The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6878: answer or not, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun's raised palm suddenly seemed to be extremely heavy, and it seemed like he had been hit by Dao Zun's immobilization technique again, and it was frozen in the air, unable to fall again!

His eyes were almost sluggishly staring at the Primordial Spirit Formation standing beside Dao Zun.

Although the body of the Primordial Spirit Formation is illusory, although her face has a dazed color, but with Jiang Yun's eyesight, how can you not tell it, it is not an illusion, or someone else is pretending.

That is indeed, it is the soul of the ancient spirit!

Dao Zun said again: "Zhenling, do you still know me?"

Hearing Dao Zun's voice, the Primordial Array Spirit slowly turned his head and looked at Dao Zun beside him. The dazed expression on his face suddenly turned into surprise and said, "Old Bu!"

Dao Zun always appears as Taigu Buling, so in Zhenling's view, the person in front of him is Taigu Buling.

Zhenling also continued to ask: "Old Bu, where is this place? Why are we here? Why do you look like you are injured?"

Dao Zun smiled slightly and did not answer the series of questions from Zhenling, but instead asked: "Zhenling, do you still remember Jiang Yun?"

At this moment, Jiang Yun's real location is tens of thousands of miles away from Dao Zun, and the array of spirits did not see Jiang Yun at all.

But Zhenling nodded and said, "Of course I remember, I was helping him study a diagram a few days ago."

Having said that, Zhenling took a serious look at Dao Zun and said, "Old Bu, what happened to you today, do you feel a little weird?"

The smile on Dao Zun's face was even thicker: "It's nothing, you are injured a little, take a good rest!"

After speaking, Dao Zun waved his sleeves, and the array spirit disappeared suddenly just like when she appeared.

And Dao Zun said to Jiang Yun from a distance: "Jiang Yun, you can see clearly, and you can hear it clearly, I didn't lie to you, I can make dead creatures come back to life!"

Since the appearance of the spirits, Jiang Yun's eyes have never left the other side. Naturally, he can see clearly and hear clearly, which is even more unbelievable.

At this moment, Dao Zun's words finally brought him back to his senses.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun suddenly showed a look of surprise.

In fact, what Dao Zun destroyed back then should only be the physical body of the ancient spirit, but it retained her soul.

The reason why I think that the ancient spirits have been dissipated is entirely because I was late at the time, but I just heard that the other ancient spirits were unanimous, saying that they did not feel the souls of the spirits.

At that time, Venerable Dao was also on the scene, and he could control other immemorial spirits at will, and what he wanted them to say was extremely simple.

Although he also did not hesitate to consume his lifespan as the price, he used the technique of immortality to reverse the time, and barely saw the process of killing the ancient spirits.

But I didn't even see the appearance of the formation spirit and Dao Zun clearly, how could it be possible to see whether the formation spirit was gone!

Therefore, Jiang Yun tried his best to calm himself down, and said solemnly, "You didn't destroy the soul of the array spirit, but always carry her soul with you, so that at this time, let me believe your words."

"Hey!" Dao Zun said with a sneer: "Jiang Yun, you are very imaginative."

"Although I really like you, I don't want to bring the soul of the spirit to me in order to make you believe me."

Jiang Yun then said: "Didn't you say that you can revive my senior brother and my second senior sister?"

"If you have the ability, resurrect my second senior sister and let me see!"

In Jiang Yun's heart, he really hoped that Dao Zun was telling the truth and that he could really revive the dead.

But only the soul of an ancient array spirit could not convince Jiang Yun.

But the senior brother and the second senior sister are different.

When the elder brother died, Jiang Yun was unconscious.

But Jiang Yun watched Second Senior Sister explode with his own eyes. It was a complete self-exploitation, and it was impossible to leave any traces.

Although Jiang Yun and Jiansheng both firmly believed that as long as they were strong enough, they would definitely be able to bring Second Senior Sister back to life, but at least up to now, even from those monks outside the realm, Jiang Yun has not gotten a definite answer.

Therefore, if Dao Zun can really make Second Senior Sister appear, Jiang Yun will believe his words.

Facing this request made by Jiang Yun, Dao Zun fell into silence.

Just when Jiang Yun was about to ridicule Dao Zun, thinking that he couldn't do it, Dao Zun finally said: "Reviving your second senior sister, I can indeed do it."

"It's just that she died a long time ago. I need to pay a price to make her appear."

"I don't care about the price, but I ask you, if I really resurrect your second senior sister, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Yun's eyes stared at Dao Zun, wishing to use his own eyes to see through Dao Zun's whole person to see if what he said at the moment was the truth.

After being silent for a long time, Jiang Yun slowly said, "What do you want me to do?"

Dao Zun smiled coldly and said, "I hope you will leave this game with me from now on."

"I will take you into the immortal world, help you fuse your soul clone, and make every effort to make you a detached powerhouse."

"Even, I can let you go with the relatives and friends you want to protect."

"However, I will tell you the truth, I also want to be a detached powerhouse."

"So, before you are about to become a detached powerhouse, you must dedicate everything you have to me!"

"That is to say, with your own life, in exchange for the safety of everything you want to protect, do you agree or not!"

The conditions proposed by Dao Zun made Jiang Yun's body tremble slightly.

In fact, for Jiang Yun's condition, apart from sacrificing himself, all of Jiang Yun's wishes have been fulfilled!

From then on, he doesn't have to worry about anything anymore, he just needs to cultivate with peace of mind, spend the last time of his life with his relatives and friends.

This is what Jiang Yun hopes to achieve the most.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, and his heart fell into the biggest tangle in history.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Yun opened his eyes and asked again, "What about this extrajudicial place and other creatures in the bureau?"

"Hongmeng, ten days dry, what about all the non-territorial monks in the immortal world?"

The expression on Dao Zun's face became indifferent and said: "I said before, you Jiang Yun is not a person of fraternity, why have you changed your temper?"

"Whether it is a place outside the law, or other creatures in the bureau, they are not the people you want to protect, and they are not in your avenues."

"Even, Tianzun, Dizun, and Renzun, they forced your second senior sister, senior brother, Feng Beiling, etc. to death, and started killing in the dreamland, slaughtering hundreds of millions of living beings."

"What does their life and death have to do with you?"

"Don't you still want to protect them?"

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and said, "I want to know, what will happen to them?"

Dao Zun said coldly: "There are so many monks from outside the territory who come to me to promote the world. I always have to give them some explanations, so that they can gain something, and they can't let them come back empty-handed!"

"If they are lucky, they will be taken away by monks from outside the territory. If they are unlucky, they will naturally die!"

"Okay, make a decision quickly!"

"As long as you promise, I will revive your second senior sister now!"

Jiang Yun's body trembled again.

Dao Zun is right, what is the relationship between the three heaven, earth and human beings, the countless creatures in the land outside the law and the real realm, and himself!

Your purpose has been achieved, isn't it?

However, in Jiang Yun's mind, the dream world emerged uncontrollably. Among the tens of thousands of bubbles, those children and women who could only seek solace in the dream world emerged from the dream world. Among them, those creatures who can't even name themselves, but are fighting bravely to protect the dreamland...

Jiang Yun's lips were trembling, and the palms that were raised high were trembling, as if they were unable to continue raising them.

"Yes, I'm not a person of fraternity, and I can't save everyone!"

With this thought in mind, Jiang Yun closed his eyes heavily, and soon opened them again, looking at Dao Zun, and said word by word: "If what you say is true, if you can do what you say, then I answer..."

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "Come on!"

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