The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6760: Jiang Yun Supreme, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Hearing this thunderous sound, and then feeling his uncontrollable heartbeat, Sombra didn't feel anything wrong for a while.

However, when Jiang Yun's voice fell, his expression changed immediately.

Because, he really felt the anger, felt the anger from all directions, from the whole world, from everything in this world.

Looking around, the grass, the trees, the sand and the stone, at this moment, seem to have all turned into a figure, releasing a monstrous anger, staring at himself with hateful eyes.

It was as if he was their mortal enemy.

In addition to his feelings, he also really saw the flames, and saw that the entire Dao world was filled with raging flames, completely surrounding himself, and was still gathering towards himself, to burn himself to ashes.

Daoist Qingxin did not devalue or exaggerate Shi Tiangan in the slightest.

People who work for ten days are really crazy and do all kinds of evil.

For their own sake, they can destroy a Taoist world without hesitation and kill hundreds of millions of creatures.

As one of the Ten Heavenly Stewards, although Sombra's strength is at the bottom, he has only just become the Supreme Being, but his psychological quality is unquestionably powerful.

He also couldn't remember the last time he felt fear and panic.

However, at this moment, in such an environment, when even Jiang Yun could not see, a trace of fear, a trace of panic, rose in the heart of the shadow!

This fear is not only because he feels the anger of the world towards him, but also because he realizes that this is clearly the Dao world!

Whether it is a ten-day job or a non-territorial cultivator, he and Qingxin Taoist are the same in terms of his understanding of Daoxing the world.

Even Shi Tiangan is even more convinced than Daoist Qingxin that Daoxing Heaven and Earth will definitely give birth to the Great Dao, and it is possible to give birth to detached powerhouses.

This is also the reason why Shi Tiangan still ventured into the Daoxing Heaven and Earth to destroy it even though he knew that the Hongmeng had intervened.

And now, he has actually been in a Taoist realm.

Even if it is an incomplete Dao world, this is also Dao world.

Shi Tiangan did destroy the Dao world, but it was not his own power, so he felt the anger of the Dao world towards him, which made him instinctively fear.

His face hidden under the black light, with a look of fear, kept turning his head to look around, looking for Jiang Yun's whereabouts and traces.

He even wondered if there was another strong man hidden in this world, and he suspected that he was not facing Jiang Yun at all, but the Taoist Qingxin.

Because before he came, his companion had told him that the person he was going to deal with was most likely not the Taoist Three Corpse, and the strength was not even the Supreme.

Now he can't wait to find his companion, grab the other's collar, and ask him, if Jiang Yun is not the supreme, how could he make him feel so oppressed and panic!

Fortunately, he is also a person who has experienced hundreds of battles. Although the fear in his heart cannot be dispelled for the time being, he naturally knows that he must resist, destroy the sound of thunder that is getting faster and faster, and force Jiang Yun to appear.

He suddenly opened his mouth, spit out a mouthful of blood, and had blood in one hand, just like Jiang Yun drew a demon seal, he drew a seal and slapped him fiercely.

Yin Jue fell, and a yellow ring of light immediately spread around his body along his body.

This light contains extremely powerful power, and wherever it passes, it destroys everything.

All the grass, trees, mountains and rivers, and even the land, have been erased to a height of about a foot.

The strange thing is that all the destroyed things turned into streams of light, which rushed towards the body of the shadow.

Obviously, this light can not only destroy everything, but also turn the destroyed things into its own power.

As the stream of light fell on him one after another, his normal body immediately began to swell, and the clothes on his body were torn to shreds in an instant.

He should be able to grow even bigger, but the yellow ring-shaped light, after spreading out for about 1000 meters, was powerless and dissipated.

At this moment, the shadow, Yang Tian let out a loud roar, as if to roar out all the fear and fear in his heart.

Needless to say, he did it successfully.

The anger released by everything that surrounded him before formed a coercion that enveloped him.

Now that he has directly erased everything within a thousand meters and transformed it into his own power, this coercion will naturally disappear with it.

Except that the sound of the thunderous vibration still exists!

However, he obviously forgot that this is Jiang Yun's Dao world, but also Jiang Yun's body and soul!

Without waiting for his roar to fall, within the area he had just erased that had turned into an open space, mountains, rivers, vegetation, etc. appeared again, and the original appearance was restored in an instant.

Anger, coercion, and flames all rushed towards the shadow again.

As long as Jiang Yun's body is not broken, his soul is not destroyed, and he has power in his body, then everything in this world can naturally appear repeatedly anytime, anywhere.

It was obvious that the black shadow could no longer perform the same move, so he could only roar unwillingly: "Do you dare to get out of here for me!"

This time, as soon as his voice fell, Jiang Yun actually appeared in front of him again.

With his 100-zhang tall body, he looked at Jiang Yun as if he were looking at an ant.

But after just one look, he looked away.

Because the same burning anger in Jiang Yun's eyes actually made him feel the burning pain, as if his eyes were ignited by anger, so he didn't dare to look at Jiang Yun at all.

At this moment, Jiang Yun naturally used the method of empathy and exerted the heart of heaven and earth.

And even Daoist Qingxin may not be able to imagine that Jiang Yun actually mastered the method of empathy in just one year.

But he spent nearly five more years to make the entire Taoist world empathize with himself.

And, he really succeeded!

He is sad, and the whole Taoist world will pour heavy rain;

He is happy, and the whole Taoist world will bloom with vitality;

He was angry, and the entire Taoist world would be set on fire.

Right now, he is extremely angry.

Not only is he angry at himself and Shi Tiangan without any grievances, but he has to face their pursuit. He is also angry at his own weakness, at all the unfair treatment he has experienced, and at everything he wants to protect. Can't protect.

This anger has always been hidden in Jiang Yun's heart, but because of his weakness, even if he is angry, he can only suppress the anger in his heart and have nowhere to vent.

But now it is different. The method of empathy and the heart of heaven and earth, especially this Dao world, have successfully verified the promise that Qingxin Daoist once gave Jiang Yun, so that even if he does not merge with the soul clone, his strength will be remarkable. promote.

Comparable, Supreme!

Jiang Yun, Supreme!

This is the first time Jiang Yun has used the method of empathy, and it is also the first time that he has achieved the true supreme strength without resorting to external objects!

Jiang Yun looked at the shadow, and said word by word: "It is said that people who work in ten days can't be killed. I will try it today!"

When the words fell, he suddenly clenched his fist, full of anger, and smashed it towards the black shadow a hundred feet tall.

This fist was swung, and the entire Taoist world was in a state of turmoil.

Mountains and rivers, vegetation, rivers, and even the sky and the earth, everything, also with endless anger, contributed their own strength and smashed into the shadow!

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