The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6988: make up for guilt, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"what is that?"

In the Prisoner Dragon Supreme Realm, Jiang Yun looked at the hazy light under the tomb. No matter how hard his consciousness tried, he couldn't see clearly what was in the light.

Even, he couldn't even tell what the breath belonged to.

But Liu Ruxia, who asked Jiang Yun to see the light, fell into silence at the moment and did not respond to Jiang Yun's question.

It wasn't until a long time passed that Liu Ruxia said, "You brought me out of your Dao world."

Jiang Yun was slightly startled and said, "You don't have enough runes, is it not dangerous to come out?"

This is already the tenth floor of the vortex space, and one should have one hundred and twenty-eight runes to be eligible to enter.

Liu Ruxia said indifferently: "Rune is the qualification to step into this place."

"Now that I'm on the tenth floor, naturally I don't need runes."

Jiang Yun raised his eyebrows and said, "Then you're not worried about being noticed by the Master of All Souls?"

Liu Ruxia said in a relaxed tone, "Even if he notices it, he won't be able to drive me away!"

Since Liu Ruxia was so determined, Jiang Yun naturally didn't say anything.

It's just that he couldn't figure out why Liu Ruxia came out at this time.

With the wave of Jiang Yun's sleeves, Liu Ruxia was already standing in front of him.

After Liu Ruxia turned her head and looked around, she didn't do anything, she just sat cross-legged beside Jiang Yun.

Only her voice sounded in Jiang Yun's mind: "I heard the monks from outside the realm say that we have a treasure in the world!"

Liu Ruxia's remarks made Jiang Yun's heart move, realizing that the reason why she wanted to leave the Dao Realm was to avoid the tree demon hearing her conversation with her.

Because, since the treasure she mentioned was sought by the monks outside the territory, she was worried that if the tree demon knew, the tree demon would have vicious thoughts.

Jiang Yun also calmly asked through voice transmission: "What is the treasure?"

"I don't know what the treasure is!" Liu Ruxia shook her head and said, "If it hadn't been mentioned by the monks from outside the territory, I wouldn't even know that the treasure existed."

"Furthermore, the foreign monks also don't know what that treasure is."

"Under the whole world, I am afraid that only the Master of All Spirits and Dao Zun know."

"However, this treasure is the key to distinguishing Daoxing Heaven and Earth from other Dao worlds!"

"Therefore, whether Hongmeng or ten days, they are all looking for this treasure."

Jiang Yun already knew that other Dao worlds, or heaven and earth, were derived from Dao, and there was a certain Dao first, and then there was heaven and earth.

But Daoxing Heaven and Earth is just the opposite, it is the place where Dao was born!

Naturally, Jiang Yun realized that about the so-called treasure, it should not be a random guess by the monks outside the territory, but it is very likely that it really exists.

However, Jiang Yun did not express his thoughts, but continued to ask: "Then what you mean, shouldn't you mean that the light under the tomb is the treasure?"

If Liu Ruxia said yes, then Jiang Yun would never believe anything she said.

Even if there is a real treasure, how could it be placed under the prisoner's body, and so easily sensed by himself and Liu Ruxia!

Liu Ruxia shook her head again and said, "I don't know what that sentence is."

"But what I want to tell you is this treasure. If it exists, it is most likely in the hands of the Master of All Spirits."

"And the real purpose of the Master of All Souls creating this vortex space is to protect this treasure."

"Every world in this space, the realm of ancient rules, the place of detachment, including the supreme realm where we are now, is for this purpose."

"That light, even if it's not a treasure, I'm afraid it has something to do with the treasure."

Jiang Yun calmly glanced at Liu Ruxia and said, "You should also come for this treasure, right?"

"Now, do you want to tell me that you and I will work together to get the light here first, and then we will divide it equally?"

Liu Ruxia shook her head for the third time, and the expression on her face also became serious: "I know that you have always been suspicious of me, and you are also secretly guarding me."

"But apart from my origins, what I tell you is the truth."

"I came here to retrieve what belongs to me from your teacher, from the Master of All Spirits."

"That treasure has nothing to do with me at all, and I don't have the confidence to get it."

"But I think, maybe, you can try to get this treasure."

"Because in my opinion, you are far more reliable than anyone else in mastering this treasure."

"In addition, I can also tell you, in fact, since I stepped into the black hole, I don't need you to help me cover my breath."

"But I didn't leave. Naturally, I'm still fulfilling my previous promise. I'll do my best to help you!"

"Okay, what I have to say has been said, you can send me back to your Dao world, or we can part ways here, I will get back what belongs to me, and you can continue your purpose."

Liu Ruxia said so many words in one breath, apparently because Jiang Yun was always dissatisfied with her doubts.

Jiang Yun looked at Liu Ruxia deeply, and really hoped that he could see through the other party, so as to judge whether the other party was telling the truth or not.

It's a pity that he doesn't have this ability, so he lowered his head and said, "Because I don't know anything about your true origin, I will definitely be wary of you."

"As for the treasure you're talking about, even if I'm very interested, I really want to get it, but among these people here at the moment, do you think it's possible for me to get it?"

"For me, the purpose of my coming here is just to obtain the memories of the Master of All Souls."

Jiang Yun was telling the truth, not to mention the master of all spirits who had arranged here, but said that either Red Wolf or Jiayi could easily kill him a few times.

Since they all came for that treasure, how could they be willing to give Jiang Yun the treasure.

Even if it is the red wolf, although he has shown goodwill to Jiang Yun, if Jiang Yun really wants to **** the treasure from him, Jiang Yun believes that he will kill himself unceremoniously.

As Jiang Yun's voice fell, Liu Ruxia was also silent for a long time and said, "I can help you get that treasure!"

Jiang Yun smiled indifferently and said, "Then what do I need to pay?"

This time, Liu Ruxia said without thinking: "You don't need to pay anything, you just need to keep your original heart and stick to your cultivation path!"

"You're right. You don't know anything about my origins. It's really hard for me to make you believe me."

"Then I'll tell you something."

Having said this, Liu Ruxia fell silent and looked up at the sky, as if recalling her past.

After a long time, she continued: "Although, I am a living being of the world, and even like you, I was once in the game, but I have successfully gotten out of this game."

"Originally, I thought I was truly free and could live the life I wanted without restrictions."

"However, I found that even though I have left this game, because I still have something in the hands of the Master of All Souls, I still have no way to completely cut off the relationship with Daoxing Tiandi."

"I'm like a paper kite. Although I'm in the sky, I always have a thread that is held in the hands of the Master of All Souls."

"So, when I come back this time, I want to take my things and cut the thread."

"Then, I will leave Daoxing Tiandi again, and since then, I will have nothing to do with Daoxing Tiandi."

"However, after all, as a living being of Taoism, this is my hometown."

"And Daoxing Tiandi has now become a must for monks from outside the territory."

"I don't want my hometown to be invaded or even destroyed."

"I don't have the ability to protect my hometown myself, so I can only hope that others can do it!"

"And with my understanding of Daoxing Tiandi, Dao Zun, Master of All Souls, and even Tianzun, each of them has their own selfishness, and it is impossible to truly protect Daoxing Tiandi."

"Of course, you may also have selfish intentions, and you are not the person I can really hope for."

"But I have no other choice."

"Plus, you are kind to my descendants."

"Therefore, I help you get that treasure, which is my reward to you, and the last contribution to my hometown."

"Or, it can also be seen as a way of making up for my guilt!"

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