The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6854: about you, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In the past few days, Jiang Yun has been learning the art of forbidden way without sleep, and the spirit of luck is in his eyes, so he knows that Jiang Yun has successfully mastered it.

This speed makes the Spirit of Luck very satisfied.

At this moment, he would naturally not refuse Jiang Yun's request to go to a place outside the law.

However, he suddenly reached out and waved gently towards Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun only felt a flower in front of him, and he had been brought into the eye of illusion.

Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment, but then he thought that the spirit of luck was letting him take another look at the Siren King before leaving.

In this regard, Jiang Yun did not refuse, he really wanted to see how the Kraken King's recovery was.

Sure enough, the spirit of luck brought Jiang Yun directly to the river of time.

Jiang Yun saw at a glance the stream of water formed by the Siren King wrapped in a circle of light.

Jiang Yun remembered very clearly that although the river of time cannot sense the power of time, once the consciousness enters, as long as it touches the water surface, it will disappear without a trace.

The same is true for specific objects.

This is also the reason why Jiang Yun will remind the Spirit of Luck to consider whether he really wants to use the River of Time to treat the Kraken King.

Today, the Sea-Monster King has existed in the river of time and has not disappeared, which is enough to show that the Spirit of Luck's means is powerful, and I don't know how to protect the Sea-Monster King.

Jiang Yun's consciousness could not penetrate into the river, so he could only see it with the naked eye.

The volume of the water stream transformed by the Siren King has grown a lot, and it is still emitting regular vibrations, just like breathing.

Every time it vibrates, it can cause ripples in the surrounding water.

Although the Sea-Monster King is not as good as the Spirit of Luck said, he can completely recover in just a few days. It is not difficult to see that his state has indeed improved a lot.

Jiang Yun said with a smile: "Senior is very clever. In this way, the life of the Sea-Monster King will not only be saved, but it may also be a fortune."

The Spirit of Luck also stared at the Siren King, nodded and said, "Speaking of which, thank you for this."

Immediately afterwards, the spirit of luck suddenly changed the subject: "How much do you know about this river of time?"

Jiang Yun was slightly stunned. He didn't understand how the Spirit of Fortune would ask this question, but he still thought about it and said, "I heard people say that this river of time was originally from the Heavenly Venerate."

"Tianzun also attached great importance to it. Later, for some reason, this river fell into the hands of Renzun and was put into the Eye of Illusion."

"And then there are some legends, this river, one zhang represents ten thousand years of time, and it existed earlier than the real domain and so on."

"Also" Jiang Yun mostly heard everything about this river of time from Yu Wenji.

Especially when Yuwenji went to see Tianzun in the sky, he came to the location of this river of time because of a mistake, but he actually attracted Tianzun, and Tianzun wanted to kill him! Thinking of this, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his head, looked at the Siren King again, and murmured, "Yuwenji wants to kill him because he saw this river of time."

"And the Sea-Monster King also did things that shouldn't be done, and discovered secrets that shouldn't be discovered, so Tianzun wants to kill him likewise."

"Now, the Kraken King is in this river of time that was originally regarded as a secret by Tianzun." "Is there any connection between this?"

If the Spirit of Fortune hadn't asked about this river of time, Jiang Yun would not have thought of it at all.

But it was just because he thought about it that he was shocked, and felt that there seemed to be invisible lines connecting them all between them.

The Spirit of Luck always listened to Jiang Yun's words quietly, with a look of surprise on his face: "You just said that Tianzun wanted to kill the Sea Monster King because he did something he shouldn't have done. Discovered a secret that shouldn't have been discovered?"

Although the Spirit of Luck saved the Kraken King, he also knew that it was the monks outside the territory who colluded with Tianzun to seize Lao Hai's actions, but he always believed that Tianzun wanted to kill the Kraken King because of the cooperation between the Kraken King and Jiang Yun and others. .

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Yes, this is what Tianzun told me himself."

This time, the spirit of luck also frowned, reached out to support his chin, and fell into contemplation.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Yun couldn't help but said, "Why did the senior specifically ask me about the River of Time?"

The spirit of luck returned to the divine way: "Because, this river of time has something to do with you."

This time, Jiang Yun was not surprised.

Because Yu Wenji said the same thing back then.

However, Jiang Yun really didn't know what this river of time had to do with him.

The Spirit of Luck continued: "You should try it. Once any object touches this river of time, it will disappear immediately."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Yes, even the consciousness will disappear."

The Spirit of Luck smiled and said, "Then have you ever thought about it, in fact, some of the things that touched the river of time did not disappear, but went to other places!"

"Other places?"

Jiang Yun was stunned again and said, "Does this river of time still have the function of a teleportation array?"

The Spirit of Luck shook his head and said: "The other places I said do not only refer to space, but also time!"

time, space! Jiang Yun suddenly understood, and exclaimed, "Senior, do you mean that when you enter the river of time, you will be sent to a certain time and space in the past?"


The Spirit of Luck nodded and said: "It doesn't have to be the past time and space, it is also possible to go to the future time and space."

Jiang Yun stood there blankly, with a shocked expression on his face.

It was something he had never thought of before.

The river of time can actually make everything travel through time and space, to a certain time and space in the past or future.

The Spirit of Luck continued: "Of course, the probability of this kind of successful travel through time and space is very, very low."

"Most of the creatures and objects, whether they enter the river of time, are indeed torn into nothingness by the power of time turbulence."

"Simply put, in addition to the fact that you need to be proficient in the power of time, you also need to have unbelievable luck."

"Only in this way is it possible to travel through time and space."

"Moreover, even if you successfully travel, most of the time and space you go to are not up to you, but entirely determined by the power of time."

"Of course, nothing is absolute!"

"There are still a very small number of creatures who can go to any time and space as they please."

All this explained by the Spirit of Luck reminded Jiang Yun that Shura had said before that through the river of time, he could see what happened at any place in the past.

I didn't know how to do it all the time, and now combined with the explanation of the spirit of luck, isn't it possible that those few monks who can go to any time and space as they want can do it! Jiang Yun also calmed down and said, "Senior, all this seems to have nothing to do with me."

The Spirit of Luck stretched out his finger and pointed at the river of time: "Have you noticed any breath in this river?"

Jiang Yun shook his head without even trying.

The Spirit of Luck stopped talking, suddenly squatted down, stretched out his hand and put his palm into the river of time.

Jiang Yun hurriedly wanted to stop it, but when he saw that the palm of the spirit of luck touched the river, it didn't disappear, and he continued to go deep into the river, which made him shut his mouth.

Then, the river of time trembled slightly, and ripples began to appear on the originally calm water surface, until a figure was revealed!

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