The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6890: become the enemy, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Jiang Yun, your soul avatar allowed Ji Kongfan to open the entrance to the real realm. He is about to take the monks from outside the realm to the real realm!"

Just as Ji Kongfan reopened the entrance to the real domain, Jiang Yun, who was rushing towards the Dharma Lord's world, heard the faint voice of the Taoist Three Corpse!

"Ji Kongfan?"

Hearing these words, Jiang Yun stopped, and the first reaction in his mind was that he heard it wrong.

How could his soul clone allow Ji Kongfan to open the entrance to the real realm?

Others don't know his soul avatar, Ji Kongfan is very clear, it is impossible to mistake the other party for himself.

What's more, the soul clone also brought the monks from outside the territory.

Under such circumstances, Ji Kongfan has no reason to obey the words of his soul avatar and open the entrance to the real world!

Daoist Three Corpse naturally knew the doubts in Jiang Yun's heart, and said again: "Actually, Ji Kongfan, he has already surrendered to Dao Zun more than a year ago!"

"And the reason why he surrendered to Dao Zun is because Dao Zun brought his wife to him!"

This sentence, for Jiang Yun, was like a thunderbolt, and it fell on him fiercely!

Jiang Yun never expected that Ji Kongfan would have already surrendered to Dao Zun.

However, Jiang Yun knew better than anyone else that if Ji Kongfan also had his way, then this way must be the way to seek.

It can be said that Ji Kongfan's only purpose of living is to find his missing wife and annihilated clan.

As the patriarch of the annihilated clan back then, he returned to the clan and found that except for his son, his wife and all the clan members had disappeared for no apparent reason.

This made him feel very guilty and remorseful.

Since then, he has been searching for the whereabouts of his clan.

He found Dao Domain from Destruction Domain, Ji Domain from Dao Domain, True Domain, until he found a place outside the law, but he never found it.

Then, when Dao Zun suddenly told him that he could bring his wife and the annihilated clan to him, but the condition was that he needed to surrender...

It is not difficult for Jiang Yun to imagine that Ji Kongfan at that time must be full of entanglements and contradictions just like himself before.

Don't look at Ji Kongfan's extremely arrogant and indifferent character, and even keep away from strangers.

But in fact, Jiang Yun knew that in addition to having a kind heart, Ji Kongfan also had some similarities with Huang Junyan.

He has an almost crazy obsession with home and family.

At the beginning, the angel patrol of Zhutianjiyu generously died, and Ji Kongfan took his place and became the new angel patrol to protect the entire Zhutianjiyu.

If anyone wanted to come, Ji Kongfan would not agree.

But Ji Kongfan not only agreed, but he really did his best to protect Zhutianjiyu.

Because, he regards Zhutianjiyu as his home.

And the real reason why he entered the land outside the law was also because he regarded the dreamland as his home, in order to prevent the land outside the law from invading the dreamland.

Now, as the master of the law, he naturally regards the land outside the law as his home.

Not to mention, as a member of Daoxingtiandi, he will inevitably regard foreign monks as enemies.

Therefore, in the face of Dao Zun's request, he needs to give up his family in exchange for the family and wife he has been looking for. Although he finally made a choice, his heart must be full of pain.

Jiang Yun murmured: "No wonder, since the formation was broken, Ji Kongfan never showed up again when the monks from outside the territory attacked the land outside the law."

"No wonder he keeps reminding me not to cooperate with Dao Zun, just because he doesn't want me to repeat his mistakes."

The voice of the three corpse Taoist continued: "Yes, he promised to return to Dao Zun, and in addition to needing Tao Zun to bring back his clan and his wife, he also made a request."

"That is, no matter what time, under any circumstances, he will never shoot at you."

"Therefore, when you met Dao Zun, Ji Kongfan was actually in the Dharma Lord's world."

"Dao Zun is also trustworthy. He didn't let him deal with you, and he didn't even show up."

Jiang Yun was a little lost, only to feel that his heart suddenly became empty, as if a piece was missing!

Although Ji Kongfan and Jiang Yun used to be on opposite sides, Jiang Yun still hated Ji Kongfan, but as the two came into contact with more and more, Jiang Yun not only let go of his hatred, but also put Ji Kong down. Be your own example!

Even, it is the father!

Ji Kongfan gave Jiang Yun the body of his own son's annihilation, and watched Jiang Yun reincarnate for a hundred lives.

Even though Jiang Yun's strength has surpassed Ji Kongfan now, in his heart, he still respects him.

Jiang Yun also knew that Ji Kongfan also regarded himself as his son.

This is also the reason why he insisted that he would not take action against himself even though he had surrendered to Dao Zun.

However, now, the two of them have finally stood on opposite sides and become enemies!

Naturally, Ji Kongfan's return to the Dao Zun was a huge blow to Jiang Yun, and he couldn't accept it at all.

The Taoist Three Corpse said again: "Jiang Yun, I spent all my strength telling you these things, not to make you stay in a daze here."

"I know that your Dao is the way of protection. If the real domain is destroyed, it will have a great impact on your Dao."

"Now, I can send you back to the real domain, do you want to go back?"

Jiang Yun finally came back to his senses, took a deep look at the direction of the Law Lord's world, nodded vigorously and said, "Yes!"

Jiang Yun's current location is at least a few days away from the world of the Lord of Law.

By the time he arrived, the soul clone had already led people to kill in the real realm.

Therefore, being able to immediately return to the real realm is naturally the best choice for him.


As Jiang Yun agreed, he immediately flew over from all directions and gathered in front of him.

"Follow the Divine Runes and attack the location where the Divine Runes converge to open the entrance to the real world."

"Good luck!"

The voice of the Three Corpse Daoist no longer sounded.

Jiang Yun also knew that the ability of the Three Corpse Daoist to contact him from the realm of ancient rules was indeed extremely exhausting, not to mention that he had to guide himself to open the entrance to the real world.

I am afraid that after helping himself, he may need to sleep for a while.

Naturally, this also made him owe more to the Taoist Three Corpse!

However, more or less, now Jiang Yun has no time to think about other issues.

The more and more extrajudicial divine patterns gathered, and when there were about a thousand paths, they immediately flew in a certain direction.

Jiang Yun followed closely behind them.

After only half an hour, the Extrajudicial Divine Runes stopped and gathered together.

Jiang Yun didn't hesitate at all, condensed the strength of his whole body, raised his fist and smashed it down.


A punch fell, and although nearly half of the extrajudicial divine runes were shattered, the boundary seam remained motionless, and no cracks appeared at all.

"It seems that the space involved is different between the realm of Guze and the realm."

Jiang Yun took out the black sword, and summoned the real Xiaoyu, letting him and himself attack the place where the extrajudicial divine patterns converged at the same time.

Even if it was equivalent to the joint force of the three supreme beings, it took about a quarter of an hour for Jiang Yuncai to make a crack that was as high as one person in the gap.

Jiang Yun estimated that he should be able to pass through the crack, so he stopped delaying, and hurriedly put away the sword, sent Zhenren Xiaoyu into the Dao Realm, and then walked towards the crack.

However, at this moment, a very ethereal old voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "Come!"

Hearing this voice, Jiang Yun was stunned for a moment, and his raised feet were all frozen in the air.

Because, this is the immortal voice of his master!

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