The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6734: to your house, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

However, Jiang Yun still did not dare to relax his vigilance in the slightest, and his eyes were still fixed on the surroundings.

In the process of the centipede crawling, Jiang Yun also saw with his own eyes that the other party's body was cut open several times by the space crack that appeared suddenly.

But because its body is not solid, it can quickly recover on its own despite being cut open.

"It seems that this should be living in such an environment all the year round, so that they all have this kind of almost immortal life characteristics!"

The only thing that makes Jiang Yun more fortunate is that its head has never penetrated into the cracks in space, and its crawling speed is not slow, like the speed of lightning.

In addition, this centipede seems to have a relatively low status within this area.

Those other various monsters, when the centipede came over, would immediately take the initiative to avoid them, fleeing in all directions, not daring to approach the centipede at all.

However, Jiang Yun was not in the mood to care about these things. All his attention was focused on observing those spatial cracks.

He hopes to find the regularity of the appearance of these space cracks, even if he can sense their appearance a few breaths in advance.

After all, he couldn't stay on this centipede forever.

Moreover, he has also communicated with the centipede many times, hoping that the centipede can send himself to the location of the teleportation array, or send it back to the Guantian Palace.

It's a pity that although this centipede is not weaker than the real emperor at all, it does not have too smart sanity.

Jiang Yun finally gave up the communication with the centipede and let the centipede take him away. After the centipede took him to a safe place, he summoned the cloud ghost and asked him clearly.

As the centipede moved forward, the spatial cracks and various strange creatures, although still visible, gradually decreased in number.

It seems that the direction of the centipede should be a relatively safe place.

And Jiang Yun also did not find the law of space cracks.

Even, once the consciousness encounters the space crack, it will be cut off immediately, and the situation inside cannot be known.

However, Jiang Yun discovered that not every space crack appeared and disappeared instantly.

Some space cracks, Jiang Yun saw their existence, even after walking a long way, they did not disappear.

"In this space crack, I don't know what the situation is."

"If you enter this kind of space crack that will not disappear immediately, if the reaction is fast enough, should you be able to come out?"

In this way, Jiang Yun was really worried, riding a centipede, constantly walking through this chaotic airspace.

After most of the day had passed, the surrounding space cracks appeared less and less, and they were all fixed.

As for the monster, it is no longer seen.

This made Jiang Yun realize that the centipede was really familiar with the environment here, and it should be taking him to a safe place.

Another half day passed, and the centipede under Jiang Yun suddenly accelerated its crawling speed.

Through the seal of the demon seal, Jiang Yun can have a general understanding of the centipede's emotions, and can feel that the centipede is very excited at this moment, as if it is going home.

However, Jiang Yun clearly saw that in the direction of the centipede's advancement, there was a huge space crack, which was fixed and always stood there.

"Is its home in this space crack?"

Jiang Yun's pupils were sharply condensed. While guessing this possibility, he was also thinking about whether he wanted to follow the centipede into the space crack, or jumped off the centipede quickly.

Seeing that the space crack was getting closer and closer to him, Jiang Yun swayed his heart, gave up his plan to leave the centipede, and was ready to try to enter the crack with the centipede.

Almost any creature has the nature to seek good luck and avoid evil, especially beasts.

Jiang Yun didn't believe that this centipede would take the initiative to seek death.


Sure enough, when the centipede came to the space crack, it jumped straight into the space crack.

Jiang Yun didn't feel anything strange. Naturally, he hurriedly widened his eyes and consciousness, and tried to look around, and found that this place turned out to be like the boundary gap of the real domain. There was only darkness, and there were no space cracks that kept appearing at all. .

Especially the area here is not large, only tens of thousands of feet in size, it is quite suitable to be used as the home of this centipede.

After returning here, the centipede began to circle in a small area, until it finally curled up into a ball, lying in the darkness, as if it had returned home, allowing it to finally relax completely. ,getting ready to sleep.

Jiang Yun did not dare to relax in the slightest, and still looked around with his consciousness and eyes.

It was too weird for him here.

He was not sure at all whether there would be any special danger.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time passed, Jiang Yun could hear the faint snoring of the centipede beneath him, and he was finally certain that this place should be safe for the time being.

After a little hesitation, Jiang Yun didn't dare to use any power, and just summoned the cloud ghost.

At the moment when the ghost cloud appeared, Jiang Yun used the power of space to cover him and himself to prevent the centipede from waking up.

Yun Gui also seemed to be sleeping, rubbing his sleepy eyes and said, "What's the matter? Weiyang girl summons me, but not as often as you."

Jiang Yun said coldly: "Now that I am at your house, as a landlord, I will naturally ask you to come out and take a look."

"Going home?" Yun Gui froze slightly, took his palm from his eyes, and looked around.

With just one glance, his huge eyes almost popped out of their sockets, and he blurted out: "Crazy airspace!"

"You, how could you be messing with the airspace?"

After speaking, Yun Gui suddenly closed his mouth again, his eyes were rolling, and he didn't dare to look at Jiang Yun again.

And Jiang Yun said with a sneer: "Didn't you say that you are not a monk from outside the territory?"

Yun Gui then looked up at Jiang Yun and said with wide eyes, "I now wonder, are you a monk from outside the realm?"

"The chaotic airspace is originally a part of this world. Even strictly speaking, it is part of the real world. I come from here, and of course I am not a monk outside the realm!"

Yun Gui's words made Jiang Yun suddenly wake up.

Indeed, this is not extraterritorial at all!

This is just an area between the Guantian Temple and the Immortal Realm. It belongs to this world and is the real realm!

And whether the cloud ghost born here, or the centipede under his body, like himself, are also the creatures of this world.

Cloud ghost, did not lie.

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I'm the one who blamed you wrong. Since you are from here, you should know a lot about this place, right?"

Yun Gui rolled his eyes and said, "Tell me first, why did you come here?"

Jiang Yun said truthfully: "Although I remember your reminder, I was caught by the enforcers after all."

"He originally intended to send me into the Immortal Realm, but he never thought that just now, we were suddenly attacked inexplicably, causing the talisman on his body to be destroyed, and we had to appear in this chaotic airspace."

"He ran away and left me behind."

Jiang Yun didn't hide the reason from Yun Gui, he just wanted to see how much Yun Gui knew about things outside the realm and chaotic airspace that he didn't know.

Yun Gui scratched his big head and said, "You monks from outside the territory, will you be attacked here? By whom? By the Chaos Demon Race here?"

"It shouldn't be. You have come and gone here many times, and this is not the first time you have encountered the Chaos Demon Race. How could the prepared talisman be destroyed?"

Jiang Yun always stared at Yun Gui's expression, making sure that what he said was the truth.

Obviously, although he came from this chaotic airspace, as a member of the chaotic sky demon clan, he also knew the existence of monks from outside the territory, but after all, he was not a monk from outside the territory, so his knowledge was limited.

Jiang Yun waved his hand and said: "Don't talk about this, do you know how many layers there are in this chaotic airspace, and where is the teleportation array leading to the immortal world?"

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