The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6940: has a map, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun has not been in this world for a long time, and he has never thought about absorbing the power of blood here, so he only knows that the power of blood here is very strong, but the specific amount has not been sensed.

At this moment, the woman's words made Jiang Yun's heart move.

Jiang Yun also believed that the woman did not lie.

After all, she has been here for more than two months, and has been absorbing the power of blood. She must be more aware of the concentration of blood power here than herself.

"Could it be that after the creatures who entered this world die, their own cultivation will be absorbed by this world in turn?"

"The blood light cover that just appeared, is it not just to protect the world, but also to absorb the cultivation of the supreme?"

"If it is, then this world, no, is all cemeteries, and it is indeed dangerous!"

Jiang Yun originally thought that this world was a holy place for blood cultivation practice, but now it seems that this is not the case.

The six people who entered here, not only did not get any benefits, but three people have died.

The old man's aura has completely disappeared, and it should be both physical and spiritual.

It's just that it was not killed by himself, but most likely, killed by this world.

These thoughts flashed through Jiang Yun's mind. He didn't say it, but asked: "When the two foreign monks were killed before, did the blood power here change?"

The woman shook her head and said, "At that time, I was so busy running for my life that I didn't have time to sense the power of blood."

"I am healing now, so I noticed that the power of blood has become a lot stronger."

Speaking of this, the woman's face suddenly showed concern, and she changed to voice transmission: "Senior, can this world also absorb our power?"

Obviously, what Jiang Yun thought of, the woman also thought of it.

Jiang Yun smiled and said, "I didn't feel that the power was being absorbed. If you mean the disappearance of the supreme cultivation base just now, that's normal."

"After a soul dies, everything will return to heaven and earth."

"Okay, heal your wounds, I'll keep going around nearby."

After Jiang Yun comforted the woman, he stepped into the distance.

After the woman turned her head and looked around, she sat down cross-legged and began to heal her injuries.

Jiang Yun not only carefully looked for the breath of the old man, but after confirming that the other party was indeed dead, he found the two corpses with his divine sense and checked them carefully.

The two corpses, although the blood in the body has not decreased, but the breath has dissipated.

Jiang Yun had discovered this before, but he didn't care.

Now combined with the soul of the old man, the power of blood in this world has become rich, but Jiang Yun is more certain that this world is indeed absorbing the cultivation of these deceased people.

You must know that the two corpses are fake venerables. Even if they die, their powerful cultivation will still emit aura, which will last for a long time.

This is like the supreme corpse that Jiang Yun stayed in the Zangfeng space for Shura and the others to realize.

Even if the value of the fake corpse is not as good as that of the supreme, it is impossible for the cultivation base during his lifetime to dissipate in such a short period of time.

Then, Jiang Yun also found a place to sit down, and also sensed the power of blood in this world.

Compared with women, Jiang Yun's consciousness is much stronger, so he soon realized that there are actually runes hidden in the air of this world, that is, the rules of blood.

Jiang Yun didn't have any interest in the rules of blood, so he withdrew his consciousness when he sensed it.

Opening his eyes, Jiang Yun saw that the woman was still healing with her eyes closed, so she didn't bother, but thought about the world and the whole cemetery.

"It is now certain that every tomb is actually a world derived from a rule."

"There are certain rules in the world that are good for monks."

"Especially the monks from outside the territory. In their eyes, the entire Daoxing world is different from all other Dao worlds. They are very interested in everything in the Daoxing world, not to mention that it contains the avenues of harmony. A world of similar rules."

"Master opened up this space containing many rules in the past, the purpose is to hide memories, suppress the three corpses, and prepare for the breaking of the game."

"So, now, what is the purpose of that memory opening here so that cultivators can enter at will?"

Jiang Yun didn't know whether the master just pulled out the memory, or left behind an existence similar to the avatar of the consciousness that contained the memory.

In Jiang Yun's mind, the latter is more likely.

Let's just think that the master left a memory clone with a very different personality from his own master.

Even, this memory clone once opened his mouth and wanted to lead himself into this place.

The other party's purpose for letting the vortex appear, naturally, would not be so kind, and generously provided all the cultivators with various rules to absorb and comprehend.

"When the monk dies, all his cultivation bases will be absorbed by the ruled world. What benefits can this bring him?"

In Jiang Yun's contemplation, the woman finally finished healing, and added a piece of clothing to the tattered clothes, and then walked to Jiang Yun and bowed to Jiang Yun. Said: "Junior Liu Ruxia, thank you for your life-saving grace."

Jiang Yun opened his eyes, waved his hand and said, "It's just a matter of raising your hand, no need to be more polite."

"Miss Liu is a monk in a land outside the law, right?"

"Yes." Liu Ruxia nodded and said, "This junior was originally a true cultivator. Because he didn't want to go to the Heavenly Venerate, he was led by others a long time ago and entered a place outside the law. Fortunately, I broke through to the realm of pseudo-respect."

"I didn't expect that more than a year ago, the world where the junior lived was suddenly invaded by an enemy, and I only knew that there were still monks from outside the territory."

"In the past year, I have been hiding in the east and west, avoiding the monks from outside the territory, and killed a few of them until I found the whirlpool."

"Although I don't know what's in the vortex at all, I have no choice but to venture into it."

Jiang Yun always listened to Liu Ruxia's story quietly, and did not find any flaws in it. He thought that what the other party said should be the truth.

Even if there are lies, Jiang Yun will not care because the other party is also a Taoist monk.

After Liu Ruxia finished speaking, Jiang Yun nodded and said, "You should already know who I am!"

Liu Ruxia hesitated for a moment before whispering, "Senior should be Jiang Yun, right?"

Jiang Yun smiled slightly: "Why don't you think I am one of the three?"

Liu Ruxia also smiled and said: "The three are all very arrogant and conceited. When they appear, they must be their true colors, and it is impossible for them to change their faces."

As for Jiang Yun's identity, in fact, as long as you are familiar with the real situation, you can basically guess it.

As the old man analyzed before, there have only been three Supremes in Zhenyu for so many years, and suddenly there is a new Supreme, naturally it can only be Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun neither admitted nor denied it, and changed the question: "You just said that two monks from outside the territory went to other worlds. Is there a way to other worlds here?"

"Also, do you remember the general appearance of the two foreign monks who left? Is there anything special about them?"

Jiang Yun naturally wanted to find the source of his familiarity, and now the biggest possibility is the two monks who left.

Although the other party is a non-territorial cultivator, since Liu Ruxia can pretend to be a talisman, maybe other Daoxing cultivators have a way.

Liu Ruxia nodded and said, "The edge of this world is where the darkness lies. As long as you pass through the darkness, you can go to other worlds."

Jiang Yun said inexplicably: "How did you know? Could it be that some of you walked through the darkness and then came back?"

Jiang Yun naturally discovered that darkness.

However, he couldn't even pass through his divine sense. When faced with an unknown darkness, he didn't believe that Liu Ruxia and the others dared to venture into the darkness.

Jiang Yun's question made Liu Ruxia stunned and said, "Don't you have a map here, senior?"

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