The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6748: it's all yours, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The wind that rushed into Jiang Yun's body contained a force of strength, and outside Jiang Yun's body, layers of rising air waves were formed.

Heiying stood there quietly, not even interrupting Jiang Yun's spellcasting, nor taking the opportunity to launch an attack. He seemed to be very interested in Jiang Yun's magical power, and wanted to let Jiang Yun fully display the entire magical power. Let him get acquainted.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's heart is still like water, and he didn't even look at the shadows or consider the consequences of this battle.

He was just using his eyes to carefully watch everything in his Dao world!

This Dao world is Jiang Yun's body, which he created after he learned how to transform into the world.

At the beginning, it was not called Daojie, and the area was not large, but as Jiang Yun finally embarked on the road of Daoist cultivation, and with the continuous improvement of Jiang Yun's strength, this world also became Daojie, with a larger area. It's expanding a little bit.

By now, its area has almost exceeded most of the world.

Everything in it, one grass, one tree, one sand and one stone, was created by Jiang Yun, or formed after directly swallowing other worlds.

Every place in it is in reality. For Jiang Yun, it is a place of deep memory.

Naturally, this made him think of some people and things every time he looked at a place.

In short, this Dao world can be regarded as the life course of Jiang Yun's life.

Originally, Jiang Yun arranged Daojie for this purpose, just for commemoration and memory.

But now, these places of deep memory that he has experienced are doing his best to send their power to Jiang Yun.

Looking at the entire Taoist world, Jiang Yun murmured, "Is it your turn to protect me?"

Under Jiang Yun's gaze and memories, the air waves around him became stronger and stronger.

And the sound of his heartbeat is getting faster and faster, more and more urgent!

For this type of heart of heaven and earth, when the black shadow first started, he was still waiting with great interest, but at this time, he looked at the expression on Jiang Yun's face, but he faintly felt that something was wrong.

And at this moment, Jiang Yun's gaze finally retracted from the Taoist world and landed on Hei Ying's face.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

With the sound of the heart beating to the extreme, Jiang Yun's complexion suddenly became extremely rosy, and even his eyes were full of blood.

And his body suddenly swelled up!

The strange thing is that the heaven and earth of this Taoist world, together with all the scenery in it, began to shrink.

It's like a giant, standing outside the Dao world, grasping the whole world with two hands, and then using all the strength of the whole body, squeezing it desperately, to burst the world!

Feeling the force of repulsion and squeezing coming towards him, Hei Ying finally understood Jiang Yun's true purpose and blurted out: "You are going to blow yourself up!"

Yes, Jiang Yun wants to explode, and it is not a simple self-destruction.

Using the magical power of the Heart of Heaven and Earth, he transformed himself into the heart of this Taoist world, and then used his own self-destruction to trigger the explosion of the entire Taoist world.

In fact, since this Dao world is Jiang Yun's own body and Jiang Yun's soul, what he is doing at the moment is equivalent to squeezing out all the power in his body and soul that he can't use in normal times. .

To put it simply, it's like Jiang Yun blew himself up while burning his soul and body.

In this way, the power generated by self-destruction will naturally become more powerful.

Even if he couldn't kill the shadow, Jiang Yun believed that he could at least injure him.

This is Jiang Yun's final choice!


Jiang Yun's heart beat, and after this loud noise, it stopped beating.

The air waves surrounding him, following his swollen body, have expanded to a distance of ten thousand feet, and he is about to explode.

But unfortunately, the sword that Sombra had always held in his hand suddenly swung in the air.

When Jiang Yun used the Heart of Heaven and Earth for the first time, facing the monk Qin Bufan, who was also from outside the realm, his body was full of energy, so that the opponent's seven knives could not fall.

But at this moment, under the sword in the black shadow's hand, the invisible sword qi had the momentum of destroying the dry and pulling the rot, and easily penetrated the air waves around Jiang Yun.

If Jiang Yun's Dao Realm, including Jiang Yun himself, is a bulging ball, then the black shadow's seemingly understated flick of the ball is like puncturing the ball with a needle.

When the ball was broken, Jiang Yun and Dao Jie's accumulated strength for a long time naturally leaked out.

In just an instant, Jiang Yun's heartbeat returned to normal, and his body and Taoist world also became the same as before.

A helpless smile appeared on Jiang Yun's face.

This is the difference in strength.

In the eyes of the opponent, the most powerful blow that condensed all his strength should not be a ball, but a bubble.

Break it with a poke!

"Come on, let me see who you are!"

Hei Ying laughed, swayed, came to Jiang Yun, reached out and pointed to Jiang Yun's eyebrows, to search for Jiang Yun's soul.

All Jiang Yun's strength has been exhausted, and he can't even do self-destruction, and naturally it is impossible to stop the other party, so he simply closed his eyes and waited for the other party's soul search.

However, Jiang Yun did not wait for the other person's fingers to pierce his eyebrows, but heard the other side utter a curse: "Damn Qingxin Daoist!"

The voice fell, and Jiang Yun suddenly became extremely quiet in front of him.

Jiang Yun opened his eyes and found that the shadow was still standing there. The sword in his hand pierced into his eyebrows strangely, and his life was completely lost.

Beside Hei Ying, the Taoist Qingxin stood.

Obviously, at a critical moment, Daoist Qingxin suddenly appeared and killed the shadow.

Regardless of whether Jiang Yun is willing to admit it or not, this Taoist Qingxin saved his life again!

Even this time, the other party also killed Shi Tiangan's person, which is considered a real feud with Shi Tiangan.

Although Jiang Yun knew that the other party's saving his life was actually just delaying the time of his death, he still clenched his fists at the other party and said, "Thank you, senior, for saving your life again!"

Taoist Qingxin stared straight at Jiang Yun, without opening, but with a wave of his sleeves, Jiang Yun suddenly saw that the darkness around him began to recede like a tide, and where the darkness disappeared, there were huge giants. A sphere emerges.

These spheres seem to be endless, appearing continuously, extending to the place where Jiang Yun can't see them.

Each sphere is incomparably huge, spinning slowly, emitting a warm glow.

And through the light, it can be seen that there are mountains and rivers in it, and there are a lot of creatures.

Jiang Yun could even feel that the rays of light emitted by these spheres contained a powerful vitality and power.

In addition, on many spheres, figures began to appear one after another.

These figures, there are men and women, there are old and young, some people have demons.

But no matter what image they are, they all have one thing in common, that is, the breath exuding from their bodies is comparable to the supreme!

All the figures clasped their fists and bowed to Taoist Qingxin at the same time, and said in unison: "Meet the Sect Master!"

The sound shook the sky, and even more shocked Jiang Yun.

For a while, Jiang Yun was stunned there, and he couldn't tell whether these spheres, these figures, were real existences, or were they an illusion displayed by Daoist Qingxin.

How can there be so many Supremes?

Daoist Qingxin ignored these people's visits, and just looked at Jiang Yundao: "The bright road I showed you, are you still unwilling to go?"

As he spoke, Taoist Qingxin stretched out his hand and pointed at the countless spheres, and countless figures said, "I can guarantee you that as long as you worship my Qingxin Sect, then all this is yours!"

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