with a little light.

Looking around, a look of surprise appeared on Liu Yingfan's face.

Her strength is not much worse than that of Jiang Yun, and she follows Tianzun all the year round. She not only has eyesight, but also has a good vision.

Therefore, she can easily judge that the place where she is at the moment should indeed be extremely safe.

Not to mention that the three can perceive it, anyway, after her divine sense was released, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, without the slightest reaction.

This is naturally the star mark formation.

Although Jiang Yun did not open the complete array map, if someone wanted to eavesdrop on the conversation in the array, he could immediately sense it.

Jiang Yun said lightly: "Now you can say it!"

Liu Yingfan also withdrew his gaze and nodded, "Yes!"

"In the beginning, I found Taigu Divining Spirit and asked him to divination to find out your approximate whereabouts before I found you."

Liu Yingfan did not hide it, and told Jiang Yun in detail that he was being used as a bait by Tianzun.

Jiang Yun understood as soon as he heard it, Liu Yingfan's feeling was right.

Tianzun didn't know that she was Jiang Yun, and even on the contrary, she also believed that she was a monk outside the territory.

But she had a different attitude from Di Zun Ren Zun. She didn't want Di Zun Ren Zun to get help from the monks outside the territory to enter the space of high mountains and mountains, so she wanted to kill herself.

The reason why Liu Yingfan was asked to perform this task is that Tianzun's real purpose is to force out his own guardian!

Even Jiang Yun understood that Liu Yingfan also did not know that he was Jiang Yun.

She deliberately mentioned the conspiracy between Tianzun and Taigu Buling, but she wanted to tell herself that it was Buling who foresaw her whereabouts, which caused her anger and cooperated with her.

Liu Yingfan gritted his teeth and said, "Therefore, I hate Tianzun and want to take revenge on her, or even take her place."

"And it's impossible for me to do it alone, so I'm looking for you to..."

Jiang Yun waved his hand and interrupted Liu Yingfan's words: "Retaliation, cooperation, these things, we will talk about them later."

"I'm just curious now, when did Tianzun and Taigu Buling start conspiring, and what did they conspire?"

"And how did you know they were plotting!"

Even if Jiang Yun believed that Liu Yingfan really wanted to take revenge on Tianzun, she still couldn't explain what she knew about Tianzun and Bu Ling's conspiracy.

Tianzun does things, not to mention that she is not leaking, but not everyone can know her secrets.

What's more, since Tianzun is conspiring with Taigu Bu Ling, it must be a great event, and he must be careful. It is really impossible for a third person to know.

Especially Liu Yingfan!

Liu Yingfan was also a smart person, so he naturally understood what Jiang Yun meant.

She was silent for a moment before replying: "I didn't see Tianzun and Taigu Buling sitting together and conspiring with my own eyes."

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly.

What she sees is not necessarily true. If Liu Yingfan said that she heard it privately, it would be even more impossible.

Liu Yingfan continued: "Even, strictly speaking, I haven't seen Tianzun for a long time."

Jiang Yun's eyes showed a cold light, looked at Liu Yingfan and said, "This time, if I kill you again, you should not have the protection of Heavenly Venerate in your body!"

From Jiang Yun's hearing, Liu Yingfan's two sentences were clearly playing tricks on him.

I haven't even seen Tianzun, how can I know the conspiracy of Tianzun and Bu Ling!

Liu Yingfan said confidently, "Don't worry, just listen to me."

"They are not conspiracy, but their behavior is more bizarre than conspiracy."

"First of all, I want to tell you that my senses are inherently sharper."

"And after I learned that I was used as a chess piece by Tianzun, I secretly went to see Taigu Buling again."

"The reason I told him is that I still want to ask him to take action, and then divination about your whereabouts, so that I can kill you and complete the order given by the master."

"My reason, even if Tianzun knows it, can be said in the past."

"However, when I saw Taikoo Buling and said my request, I clearly felt that at that moment, Taikoo Buling's body actually exuded a breath of Heavenly Venerate!"

"Tianzun and Taigu Bu Ling, of course, cannot be the same person."

"In the body of Bu Ling, if there is the breath of Tianzun, it can only be that Tianzun will have a piece of consciousness, or a ray of soul, hiding in the body of the ancient Buling!"

"With the identity and strength of Tianzun, it is necessary to hide in the body of Taikoo Buling in this way, either to monitor Taikoo Buling, or to conspire with Taikoo Buling."

"And the six immemorial spirits do not need Tianzun to monitor at all, so it is very likely the latter."

"A Celestial Venerable, an ancient divination spirit, in this way, what I want to conspiracy, as far as I want to come, can only be related to you, an outsider monk."

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