The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6985: I'm still me, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Jiang Yun's reaction naturally made Liu Ruxia and the tree demon understand that Jiang Yun should know about this world.

Even Jiang Yun may have come!

However, they did not ask questions.

Because Jiang Yun has already stepped forward, striding in one direction.

After walking only a few miles, several figures appeared in front of Jiang Yun!

These figures are basically human figures, some have fleshly bodies, and some are illusory and transparent shadows.

But no matter what form they are, all of them are blind, pale, and have incomplete limbs, as if they have no soul, and they walk aimlessly there.

It was not until Jiang Yun's approach that they made them feel like cats smelling fishy. Qi Qi looked at Jiang Yun, although their eyes should not be able to see anything at all.

And the next moment, they were already rushing towards Jiang Yun, each of them exuding not weak aura fluctuations.

Looking at these figures, Liu Ruxia couldn't help but ask, "What is this?"

Jiang Yun said softly: "They are called Di Shi, Di You!"

"Under certain circumstances, it was formed after the death of the monk!"

Jiang Yun didn't ask, why Liu Ruxia, who should have lived in the same era as his master and was almost omniscient, didn't know about Emperor Shi Di You.

On the contrary, Liu Ruxia said to himself: "Di Shi, Di You, it should have been made by Gu after I left!"

In the face of these Emperor Corpse Emperor You who rushed over, Jiang Yun's figure suddenly accelerated, and he ignored it at all.

Although Emperor Shi Di You are all cultivated, but compared with today's Jiang Yun, it is too far behind.

Among them, the strongest is the extreme emperor, how can he catch up with Jiang Yun's speed.

Before they could react, Jiang Yun's figure had disappeared in front of them.

And Liu Ruxia then asked Jiang Yun, "Have you been here before?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Come here!"

After these two words, Jiang Yun stopped speaking, just accelerated his speed and continued to rush forward.

He didn't stop until he rushed out thousands of miles away, when a huge tomb the size of a hundred feet appeared in Jiang Yun's line of sight.

Above the tomb stood a tombstone.

The surface of the tablet is extremely smooth, with neither text nor runes.

However, above the tombstone, stood a tall figure.

This figure turned his back to Jiang Yun, his hands were behind his back, and he was wearing a bright yellow long gown, which was spotless.

His long black hair was neatly combed behind his head.

The figure just stood there quietly, seemingly unaware of Jiang Yun's arrival.

Even if you don't see his face, you can still feel the aura of someone who has been in the top for a long time!

Looking at this figure, Jiang Yun clasped his fists with both hands, and gave a deep salute to the other party: "Congratulations to Senior Prisoner Long, finally seeing the sun again!"

Imprisoned Dragon!

Back then, after Jiang Yun was sent to the outside world by his senior brother from the dream domain, he did not directly enter the outside world, but went to a side of the supreme world.

In that Supreme Realm, there lives a Supreme called the Prisoner Dragon!

Naturally, at this moment, Jiang Yun came to this Supreme Realm again.

And the figure above the tombstone is also the Prisoner Dragon Supreme!

Jiang Yun respects the prisoner dragon.

Because, there is a selfless side in the character of the other party.

In order to be able to break the game and allow other creatures to live freely, the other party is willing to give up his freedom and be in such a dead world, unable to even move.

Anyway, if it was Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun admitted that it was impossible for him to do it.

Hearing Jiang Yun's voice, Prison Dragon Supreme finally turned around and looked at Jiang Yun.

Although the prisoner's body did not emit any breath, when his eyes fell on Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun's heart suddenly trembled, and he felt a huge pressure.

This made Jiang Yun well aware that the other party was no longer the Supreme Being, but had entered the Origin Realm just like Master Xiaoyu and the others!

At the same time, Jiang Yun secretly let out a sigh in his heart.

It is not difficult for Jiang Yun to understand that he has gone through untold hardships and entered the tenth floor of this vortex space, but has come to the Supreme Realm of the Prisoner of Dragons.

After all, the land outside the law, the realm of ancient rules, etc. were created by the master of all spirits.

Even, they should all be related to each other and have channels to each other.

And even Gu Xiu, Gu Ling, and the others were treated as puppets by the Master of All Souls, and their strength was forcibly improved, so supreme beings like Prison Dragon and Meng Zun were naturally no exception.

The current prisoner dragon, whose strength has reached the source realm, must not know himself.

However, Prison Dragon's hoarse voice with a hint of laughter sounded: "I didn't expect that we could meet again!"

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Yun suddenly raised his head in surprise and looked at Prison Dragon's smiling face, especially his clear eyes, and said, "Senior did not lose his mind?"

"Losing your mind?" Prisoner Long also reacted after being stunned, he laughed and said, "Don't you think that I have become an emperor's corpse too!"

"Don't worry, I'm still me!"

Jiang Yun suddenly felt puzzled.

Could it be that the prisoner dragon broke through to the source realm by himself, not by the master of all spirits?

But this is impossible!

The Prisoner Dragon is the fourth supreme being born in the fourth cycle of reincarnation that Master has experienced after awakening his memory.

In order to break the game, the master invited the prisoner dragon to cooperate after the prisoner dragon was attacked by the three deities.

The Supreme Realm of Imprisoned Dragons, like the Realm of Ancient Laws, does not enter into reincarnation.

In order to prevent the prisoner dragon from falling, the master even covered the time rule on the prisoner dragon's body, so that he could transcend time.

Simply put, the time on the prisoner dragon is still, so he is immortal.

In that case, it is really impossible for the prisoner dragon to break through to the source realm on his own.

What's more, although the time on the prisoner dragon is still, Jiang Yun is always in the midst of the passage of time.

And it hasn't even been a hundred years since he and Prison Dragon last met.

If the prisoner dragon really can break through from the supreme to the source realm in a hundred years, then he will not almost fall into the hands of the three.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun smiled and said, "Senior's strength has improved so fast!"

Prison Dragon's face showed a self-deprecating look, shook his head and said, "My strength was not improved by myself, but by Zun Gu who helped me improve."

"I don't know until now, what kind of realm my current strength is, and I don't know how Zun Gu did it!"

Jiang Yun didn't pay attention to the last sentence of the prisoner, but noticed his first sentence, and hurriedly asked: "Senior, have you met Zun Gu?"

"No!" Prison Dragon shook his head again and said, "Zun Gu didn't show up."

"It's just that some rule runes poured into my body to help me improve my strength. What he said to me was also told to me by sound transmission."

Jiang Yun then asked, "What did Zun Gu tell you?"

Prison Dragon suddenly frowned, with a look of impunity on his face, staring at Jiang Yun and said: "As a disciple of Zun Gu, when you and I met last time, you still called Master, why is it now? , but it's a sip of the ancients?"

"Why, could it be that you no longer recognize the ancients as your teacher?"

Jiang Yun was stunned by the questioning words of the prisoner dragon.

Hearing that he inexplicably did not call Zun Gu a master, made him feel dissatisfied with himself.

It's just that I really don't know how to explain things about Master.

Jiang Yun could only smile bitterly and said, "Senior misunderstood, Master will always be my Master, and my respect for Master will not change."

"It's just that some changes have occurred in these years, and I will explain it to my seniors in detail later."

"Now, I just want to know what my master and senior have said!"

Prisoner Long continued to stare at Jiang Yun for a while before he regained his momentum and replied, "He said..."

Just after these two words came out, Prison Dragon suddenly frowned and said, "It's finally here!"

"You stay here, don't move, I'll kill them!"

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