The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6777: friend enemy, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Dao Zun?"

Hearing these two words, Jiang Yun's face showed a look of astonishment, and his expression was a little dazed, which brought back a long memory in his mind.

When he was in Shanhai Daoyu, the biggest enemy Jiang Yun faced was also called Dao Zun!

For Jiang Yun at that time, Dao Zun was extremely powerful, and he was also the real Dao Zun.

The battle with Dao Zun was even more dangerous. In the end, Ye Guchen, the human race demon refiner, chose to incarnate as a demon of the Dao domain before replacing Dao Zun.

And Ye Guchen has now entered a place of detachment. Like Jiang Yun's parents and others, his whereabouts are still unknown.

Jiang Yun speculated that they were either imprisoned by Meng Zun, or trapped somewhere in the Land of Transcendence.

However, now the most powerful person in Dao Xingtian is also the person who Jiang Yun once thought of the layout, and the monks outside the territory even called the other party Dao Zun.

Could it be that this Dao Venerable was the former Dao Venerable?

If it was replaced by the previous Jiang Yun, there would never be such an idea.

But knowing the truth of the dream domain and the real domain, knowing that countless creatures such as himself are always trapped in a constant cycle of reincarnation, and knowing that the outside of this bureau is the real Daoxing world, it makes him a little unsure. .

Even foreign monks can enter the game and experience reincarnation constantly, so who said that the former Dao Zun can't be the strongest in Dao Xing Tian and Earth?

Or, it is the soul of the strongest, a sense of consciousness...

In short, anything is possible!

However, even though he thought of this possibility, Jiang Yun was not too shocked.

Because he is used to it!

What's more, no matter whether this Dao Zun is another Dao Zun or not, the past has passed.

For Jiang Yun, the most important thing now is to look forward, how to get out of this situation and how to gain real freedom.

And anyone who is willing to help Jiang Yun to achieve this goal is a friend.

On the contrary, anyone who wants to prevent Jiang Yun from achieving this goal is an enemy!

To be friends, you can disregard the past and let go of all the grudges you once had.

To be an enemy, that is, you will live and die, and you will never die.

As for whether the other party is Dao Zun, or Hongmeng, it doesn't matter if it is ten days.

At this time, Gui Yi continued: "I have never seen that Dao Zun, and I don't know how strong he is, but this title made me feel very uncomfortable at the beginning."

Jiang Yun smiled lightly, able to understand Gui Yi's feeling.

In Daoxing Heaven and Earth, they are called Dao Zun, and others have no opinion yet, but among the monks from outside the territory who are mainly Taoist, the appearance of a Taoist is really a kind of provocation to them.

"However, C Yi told me not to provoke the other party, so I ignored it."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "What about Hongmeng, how much do you know?"

Gui Yi smiled and said, "Hongmeng can be regarded as our mortal enemy."

"I still know them well."

"Hongmeng was founded by the subordinates of a detached powerhouse."

"The other party hides very deeply and almost never shows up in public."

"In the beginning, the Hongmeng only consisted of monks from the seven Taoist realms, but after the news of the Dao Xingtiandi spread, more and more Taoist realms and more and more monks joined. Come in and hope to get a piece of the pie.”

"For these Dao worlds and monks, Hongmeng accepts them all. By now, there should be more than 20 monks in the Dao world."

"It sounds like the strength of Hongmeng seems to be very strong, but in fact, it is just a group of rabble."

"When they get together, they appear harmonious on the surface, but secretly they have their own plans."

"If you really want to encounter something, it is a group of scattered sand, each fighting for each other."

"Otherwise, we won't be able to easily gain a foothold in Daoxing Heaven and Earth after ten days of work."

Although Gui's disdain for Hongmeng was definitely mixed with the opposition between Shitiangan and Hongmeng, it was biased, but Jiang Yun also knew that the actual situation would not be much different in general.

Jiang Yun has contacted the rule enforcer in Qiyuan, and even the person who is in charge of the rule cannot be fair, let alone other people.

The reason for this is naturally because the monks of the Hongmeng come from different Taoist realms.

That is the world of Dao, and it is a huge world that contains countless worlds and living beings, just like Dao Xingtian and earth.

Those who can come to Daoxing Heaven and Earth should be like Qingxin Daoist, the strongest sect and the strongest family in each Dao world.

Such a person, who is not arrogant and arrogant, with eyes higher than the top, how can he willingly obey the orders and commands of others.

Even Jiang Yun doubted that if Shi Tiangan and Hongmeng really had a head-to-head battle, Hongmeng would lose in the end!

However, this is not good news for Jiang Yun.

The monks of the Hongmeng can still converge on their own now, but if they really hope to become a detached powerhouse, or when the aura of Hongmeng is expected to mature, they will probably really fight against themselves, with themselves, and the entire Daoxing. Heaven and earth are enemies.

Ten days, even more so!

"It seems that my future path is getting harder and harder!"

Next, Gui Yi told Jiang Yun something he knew, even including the situation of their Dao world.

Jiang Yun listened carefully.

After all, if one day, when he can take the dream domain out of this game, it is very likely that he will go outside the domain.

It is always helpful to know more about the outside world now.

When another two days passed, the big fish stopped and refused to swim forward.

Because there is a prison ahead.

Naturally, Jiang Yun would not reluctantly make a big fish. He stood up and took Gui Yi back into the Tao world, allowing him to see the outside world with his divine sense.

It's not that Jiang Yun doesn't believe in Gui Yi, but that Gui Yi is one of his cards now.

No one would have thought that there is still a supreme powerhouse hidden in his body.

At a critical time, summoning Gui Yi, unexpectedly, can have a miraculous effect!

"Thank you!" Jiang Yun patted the big fish on the head, and with a flick of his body, he had already rushed out of the big fish.

Carefully avoiding the space cracks that appeared along the way, Jiang Yun stopped after traveling nearly ten thousand feet.

In his line of sight, at a distance of 100 zhang, he saw a circle of Daoyuan stones, arranged into a formation covering an area of ​​about 100 zhang.

Daoyuan stone is the kind of stone that is shaped like a sphere and contains powerful power.

This is what Jiang Yun learned from Gui Yi, and it is a common stone among monks outside the territory, which is equivalent to the True Essence Stone.

But the value is far more than the true essence stone.

Sure enough, Gui Yi, who also saw this scene, said in a voice: "Sir, don't look at the heart of Hongmeng, but it is really rich and powerful."

"Just this circle of Dao Yuan stones, the value of one is worth a small Dao world."

Jiang Yun didn't respond, his eyes were just staring at the middle of the formation, with a small black ball the size of a palm.

It was not a ball, but a space condensed to the extreme, just like a dream domain.

Obviously, even if it is as powerful as Hongmeng, it is impossible to build a prison with great fanfare in such a special place as the chaotic airspace.

Jiang Yun took his eyes away from the ball and looked at the empty surroundings again.

Outside of the formation, Jiang Yun couldn't see anyone as far as he could see.

However, Jiang Yun naturally would not believe that Hongmeng would completely hand over the safety of this prison to a formation.

Nearby, there must be hidden powerhouses!

After a little hesitation, Jiang Yun's figure turned into the image of the big fish, and with a flick of his tail, he swam towards the formation.

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