The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6885: that space, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Although there was no emotion in the voice of the Taoist Three Corpse, it was not difficult for Jiang Yun to hear that the other party was deeply resentful towards his master.

This is also normal.

A strong man from outside the vertical and horizontal domain fell into an unfamiliar world after being seriously injured and unconscious, and encountered local creatures.

Even if the other party didn't save him, he didn't expect that he would be used as a tool instead!

Not only did he make full use of it, but in order to prevent him from waking up, he even used all kinds of methods to suppress him.

If it was anyone else who had experienced such an experience, he would definitely be full of hostility and resentment towards the person who suppressed him.

Jiang Yun really had no way to explain anything for his master, so he could only bow to the Taoist Three Corpse without saying a word.

The Taoist Three Corpse reached out and directly lifted Jiang Yun's body and said, "The grievances between me and your master have nothing to do with you!"

"You are not qualified to apologize or apologize to me for your master."

"Even, in the future, even if you fight against me in order to protect your master, even if you work hard, you don't need to have any apology or guilt."

The Taoist Three Corpse finally made it clear.

After he gets out of trouble, he will definitely seek revenge for Gu Bu Lao.

In this regard, Jiang Yun said after a moment of silence: "Why did the senior choose me in the first place?"

"Choose me, what do you need me to do?"

The reason why Jiang Yun found the Taoist Three Corpse was because he saw a picture of the Taoist Three Corpse when he was devouring the so-called source of Mengze.

Then Jiang Yuncai went to the other sources of Gu Zeyuan based on that picture, and finally found the Taoist Three Corpse.

Jiang Yun believed that, with the supernatural powers of the Three Corpse Daoist, he should have long known that he was an ancient disciple.

Then, he still led himself here, and it was intentional at all.

The Taoist Three Corpse shook his head and said, "You misunderstood, I didn't mean to target you and bring you here."

"I didn't even know you were his disciple until you saw that picture."

"The picture I left in the so-called source of dreams, the mysterious point is to find someone who is destined."

"But in fact, I just added the technique of empathy to the picture."

"Only people who have had some similar experiences with me and have the same feelings can see that picture and find me."

"Coincidentally, you just happen to be the one who meets the conditions."

Jiang Yun's face showed a look of surprise, and he understood the meaning of the Taoist Three Corpse.

It is said that the Three Corpse Taoist chose himself, but he also chose the Three Corpse Taoist.

As for the similar experiences and the same feelings that he and the other party have, although the specific situation is not clear to him, the Taoist Three Corpse originally cultivated the way of love.

The root of the way of love lies in the importance of love.

And the way of his own protection also requires great affection.

Therefore, this should be the real reason why he was able to see the pictures left by the Three Corpse Daoist.

The Taoist Three Corpse continued, "When I found out that you were his disciple, I also thought about changing someone else."

"However, I really don't want to wait any longer, so I can only choose you!"

"As for the purpose of my looking for you, of course, it is for you to help me out of trouble."

Jiang Yun nodded and continued to ask, "What does the so-called test mean?"

The Taoist Three Corpse replied, "At that time, your strength was too weak to help me get out of trouble."

"The easiest way to help you improve your strength is to give you my Three Corpse Dao."

"But the Three Corpse Daoyin is extremely important to me, and I have to pass it on to my enemies and disciples..."

"In short, regardless of your identity, I have to make sure that you are qualified to let me send the Three Corpse Daoyin."

Jiang Yun was silent again!

Although I can't empathize with Daoist Sancorp's feelings and thoughts, I can understand it.

This is like one day when he is in trouble, but his only hope of being rescued is pinned on the disciples of the enemy such as Di Zun or Ren Zun.

If you replace yourself, you may not be able to be like the Taoist Three Corpse!

The Taoist Three Corpse continued: "Actually, I also saw it."

"You are you, your master is your master."

"I don't need to take revenge on you for what your master did."

"Also, I'm quite satisfied with your performance, so I asked you to come this time, and I'm going to give you the Three Corpse Road Seal."

"However, I found that your current strength seems to have reached a bottleneck again."

"Even if I give you the Three Corpse Dao Seal, it can't help you improve, and there's no way for you to save me."

Jiang Yun said with a wry smile: "Yes, my soul is incomplete, so my realm is also bound."

"Only when I fuse my soul avatar can I break the bottleneck and break through to the next realm."

The Taoist Three Corpse nodded thoughtfully and said, "Then it seems that I have to wait a little longer."

Jiang Yun didn't say anything, but in his heart, he had the intention of rejecting the Daoist Three Corpse's Daoist Seal.

Since the Three Corpse Daoist had all revealed his identity to himself, he had unabashedly exposed his hatred for his master.

How could he be sure that he would save him?

Could it be that he was doing something in the Three Corpse Dao Seal that he gave him, such as controlling, or taking himself away!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun did not mention the matter, but deliberately changed the subject and said, "Senior, you said just now that my master used a space to suppress you. Is that space also in the land of detachment?"

"I don't know!" Daoist Three Corpse said with a blank expression, "It didn't take me too long to regain my senses."

"Although I can perceive what happened in the extrajudicial land with the help of the extrajudicial divine patterns condensed by your master, my understanding is limited."

"But what I can be sure of is that the space that your master set up to suppress me is absorbing my power and the power of the outside world all the time, so it is getting stronger and stronger."

"If I don't want to get out of this trap, then one day, I will truly become a corpse."

"By the way, Dao Zun seems to be looking for that space too!"

Jiang Yun didn't care too much about the suppression of Daoist Three Corpse in another space.

But when he heard that Dao Zun was also looking for it, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly moved.

"Will that space hide all of Master's original memories?"

However, even if the memory of the master is hidden, now the master is still trapped in the dream realm, and the dream realm is with the ancient demon, even if he finds the master's memory, it is meaningless.

Jiang Yun looked up at the Taoist Three Corpse, hesitated and asked, "Senior, the ancient demon and the ancient demon, did they listen to your words, one escaped from here, and the other stole the dreamland?"

I thought that Daoist Three Corpse would not answer this question, but unexpectedly, the other party nodded without hesitation: "Not bad!"

"I originally wanted to convince all four of them, but at that time I didn't have enough strength to recover, so I could only persuade the ancient demon."

"As for the ancient demon stealing the Dreamland, it is naturally because your master is in the Dreamland."

"As long as he doesn't leave the Dreamland, he can't restore his memory. If I control the Dreamland, I will also control your master's life!"

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes and said: "That is to say, that Mengzun, in fact, was also persuaded by you to take action and seal the dream realm?"

"Yes!" The Three Corpse Taoist nodded again: "I know, you must be dissatisfied with me."

"But I suggest you, if you have the chance, you'd better find out what your master was like back then!"

Daoist Three Corpse's expressionless face showed a sneer and said: "Let's not say anything else, just that ancient word, if you don't have the imprint of the ancients, then you should be able to sense something!"

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