The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6973: you know, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun's soul clone finally arrived.

However, the soul avatar did not appear in Jiang Yun's appearance, but a black light radiated from his face, covering his own appearance.

Naturally, he used another identity, the ten-day-old Guiyi!

Looking at the soul clone, Jiang Yun couldn't help but feel puzzled about Liu Ruxia's ability to find people again.

The things that the ten heavenly stems used to hide their appearance and figure were said to be a kind of talisman refined by their boss.

Even the high-level powerhouses of the source realm can't see through this kind of camouflage.

This makes the true identities of the ten heavenly stems, and no one knows until now.

So, how was Liu Ruxia able to see through the disguise of the soul clone?

Could it be that Liu Ruxia is also proficient in talismans, or that her strength has reached the pinnacle of detachment?

In other words, his soul avatar did not hide his appearance before.

These questions, Jiang Yun just thought about it, and would not really go to Liu Ruxia for answers.

Anyway, it is enough that he can see the soul clone here.

"Gui Yi!"

Seeing the appearance of the soul avatar, C became excited for a while, and did not continue to confront the real person Xiaoyu, but came to the side of the soul avatar one step at the same time as he spoke.

Although Bingyi was in anger, he didn't have the identity of a broken soul, and said to him through voice transmission: "You came just in time, Jiang Yun is there."

Soul avatar has naturally seen Jiang Yun, but he doesn't know what's going on here, so he's waiting for Bingyi to explain to himself.

Bingyi continued: "Previously, Jiang Yun condensed the origin of the Taoist body, absorbed the power of thunder, and killed my clone. I came to him specifically to take revenge."

"Unexpectedly, there are suddenly two more powerful people in the source realm of your Dao Xingtiandi, and their strength should be on the same level as mine."

"Not only did they stop me, but they also shot at me."

"So, the two of us joined forces to solve the two origin realms first, and then go to Jiang Yun."

The soul clone couldn't see the expression on his face, but during the process of Bingyi's speech, his eyes always stayed on Jiang Yun.

It's not hard to imagine that he was surprised that Jiang Yun actually condensed his original body and killed Bingyi's clone.

After Cingyi finished speaking, the soul clone turned his gaze to Zhenren Xiaoyu and Gu Xiu, pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay!"

Jiang Yun wanted to fuse the soul avatar and step into the yin and yang realm, but the soul avatar didn't want to merge with Jiang Yun and become a real creature.

Now, he has the strength of the source realm, and C Yi is helping him. Of course, he will not miss such a great opportunity.

However, just as Bingyi and the soul clone were about to walk towards Master Xiaoyu and Gu Xiu respectively, they seemed to know their purpose. In the darkness, another figure appeared.


After Gu Ling appeared, he also didn't say a word, just stared blankly at Bingyi and the soul clone.

This time, the figures of Bingyi and the soul clone suddenly stopped.

Bingyi said secretly: "Damn, how many origin realms do they have?"

"With such strength, you will still be trapped in this Guantian Palace and not go out?"

"Isn't it possible that they are deliberately showing weakness to the outside world, so as to bring in us monks from outside the territory, and then solve them one by one?"

The soul clone didn't dare to act rashly, and sent a voice transmission to C: "What the **** is going on?"

"Where did so many origin realms come from?"

Bing Yi said angrily, "You should ask your master about this!"

The soul clone did not ask any more questions, but fell silent.

At this time, he could not contact Dao Zun at all.

Bingyi thought about whether to pull Hongmeng's Zhige again, and the two sides temporarily cooperated, three-on-three.

But in the end, he gave up the plan to continue.

Because he is very suspicious, I am afraid there are other powerhouses hidden here.

If Zhige agrees to cooperate, there should be a fourth Origin Realm.

In that case, they are still not rivals.

Not only them, but even the strong fighting spirit in Zhi Ge's eyes disappeared silently after Gu Ling appeared.

Although he is belligerent, he is not a fool.

He is disdainful to cooperate with anyone, then in this case, if he invites a fight, one-vs-three, he will die miserably in the end.

Looking at Gu Ling, who was also expressionless, but full of aura, Jiang Yun couldn't help but asked Liu Ruxia again, "Master of all spirits, shouldn't he be able to create a source-level powerhouse without limits? Bar!"

"You think too much!" Liu Ruxia replied with a smile: "The Master of All Spirits has a special status. Only in this vortex space can he create a strong person in the source realm."

"And, it's not unlimited."

"I don't know the specific process, but the price he needs to pay for making that Xiaoyu real person become the source realm is definitely much greater than making the ancient cultivator and ancient spirit become the original realm."

"You can also understand that these origin realms that appear are actually somewhat similar to your previous situation."

"The duration of their strength will not last long."

"What's worse than you is that once they return to their normal cultivation, they will inevitably suffer backlash."

"At light, the lifespan will be reduced, and at worst, the path of cultivation will be cut off, becoming a waste, or even death!"

Liu Ruxia's explanation made Jiang Yun silent.

To put it simply, this vortex space, compared to the memories of the Master of All Spirits, is equivalent to his own Dao Realm.

In the vortex space, the Master of All Spirits is almost omnipotent.

But if you leave this space, the Master of All Souls may still be able to control most of the monks, but it will not be able to improve their strength.

Jiang Yun can actually think of the consequences of these people's increased strength, so he is even more worried.

In the darkness, because of the arrival of Gu Xiu, not only did Bingyi and the soul clone dare not make another move, but the coercion that had disappeared before reappeared, making everyone unable to move.

Jiang Yun's eyes turned to Gu Xiu, Gu Ling and Xiaoyu real people again. While a little disappointed, they were also a little hopeful.

Disappointment and hope are all because I didn't see my third senior brother.

The third brother is also practicing the way of the flesh, and he is the descendant of the demon race, so he must be the replacement for the identity of the demon master.

Jiang Yun didn't know whether it was because he didn't need the third senior brother to appear, or because his own third senior brother's strength was a little low, so that even the master of all spirits could not raise the third senior brother's strength to the source realm.

After all, Real Man Xiaoyu, Gu Xiu and Gu Ling, are either fake venerables or supreme ones. Relatively speaking, their strength is easier to improve.

And the three senior brothers are not even considered to be the real emperor, and suddenly want to be promoted to the source realm, not to mention how difficult it is, the price alone, I am afraid that the master of all spirits is unwilling to pay.

Therefore, Jiang Yun hoped that his third senior brother would not be forcibly upgraded.

Jiang Yun looked at Ji Kongfan again, but the latter had already closed his eyes, so he should be taking the time to treat his injuries.

Now, including Jiang Yun and the soul clone, there are a total of twelve cultivators in this darkness.

In addition to Jiang Yun, there are three origin realms, Bingyi, Zhige, and Soul Avatar, seven Supreme Beings, and Ji Kongfan, a pseudo-respect.

Obviously, this number has still not been able to satisfy the Master of All Spirits, so everyone is still waiting.

Jiang Yun didn't know how many monks were still alive in this vortex space, but even if there were, not only were there not many, but they should all be supreme.

To be honest, there are more Supremes and fewer Supremes. Jiang Yun feels that for the Master of All Souls, there should be no difference.

"Hey!" At this moment, Liu Ruxia's voice suddenly sounded: "I didn't expect that your relationship with the monks outside the territory is really not shallow!"

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yun didn't understand how Liu Ruxia could say this so well.

Liu Ruxia said with a smile: "There is another strong man here, here, and it is the strong man you know!"

As Liu Ruxia's voice fell, a **** color suddenly appeared in the darkness!

It was a giant red wolf!

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