The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6837: already started, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, silently sensed it, and then opened it again, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

He found that not only did his Guardian Dao Seal still exist, but the number actually reached millions.

Obviously, when the local venerable displayed the net of the supreme, the guardian dao seal that he broke into the light spots on the Internet was not affected by the earth lord putting away the net of the supreme.

They still replaced the imprints of the rules in the bodies of the great emperors that originally belonged to the Earth Venerable.

"That is to say, now the three seals of the rules have all lost their effect, and only my guardian Dao seal is still functional!"

Jiang Yun understood this situation after thinking about it carefully.

His own guardian dao seal is derived from the power of the avenue, which is completely different from the power of the three gods, so the dao zun cannot seal or erase his own guardian dao seal at all.

"Dao Zun asked my soul clone to take action at this time, erasing the role of the three rule marks, so that the real realm can give birth to more supreme, shouldn't it be just to deal with my guardian Tao mark?"

Jiang Yun used the guardian dao seal to replace the rule seal of the earth venerable, just to weaken the power of the earth venerable, and was not going to use his own guardian dao seal to control those great emperors like the three lords.

In this way, there will be no restrictions on the cultivation path of those great emperors, and there is a possibility that they can become supreme.

If the imprint of the rules of the three respects continues to restrict the appearance of other Supremes, then in the end, there will be more and more Supremes on Jiang Yun's side.

Regardless of whether Jiang Yun is willing to control these supreme beings, they will always rely on Jiang Yun.

At that time, Jiang Yun will really be the dominant family and become the overlord of Zhenyu.

After thinking about the reasons for all this, Jiang Yun finally calmed down, brought himself into a dream, and began to concentrate on healing and regaining his strength.

At the same time, in the human world, Ren Zun has already left the customs ahead of schedule.

Naturally, he also sensed that the imprint of his own rules was no longer effective, and he still had the mood to continue retreating.

After exiting the customs, the first thing he did was to call You Qing and other soul concubines in front of him. After checking the imprint of the rules in their bodies, Ren Zun said with a gloomy face: "Tell me, what happened!"

Youqing and others were also at a loss, but they guessed that it was related to the sudden inexplicable fainting of hundreds of great emperors before, and the huge face of Jiang Yun that appeared above the real domain, so they hurriedly said these things.

As soon as the Human Reverence heard it, he knew that the faint of hundreds of great emperors was because the Earth Venerable performed the Supreme Technique!

"Jiang Yun's face appeared above the real domain, and he pinched a chain."

"Could it be that Di Zun met Jiang Yun and was not Jiang Yun's opponent, so he used the Supreme Technique?"

"But how is this possible!"

Ren Zun was also extremely puzzled in his heart, but his face did not show the slightest sign. He waved at You Qing and the others and said, "You go down first."

"Temporarily close the world, don't let anyone in or out!"

After Youqing and others took orders to leave, Ren Zun also immediately contacted Di Zun.

But what surprised him was that it was the voice of Tianzun who responded to him: "Humanzun, what are you doing?"

Renzun didn't react for a while, and he was stunned for a long time before he said: "Tianzun, went to the end of the earth?"

"You said it the other way around, it was Di Zun who came to me!" Ren Zun said in a flat tone, "Jiang Yun appeared, took people to Di Ya, and severely damaged Di Zun."

"I sensed something was wrong, so I went there and just saved Di Zun and brought him here."

Ren Zun's face suddenly changed.

If someone else said these words, he would not believe it at all.

But it was Tianzun who spoke, so he couldn't help but believe it.

"Jiang Yun has become so strong?"

"Well!" Tianzun replied: "He is now considered a supreme!"

Ren Zun's eyes showed murderous aura: "Then what are you waiting for!"

"Is Jiang Yun still in the end of the earth?"

"I'll go over immediately, the two of us will join forces first and kill Jiang Yun!"

In the real realm, there can never be a fourth supreme being. This is the consensus of the three.

Therefore, after Ren Zun knew that Jiang Yun had become the Supreme Being, the first thought that came to his mind was to kill Jiang Yun quickly.

However, Tianzun laughed and said: "Humanzun, don't you realize that our rule imprints have lost their effect?"

"Jiang Yun has become the supreme, and we are powerless to stop it."

"Not only does he have the supreme strength, but he also accepts an extraterritorial supreme as a slave, and he also has a magic weapon that is also comparable to the supreme!"

"Otherwise, how could Earth Zun be severely injured by Jiang Yun?"

"The two of us go to Jiang Yun, and the end is estimated to be the same as Di Zun!"

Ren Zun was completely stunned!

The last time I saw Jiang Yun, it seemed that it was not far from now.

In such a short period of time, how did Jiang Yun change his body and become a supreme, and even took an extraterritorial supreme as a slave!

Extraterritorial Supreme, is it so spineless?

"Okay!" Tianzun's voice sounded again: "If you have time to think about killing Jiang Yun, it is better to think about how to appease your subordinates first!"

"Our rule imprint is useless. They will be honest at first, but when it takes a little longer, I am afraid they will not be reconciled."

"This real domain is no longer our world, and it is about to be in chaos!"

After saying this, Tianzun's voice no longer sounded.

After being stunned for a long time, Ren Zun finally came back to his senses, and the murderous aura that had just disappeared in his eyes appeared again.

Regardless of everything about Jiang Yun, the rest of Tianzun's words are absolutely correct.

The imprint of the rules of the three statues controls a large number of monks and makes them obedient, although it seems that it is only conducive to the rule of the three statues over the real domain.

But in fact, it is precisely because of the shackles of their rule imprints that the entire real domain can maintain a peaceful environment as a whole.

Among the monks, there will be small battles, but large-scale wars are impossible, and no one will dare to provoke the three.

However, now that the imprint of the rules of the three statues has lost its effect, and the most effective and direct means of restraining the monks under him has been lost, those monks may not be so obedient.

In particular, the matter of the Earth Venerable being severely injured by Jiang Yun, I believe it will not take long for it to spread to the real domain, which is equivalent to completely pulling the three Venerables down from the high altar.

There are many monks who are dissatisfied with the three, and even have resentment.

Next, even if they dare not do anything on the surface, they will definitely make some small moves in the dark to continuously weaken the strength and dominance of the three deities.

Therefore, Tianzun is not alarmist.

The real domain is really going to be messed up.

"My lord, my lord!" At this moment, a quiet and anxious voice suddenly came from outside.

Ren Zun frowned, stepped out and said, "What happened!"

Youqing said in a hurry: "Wu Chenzi, just suddenly forced the teleportation array to open and escaped from the world."

"Wu Chenzi?" Ren Zun asked inexplicably, "Why did he run away..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ren Zun stopped abruptly, a monstrous aura burst out from his body, and the murderous aura in his eyes shot up to the sky, and said coldly: "Good you Wu Chenzi."

"It seems that without the restriction of my rule imprint, it is possible for you to break through the Supreme!"

"I'm going to chase Wu Chenzi, and you immediately pass on my order to summon all the pseudo-respects and ancient emperors in the Human Respect Domain to the world!"

"If anyone doesn't come, let me know!"

The three subordinates, on the bright side, there are no fake venerables, only the ancient emperor, but the actual situation is not the case.

As for Wu Chenzi's sudden escape, Ren Zun finally realized the seriousness of the problem and understood the true meaning of Tianzun's reminder to himself.

Compared to killing Jiang Yun, what he needs to do most now is to deal with these pseudo-respects and the ancient emperors around him first.

After Ren Zun finished explaining, he left in a hurry and went after Wu Chenzi.

Apart from Ren Zun, in the Tian Zun domain, Liu Yingfan, the first disciple, bowed to Tian Zun and said, "Master, the three fake Zun suddenly left without saying goodbye at the same time, and they don't know where they are going."

"Do you need to send someone to chase them?"

Tianzun was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No need to chase, let them go!"

"The chaos in the real domain has already begun."

"However, it's better to be messy, the more muddy the water, the more likely you are to catch fish!"

Tianzun's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he looked up at the top!

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