The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6892: widen the entrance, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing that the soul clone was about to lead everyone into the entrance, Ji Kongfan opened his mouth to stop it.

"What else?"

The soul clone looked at Ji Kongfan and said in an unpleasant tone.

Ji Kongfan pointed his finger at the entrance and said, "The land outside the law is quite special. It is not so much that I opened the entrance. It is better to use my strength to temporarily build a road."

"With my current strength, this road can only allow no more than three supreme powerhouses to enter."

"Once it is exceeded, the road will be overwhelmed and will collapse directly."

"The road collapsed and hurt me, but it's nothing, but if you happen to be on the road and fall into the space crack, it's hard to say what will happen."

After listening to Ji Kongfan's words, the soul clone frowned and said, "Really?"

Without waiting for Ji Kongfan to speak, Ding Yi took the first step to the entrance, released his consciousness, nodded after watching for a while, and said, "What he said is true."

"However, it doesn't matter, I can transform this road, widen it, and stabilize it."

"It just takes time."

Ding Yi practiced the way of space, otherwise he would not be able to survive in the chaotic airspace full of space cracks.

Therefore, he said that if he is sure to remodel the entrance, there will naturally be no problem.

The soul clone nodded and said, "Okay, then we'll talk about it later."

Ding Yi stepped forward and stepped into the entrance.

And as he stepped in, Ji Kongfan suddenly opened his mouth, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, his face pale.

Obviously, Ding Yi, as a strong person in the source realm, cannot bear Ji Kongfan's strength alone.

Even, if he wanted to, he could easily kill Ji Kongfan without touching Ji Kongfan!

Fortunately, Ding Yi didn't have this idea, so Ji Kongfan's complexion gradually returned to normal.

After Jiang Yun passed through the crack, he finally returned to the real domain.

Looking at the boundless boundless sea below him, Jiang Yun's gratitude to the Taoist Three Corpse was a little more.

Although the Taoist Three Corpse should not know where the entrance he directed Jiang Yun to open will lead to the real domain, but for Jiang Yun, it is undoubtedly the most suitable to be able to appear in the sea.

Because the entrance to the real realm opened by Ji Kongfan should be located in the sea eye!

Jiang Yun is now unclear whether the soul clones have entered the real domain.

Therefore, he immediately spread out his consciousness, and after identifying his position, he directly summoned Master Xiaoyu and let him fly in the direction of Haiyan.

Although the real Xiaoyu didn't know Jiang Yun's experience in the realm of ancient rules, but he knew that the soul clone and others were going to enter the real realm, and naturally understood the anxiety in Jiang Yun's heart now, so he also expanded his speed and flew with all his strength.

The real Xiaoyu probably didn't realize that he was now very comfortable with his role as a mount.

Jiang Yun also took out a communication jade slip and contacted An Caiyi!

The person Jiang Yun really wants to contact is Tianzun, but he does not have a communication jade slip that directly contacts Tianzun, and it is not easy to contact Tianzun's first disciple Liu Yingfan.

After all, Liu Yingfan always believed that Jiang Yun was a monk outside the realm.

If she knew Jiang Yun's true identity, she might not be willing to inform Tianzun.

As for the monks from outside the realm entering the real realm, Jiang Yun's heart was not too flustered.

Because God is there!

The strength of Tianzun, in Jiang Yun's view, is not weaker than that of Daoist Qingxin, and it is also equivalent to the source realm.

In terms of fighting alone, as long as it is not the leader of Ten Tiangan, the leader of Hongmeng and others come, Tianzun should be able to deal with it.

"Pavilion Master, are you back?"

In the communication jade slip, An Caiyi's excited voice came out.

Jiang Yun said solemnly: "Miss An, immediately find a way to contact Tianzun, don't worry about revealing your identity, tell Tianzun that the monks from outside the realm are about to enter the real realm, and the comers are not good."

"The specific location where they came to the real domain should be in the eyes of the sea."

"I'm rushing to Haiyan now, you ask Tianzun to quickly come to Haiyan and I will reconcile."

"By the way, let Gui Yi come too!"

Jiang Yun's series of ignorant words may not necessarily be responded to by others.

But fortunately, An Caiyi's mind was quick, and she came back to her senses after only a few breaths. It is better to ask what happened, and immediately agreed: "Okay, I will contact Tianzun."

"Pavilion Master, be careful yourself!"

After Jiang Yun put away the communication jade slip, he finally calmed down. After pondering for a while, he asked Zhenren Xiaoyu, "How many people do you think they will come?"

Although Daoist Three Corpse reminded Jiang Yun, Dao did not explain how many foreign monks the soul clone had brought.

Jiang Yun also had no way of guessing, so he could only see if the real person Xiaoyu knew.

Real Man Xiaoyu smiled bitterly and said, "Sir, it's hard to say."

"If it's an outsider monk called by Dao Zun, there shouldn't be too many."

"But don't forget, sir, Ten Tiangan also participated in this matter."

"I wonder if the new Guiyi also went to the extrajudicial land and joined forces with that soul avatar!"

"If there are ten more days to participate, I really don't know how many people they will have."

Jiang Yun's heart sank immediately.

Indeed, when he only thought about his soul avatar, he neglected the ten days of dryness.

Although according to common sense, Shi Tiangan and Dao Zun should be opposites, but Dao Zun has already ignored these.

Moreover, Jiang Yun also remembered that when he was in the chaos of the airspace, he personally saw the soul clone fighting side by side with the ten-day dry Ding Yi.

Then, their cooperation is naturally very possible.

Although Dao Zun can mobilize monks from outside the territory, he still has to worry about Hongmeng, so he can only sneak.

Ten Tiangans are different, they are the real unscrupulous, not only are the ten Tiangans powerful, but it is not an exaggeration to say that the foreign monks they have found are desperados.

Furthermore, Tianzun also said that there should be hidden powerhouses behind Ten Tiangan.

Before, it was very difficult for Shi Tiangan to enter the real realm, and to enter the Guantian Palace, at most it was lurking in the chaotic airspace.

But if they really cooperate with Dao Zun, they can enter the real realm at will.

Especially if the hidden person also took the opportunity to enter the real domain, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"If the spirit of luck is willing to help, that's fine."

This thought was only a flash in Jiang Yun's mind.

Because it's almost impossible.

The only reason why the Spirit of Luck is still in the eyes of the sea is to take care of the Siren King.

Even, it is possible that he has already left with the Siren King.

Even if he is still in Haiyan, he will definitely not fight against foreign monks in order to protect the real domain.

Jiang Yun patted the backsliding of the real person Xiaoyu: "Xiaoyu, hurry up!"

The real Xiaoyu nodded, and he really fought his life to continue to improve his speed.

At the same time, there was a slight vibration in the sea eye, and a large amount of sea water gently boiled.

In the Land of Luck, the Spirit of Luck has already felt this vibration, and also knows that the entrance to the Land of Extraordinary Law has opened.

And he didn't show up, just covered the entrance in the sea with his divine sense.

"Huh?" But just a moment later, the spirit of luck felt something was wrong.

Because the entrance is slowly getting bigger, as if someone is trying to widen the entrance at the other end of the entrance.

This kind of situation, the spirit of luck has never encountered.

"What's going on? Is that Dao Zun?"

"Dao Zun has already captured the land outside the law so soon, and now he is coming back from the land outside the law?"

With the expansion of the entrance, the sea eye is constantly oscillating, and the boiling of the sea water is even more intense.

When the entrance expanded to a radius of dozens of meters, it finally stopped.

And the body of the Spirit of Luck also stood up, his eyes skyrocketed, looking at the entrance, a group of cultivators were quickly walking towards the real realm!

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