The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6965: my descendants, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun was able to kill Bing Yi, not because the rune array thrown by Liu Ruxia blocked Bingyi's most powerful blow, but because Jiang Yun's Dao circle was broken by the rune array.

Although the Dao world is not completely broken, Jiang Yun's original Dao body, from the broken place, senses the power of thunder from the outside world, and can also be motivated by himself.

Naturally, Jiang Yun immediately understood the true power of the original Taoist body.

This attracted a lot of thunder from Dao Xing Tian and Earth, and successfully killed Bing Yi together with his original Dao body.

Liu Ruxia's act of throwing out the talisman seemed to be frightened and hurried, but in fact it helped Jiang Yun to understand the true role of the source of Taoism.

Jiang Yun has come into contact with many foreign monks, including even the descendants of detached powerhouses, who do not know the role of the original Taoist body.

However, Liu Ruxia, a place outside the law, a cultivator who is not even a supreme being, can actually know the function of the original Taoist body, which is simply impossible.

Therefore, this also made Jiang Yun doubt her identity again.

Liu Ruxia said with a bitter face: "Senior, I don't understand what you are talking about, I..."

Before Liu Ruxia could finish speaking, Jiang Yun interrupted rudely: "Miss Liu, if you continue to make it up, then you will really think I'm a fool!"

"Since you can recognize my identity, you must have some understanding of me and know how I am."

"Although I don't know what your real purpose is, as long as you tell the truth, it is not impossible for us to cooperate."

"Otherwise, we can only part ways."

At the same time as he spoke, Jiang Yun spread out his palm, and there was a dense stack of regular runes in his palm.

"This is the rune I got from Bing Yi. There are a total of 102 runes. I can give you half of it as compensation for the loss of those natal runes!"

Jiang Yun killed Bingyi, and naturally he got all his regular runes.

And this amount surprised Jiang Yun!

There are a total of sixteen runes on his body, which is quite a lot, but compared to C, it is far worse.

However, Jiang Yun can understand.

Other monks from outside the territory must fight against each other, beware of each other, and restrain each other. Unless they are forced, they will not kill each other at all.

But C-yi is different. As a strong person in the source realm, he is also one of the ten lawless heavenly stems.

More importantly, he himself cultivated the avenue of killing, which was extremely bloodthirsty.

Therefore, it is estimated that every world he steps into will kill all the monks there and take away their runes.

At this moment, Liu Ruxia glanced at the runes in Jiang Yun's hands, and then turned to Jiang Yun. The wry smile, sadness and other emotions on her face had all disappeared.

"Okay!" Liu Ruxia shrugged her shoulders and said, "If I knew earlier, I shouldn't have shot, so that I won't show my flaws."

Jiang Yun also looked at Liu Ruxia, and the other party finally took off his disguise.

And Liu Ruxia's words were the reason why Jiang Yun was willing to cooperate with her or send runes even though he had doubts about her identity.

Liu Ruxia's two shots were all helping Jiang Yun!

It was precisely these two shots that made Jiang Yun suspicious of her.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can conclude that no matter what Liu Ruxia's real purpose is, at least for the time being, there is no malice towards him.

She could just stand by and continue to pretend.

The big deal is that when she is killed, she just pats her **** and leaves.

Liu Ruxia continued: "We can indeed cooperate."

"Because you and I have different goals."

"Your purpose should be for the memory of your master."

"And my purpose is to get back something that originally belonged to me in this rule cemetery."

"I have some understanding of this place, which can help you reach the final world smoothly."

"However, your enemies are too strong, I will not help you to deal with them again."

Liu Ruxia's words made Jiang Yun's mind spin quickly.

The other party will actually know something about this place, and there are things that belong to her, which are hidden in this space!

But here is the space that my master once opened up.

Apart from his own master and countless rules, how could there be something belonging to Liu Ruxia here?

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yuncai said, "You haven't told me who you are!"

"I said it!" Liu Ruxia said with a smile on her face: "My name is Liu Ruxia. I was originally a cultivator of the true domain, and I didn't want to submit to the Heavenly Venerate, so I entered a place outside the law."

"These are the truth, I didn't lie to you!"

Jiang Yun still did not believe that the other party must know his master.

Even, the two sides may still be enemies.

Otherwise, how could Master put the things that originally belonged to Liu Ruxia into this vortex space.

If the other party is telling the truth and his name is really Liu Ruxia, then there must be a famous existence in the real domain.

But I have seen the top group of powerhouses in the real domain, but I have never heard of her name!

After thinking about it, Jiang Yun changed the question and said, "Why do you want to cooperate with me?"

"In terms of strength, you are definitely stronger than me, and you don't need my protection."

"You said it yourself, you are very familiar with the situation here."

"Also, I don't think you have any interest in these rule runes."

No matter who Liu Ruxia is, there is no need to cooperate with herself, or even with anyone.

She can go anywhere in the vortex space by herself.

Regarding the question raised by Jiang Yun, Liu Ruxia sighed and said, "You are right, I can be alone."

"However, the memory of your master's past is not so easy to talk about."

"Now, he shouldn't know about my arrival."

"If she finds me, it won't be that simple if I want to get my things back."

The answer given by Liu Ruxia was in line with Jiang Yun's guess that there should be a festival between her and her master.

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "So, you have to stay in my Dao world and use my breath to avoid my master's detection."

"Not bad!" Liu Ruxia said with a smile: "Although your master is not very good, he should be more at ease with you."

"At least until now, he has not paid attention to you except when he sensed when you absorbed the power of thunder just now."

Hearing Liu Ruxia's evaluation of his master, Jiang Yun was already taken aback.

However, Jiang Yun really didn't expect that his master's memory did not pay attention to him.

"Right." Jiang Yun suddenly thought of another question: "Since you already knew who I am, you must have deliberately introduced me into your world."

"At that time, I only entered because I had some familiarity with that world."

"That familiarity comes from you, right?"

"You and I have never known each other, why can I feel familiar in you?"

Jiang Yun was always thinking about this question, and even thought that the familiarity came from Ji Kongfan or his own soul avatar.

Now that Liu Ruxia has had a showdown, she is indeed pretending, so where does the familiarity she gives herself come from?

After being silent for a while, Liu Ruxia finally said slowly, "Actually, I didn't pay attention to you at first because you were your master's disciple."

"It's because you have seen my descendants!"

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