The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6945: key changed, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Liu Ruxia could clearly feel that many of the countless sharp bone spurs had pierced his own skin.

Moreover, the thorns of the bone spurs also released a numb feeling, which should be poisonous, making his body somewhat immobile.

The most important thing to do now is to force these bone spurs out of the body before the poison has covered the whole body, so as to avoid the spread of the poison.

However, Jiang Yun actually told himself not to move. This does not mean that he will either be stabbed into a hedgehog by bone spurs and die of blood, or be attacked by poison and die!

Even if Liu Ruxia already has trust in Jiang Yun, but it is related to her own life, how dare she listen to Jiang Yun's words.

However, just when she wanted to force out the bone spurs, she suddenly felt that a powerful force poured into her body in the palm of Jiang Yun's grasp of her arm.

This force not only immediately blocked the continued intrusion of those bone spurs, but also released a strong vitality, bit by bit expelling the little poison in his body.

At the same time, in Liu Ruxia's peripheral vision, he saw ten colored rays of light lit up!

This made Liu Ruxia finally stop acting rashly, and chose to obey Jiang Yun's words, stood there quietly, and looked down at herself.

On his body, those bone spurs still exist, but they have stopped moving forward.

Liu Ruxia let out a sigh of relief, and then looked up to the front.

In front of Jiang Yun and Liu Ruxia, stood a bald old man.

The old man was small and thin. Although he looked like a human, his body was covered with poisonous thorns, and he looked more like a strange plant.

According to the breath exuding from his body, it can be roughly judged that his strength is stronger than that of Liu Ruxia, but weaker than that of Supreme.

Liu Ruxia naturally understood that it was this old man who suddenly shot the two of them.

The old man had a smug smile on his face, obviously excited because he succeeded in attacking Jiang Yun and Jiang Yun.

However, Liu Ruxia discovered that in the eyes of the old man, ten colored marks were slowly rotating.

Liu Ruxia's eyes moved quietly to Jiang Yun's body again, and found that Jiang Yun, like himself, was covered with stationary bone spurs, and there were also ten colored marks in his eyes!

At this time, Jiang Yun suddenly said, "Fellow Daoist, we have no grievances with you, why are you ambushing here and attacking us?"

The old man grinned, stretched out a finger, and pointed at Jiang Yun and Liu Ruxia's faces respectively: "Of course it's for the rune you got!"

Liu Ruxia's heart moved, Jiang Yun's face obviously had no runes, why did the old man say that Jiang Yun also had runes?

But Jiang Yun was not surprised, and continued: "This rune is a certain rule of our perception. What do you do when you grab it, and what's the use of grabbing it?"

The old man seemed to see that Jiang Yun and Liu Ruxia could no longer move, so he also followed Jiang Yun's words with great interest: "It seems that you have just left the first world!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "We were in the first world. After we realized the rules there, we felt that the world was going to be destroyed, so we stepped into the darkness and came here."

The old man smiled slightly: "Then you must have discovered that if you want to leave the world you are in, you must absorb the power of the rules there, just like getting a key."

"However, after arriving in the second world, the key was changed."

"Just by absorbing the power of the world's rules, you can't leave this second world. You must understand the rules, that is, the rune on your eyebrows, in order to move on and go to the third world."

Hearing this, Liu Ruxia's expression changed.

When Jiang Yun told her before that her rune could be robbed, she didn't care too much, thinking that others should not **** it.

But now, she finally understood that Jiang Yun was really right.

The key to open the second world is the power of rules, but the key to open the third world is the rune of perception!

Liu Ruxia couldn't help but secretly glanced at Jiang Yun again, but found that Jiang Yun's complexion remained calm, and there was no change at all.

It was as if everything the old man said had long been expected by him.

The old man continued: "You have also seen it, I didn't understand the rules of the first world. Without the runes, I couldn't go to the second world."

"Also, I came to this second world relatively late, and most of the people are already dead."

"Although there are still a few people, I am not their opponent, and I will not let them discover me."

"So, I can only wait here and see if I can wait here for people like me who came in from the first world."

"I've been waiting here for three days, and to be honest, I'm almost out of hope."

"I didn't expect that God pays off, it really made me finally wait for you!"

"When I stole your runes, I can go to the third world."

"Hey hey hey!

The old man lowered his voice and smiled lowly.

However, halfway through his laugh, he suddenly stopped, frowned, looked at Jiang Yun and Liu Ruxia and said, "No, you guys have been poisoned by me, even if it is the Supreme, after so long, the poison should have flared up. , why are you alright?"

"Also, why am I talking so much to you?"

Looking at the puzzled look on the old man's face, Jiang Yun replied lightly, "Because, you are dreaming!"

The voice fell, Jiang Yun raised his wrist, and the black Dao sword was as fast as lightning, piercing the old man's eyebrows with great accuracy.

With a "puff", there was an extra wound above the old man's eyebrows, and blood splattered everywhere.

The old man let out a groan, covered the wound with one hand, and the ten colored marks in his eyes disappeared.

The old man's reaction was also fast, knowing that he had met a strong man today, so even if he was stabbed in turn by Jiang Yun, he didn't have any thoughts of revenge, and his thin body actually burrowed into the ground.

It's a pity that the old man is a tree demon, and the five elements belong to wood.

Jiang Yun's Dao Sword is a Dao weapon of sword power.


That sword really inflicted heavy damage on the old man.

No matter how fast the old man's reaction was, there was no possibility of escaping in front of Jiang Yun's eyes.

Before the old man's body fully penetrated into the ground, Jiang Yun had already drawn a demon seal and penetrated into the old man's body, causing the old man's body to appear as if it had grown in the ground, motionless.

The ten colored marks in Jiang Yun's eyes have also disappeared, and the countless bone spurs also fell down with a slight shake of his body.

Jiang Yun ignored the old man, but turned to look at Liu Ruxia and said, "Miss Liu, are you alright?"

Liu Ruxia has nothing to do with it, the poison of the bone spur has been completely expelled by the huge vitality given by Jiang Yun, and even the pierced skin is about to heal.

However, her complexion was still pale, and when she heard Jiang Yun's voice, she raised her head, and there was an undisguised panic in her eyes.

Jiang Yun naturally understood what she was worried about, and there was no way to comfort her. After confirming that she was all right, he raised his hand and lifted the old man out of the ground.

The old man is already dying. Although he will not die for the time being, it is impossible for him to live.

Jiang Yun's consciousness was lost in the opponent's soul, and just as he was about to search his soul, he was blocked back by a powerful force.

Jiang Yun was not surprised by this result.

That's why, he just told Liu Ruxia not to move, in order to display Qingming Dream, let the old man fall into a dream, so as to understand the general situation of the world from the other party's mouth.

Although he couldn't search for souls, Jiang Yun was a little unwilling to kill the opponent like this, so he simply sealed the opponent's cultivation base and threw it into the Dao world to see if there was a chance to look back and come in handy.

After dealing with the old man, Jiang Yun also dissipated his consciousness and spread to the world.

The old man said that besides him, there are several people here.

Those few should either have not found the rune, or they are comprehending the rules here.

After all, the world has not collapsed, which means that the rules have not yet been understood.

So Jiang Yun wants to see who else is here!

The area of ​​this world is obviously much larger than the first world. After Jiang Yun's consciousness turned around, he finally saw a few people, which made his eyes suddenly turn cold!

ten days!

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