The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6818: come for revenge, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Diya naturally has a large defensive formation, and the current formation is much stronger than the original Diya formation.

If Jiang Yunken took some time, he should be able to silently enter the earth without touching the formation with his knowledge in the formation.

But Jiang Yun didn't do it!

He directly used his powerful body and powerful strength to break through the defense of the formation, so he stepped into the end of the earth in such an upright and bright way.

Jiang Yun originally planned to use the identity of the Three Corpse Daoist to see Di Zun.

In that case, at least Di Zun won't be able to come up and tear his face with him, and maybe he will be able to fight with him for a while.

But seeing Di Ya, Jiang Yun's hatred for Di Zun could not be suppressed, so he simply entered Di Ya with his real identity and told Di Zun, I came to seek revenge for you!

Passing through the formation of Diya unscathed and standing on the ground of Diya, a stern voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ear immediately: "Bold, you dare to trespass on Diya, stop for me! "

In front of Jiang Yun, there were two tall, burly men wearing armor, with a reckless look on their faces.

The two big men not only possess the strength of the great emperor of the law, but also the armor they wear is not ordinary.

From these two big men alone, you can see how much Di Zun attaches great importance to Di Ya.

The dignified and powerful emperor was only used to guard the edge of the earth.

Jiang Yun slowly raised his head and looked at the two of them, but with just one glance, the tall armored bodies of the two great emperors trembled uncontrollably.

The rebellious expressions on their faces turned into pale fear in an instant. They all lowered their heads, not daring to meet Jiang Yun's eyes at all, but just staring at their fighting legs, wishing they could go underground. Open a gap so they can dive right in.

At this moment, Jiang Yun not only released his breath without reservation, but also used the method of empathy.

Since Jiang Yun learned the method of empathy, although every time he uses it, his strength can be at least doubled.

But this time, his strength was at least doubled.

Because, this time, his shared love is hatred, monstrous hatred!

The mere two great emperors of the rank, how can they bear the hatred of Jiang Yun, and they are not small if they don't fall to the ground.

Now they wish that Jiang Yun could leave quickly.

But Jiang Yun not only did not leave, but said loudly: "Jiang Yun in Mengyu, come to seek revenge for the Di Zun!"

This short sentence fell into the ears of the two burly men, and it was as loud as thunder, causing their heads to buzz.

But even so, their heads that had just been lowered were suddenly raised again, and their eyes were fixed on Jiang Yun.

Mengyu Jiang Yun, this title is not too unfamiliar to these cultivators who are quite respected.

What shocked them even more was that Jiang Yun was going to seek revenge for Di Zun.

Revenge also depends on the identity of the enemy.

Looking at the whole realm, even the other two Supremes did not dare to set foot on the ground in person, saying that they wanted to seek revenge on the Earth.

To be honest, the two of them wanted to laugh at Jiang Yun's overreaching, but just opened their mouths, and their bodies suddenly surged.

The next moment, their bodies softened at the same time, crookedly collapsed to the ground, and fell into a coma.

This is still Jiang Yun's habit of not killing indiscriminately, and his men have left love.

Otherwise, the two would not have fainted, but would have died violently.

Jiang Yun didn't even look at the two people who fell to the ground. He raised his feet and walked towards the center of Di Ya, which was the residence of Di Zun.

He knew very well that Earth Zun should have known about his arrival, but he didn't show up right away.

That means that Earth Zun wants to use his monks, or some agency to ambush him, to test his own strength first.

Jiang Yun didn't care about this at all.

Because, even if it is just to defeat the subordinates of Earth Venerable, there will be weak luck pouring into his body.

Although he doesn't want to start killing, he doesn't mind robbing the luck of the Earth Venerable.

However, Jiang Yun certainly doesn't think that he is the winner.

Just as Fu Ling reminded him, don't have any thoughts of despising the earthly respect.

Especially within the territory of this Earth Zun.

Jiang Yun remembered that the three deities would not easily use their deity to step into another supreme's territory.

Because each supreme site, as their living place, is truly impregnable and impeccable.

Back then, when Ji Kongfan and the others were able to force Di Zun to destroy Di Ya, it was also because Di Zun at that time, together with his subordinates, had already put most of their strength on dealing with the Dream Domain, and there was no extra power at all. Let Diya play its real role.

But Jiang Yun was different this time. He was dealing with a supreme being who had all his strength, and should even be at his peak.

Therefore, Jiang Yun walked towards the residence of Di Zun with great strides, and at the same time scattered his spiritual consciousness, and asked Gui Yi to carefully inspect the entire Di Ya, looking for an ambush.

Jiang Yun's speculation was correct. When Jiang Yun forcibly broke the formation and stepped into the end of the earth, Di Zun already knew of his arrival.

He stared at Jiang Yun with his divine sense, stunned the two great emperors with his eyes, and when he saw Jiang Yun say a word, the two great emperors fell to the ground and vomited blood.

Until Jiang Yun strode toward the palace where he was, Di Zun suddenly said, "His strength is indeed much stronger."

"Are you still his opponent now?"

Next to Di Zun, there was a burly man sitting impressively.

The man lowered his head, as if deliberately not letting people see his face clearly, he could only see a mask on top of his coiled knees.

Hearing Di Zun's question, the man still didn't raise his head, he just stretched out his broad palm, placed it lightly on the mask, and said calmly, "Now me, whether it's his opponent or not, you are always with me. I'll definitely have to deal with him."

When the voice fell, the man held the mask and was about to put it on his face.

But Di Zun waved his hand to stop him: "Even if you want to take action, it's not now."

"Let others see how much this Jiang Yun has grown!"

"If I really have no one here to be his opponent, it's not too late for you to make a move."

The burly man's palm holding the mask was gently placed on his knees, but he didn't speak again.


At the same time, the ground beneath Jiang Yun suddenly vibrated violently.

And Jiang Yun didn't even look at it at all, and still walked forward.

However, when his feet landed, they suddenly increased their strength.

"Bang bang bang!"

Along with Jiang Yun's three steps, three thunder-like landings sounded, and three huge cracks appeared in the incomparably solid earth.

The earth returned to calm, but among the three cracks, there was black blood that gurgled out, forming three rivers of blood.

In the depths of the crack, a giant python with a length of 10,000 meters and a pitch-black body pierced its body with three huge earth thorns, which were nailed there like nails, trembling gently.

Earth Venerable raised his eyebrows slightly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face: "The real-level monster was so easily injured by him, this Jiang Yun, does it mean that he already has the strength close to the Supreme?"


The earth trembled again, much more violently than before.

And in this vibration, on the ground, one after another rune lighted up, and in an instant, with Jiang Yun as the center, within a radius of 100 feet, a pattern appeared.

There were five figures falling from the sky in the shape of five stars, surrounding Jiang Yun.

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