The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6742: Sombra Companions, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this moment, Jiang Yun is still in the teleportation formation.

Although it stands to reason, after coming to a strange place, with his character, the first thing he should do is to quickly check the surrounding environment.

However, not only did he fail to release his consciousness, but he even closed his eyes tightly.

Therefore, he is in severe pain.

Before, when he stepped into the teleportation formation and was covered by the teleportation light, his body could feel the pain of tearing.

And he never thought that in the process of transmission, this pain was magnified more than a hundred times.

It gave him the feeling that he was not teleported here completely, but was split into countless parts. After being teleported here one by one, he was reassembled.

This kind of pain, which is equivalent to being delayed, made Jiang Yun have to take some time to get used to it.

Jiang Yun still remembers that Haotian once said that in the heaven and earth where the detached strong man was born, it is almost impossible for any creature to survive after leaving his own world.

At that time, he still couldn't understand the meaning of Haotian's words, but now, he can finally understand something.

The teleportation array arranged by the monks outside the territory, those spherical stones, use the power of the extraterritorial.

With his own strength, even being teleported would be so painful. If he really went outside the realm, he would not be able to survive at all.

Without waiting for Jiang Yun to adapt, he heard a man's voice: "Is that him?"

Immediately afterwards, another man's voice said, "Yes, that's him, Daoist Three Corpse!"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yun reluctantly opened his eyes and saw two men standing in front of him.

One of them turned out to be Qi Yuan!

Obviously, even though he saw Qi Yuan's body cut off by a space crack, he still survived and returned here one step ahead of himself.

However, Jiang Yun was not too surprised.

As a rule enforcer, Qiyuan is powerful and must have the power to protect himself.

Seeing Jiang Yun open his eyes and look at himself, Qi Yuan suddenly showed a smile on his face, and strode forward, walking towards Jiang Yun, while walking, he said loudly: "I knew that Daoist brother will definitely come safely. of."

"Before, I was doing it for self-protection, and there are many offenses. I hope Brother Daoist don't take it to heart."

"After this matter is over, I will wash the dust for Brother Daoist as an apology."

While speaking, Qi Yuan had already come to Jiang Yun, clasped his fists with both hands, and gave Jiang Yun a deep bow.

Obviously, Qi Yuan was jealous of Jiang Yun, a Taoist with three corpses.

Therefore, when he saw Jiang Yun appear alive, he was worried that his actions in the chaotic airspace would attract Jiang Yun's revenge. Of course, he had to make amends quickly, hoping that Jiang Yun would not take it to heart.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and said expressionlessly, "It's okay!"

The real Three Corpse Taoist might not forgive Qi Yuan, and he might even kill him on the spot.

But when Jiang Yun was new here, and he didn't know everything about this place, of course it was impossible for him to turn against Qi Yuan.

Hearing Jiang Yun's answer, the smile on Qi Yuan's face became even stronger: "I knew that Daoist brother is a lot of adults."

"I see that Daoist brother's complexion is not good. It must be in the chaotic airspace and encountered some danger, so that he is not suitable for the power of teleportation."

"It's better to sit down and adjust your breath for a while, and then talk slowly."

"When you get here, Daoist brother can rest assured that there is absolutely no danger."

I have to say, Qi Yuan is quite a man.

You must know that Jiang Yun's identity is a prisoner. As usual, after coming here, he should be taken for questioning immediately.

But in order to resolve the grievance between Qiyuan and Jiang Yun, he asked Jiang Yun to rest.

Jiang Yun did not refuse, but nodded and said, "I did meet a strong enemy, and I only escaped by luck."

After speaking, Jiang Yun sat down with his knees crossed and closed his eyes.

Jiang Yun's condition is indeed not very good.

The power he borrowed from the Star Mark formation has been exhausted, and the strength has fallen back to the pseudo-respect.

And in this unfamiliar place, he naturally had to try his best to keep himself at his peak so that he could cope with any situation.

In addition, he has to think carefully, if he exposes his identity, can he use the news of the shadow to gain a chance for himself.

In addition to these reasons, Jiang Yun also needs to feel the environment here and the Guantian Palace, whether there is any difference, and whether there is a source of power that he can absorb.

As Jiang Yun sat down, Qi Yuan also walked to another man's side.

The two did not communicate anymore, they just stood there quietly and waited.

After nearly half an hour passed, Jiang Yun finally opened his eyes, stood up and said, "It's alright."

Qi Yuan smiled slightly and said, "Is it really okay? Do you want to rest for a while, don't worry."

"No need!" Jiang Yun shook his head and took the initiative to walk out of the teleportation formation.

The environment here is exactly the same as the real realm in Guantian Palace, and there is also the existence of real energy, so Jiang Yun has indeed recovered almost.

It was only then that Jiang Yun could see the surroundings clearly.

I was in an interior, it should be in a palace.

Come to think of it, it should be the base camp of the non-territorial monks in the immortal world.

Jiang Yun also paid special attention to the ground and those pillars, and found that it was just an ordinary stone, and there was nothing special about it.

In short, if the monks in Guantian Palace were brought here without knowing it, no one would think that they had left Guantian Palace.

Qi Yuan smiled and said, "Okay, then come with me!"

"Don't worry, just ask a few questions and I'll send you back..."

At this moment, the man who never spoke, suddenly coughed and interrupted Qi Yuan's words: "Fellow Daoist Qi, let me take him there."

When the man spoke, a look of surprise flashed across Qi Yuan's face, but he didn't think too much, nodded and said, "Okay, then there will be fellow Daoist Lao Sun."

Qiyuan turned to Jiang Yun again and said, "Brother Daoist, then you can go with this fellow Daoist Sun!"

Jiang Yun nodded indifferently, anyway, for him, it was the same as whoever went.

So, Jiang Yun followed Qi Yuan and this fellow Sun Daoist and walked towards the outside world.

After walking out of the gate, Jiang Yun's guess was verified, and it really was a palace.

At this moment, the three of them were clearly in a courtyard with some plants planted. When they looked up, they could see the blue sky, and at their feet there were three paths paved with bluestones, extending into the distance.

Qiyuan clenched his fists at Jiang Yun and said, "Brother Sanshi, let's say goodbye first, and I'll find you later!"

Jiang Yun nodded noncommittally.

Qi Yuan smiled, stepped onto the bluestone road on the right, and walked away.

After Qi Yuan's figure disappeared around the corner, the fellow Daoist Sun said lightly, "Where we're going, we'll still use the teleportation array."

"Okay!" Although Jiang Yun didn't want to experience the pain of teleportation, he couldn't refuse.

However, to Jiang Yun's surprise, a stone formation appeared in the opponent's hand.

It seems that the monks from outside the territory are also doing as the locals do.

As Daoyou Sun crushed the formation stone, and wrapped in the teleportation light, Jiang Yun no longer had the feeling of tearing as before.

But Jiang Yun suddenly noticed that the transmitted light just wrapped himself, not the fellow Daoist Sun.

The other party was standing aside, with a sneer on his face, watching Jiang Yun calmly.

Jiang Yun suddenly realized in his heart that he had been fooled!

This fellow Daoist Sun is very likely to be in the same group as the shadow in the chaotic airspace.

Then where he is going to send himself now...

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