The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7022: finally complete, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

In Jiang Yun's Dao world, Liu Ruxia, who has always been waiting here, couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Jiang Yun's appearance and the soul avatar he held in his hands.

Although she believed that Jiang Yun should be able to defeat the soul clone, she did not expect it to be so fast.

It's only been about half an hour since Jiang Yun stepped into the Daoxingtian map until now!

Jiang Yun threw the soul avatar to the ground, and did not hide it. The process of fighting himself and the soul avatar, as well as the speculation about Dao Zun's thoughts, were all told.

Now that the identity of Emperor Liu Ruxia Yuanfa has been clarified, and the other party has saved his life, Jiang Yun will naturally no longer be defensive against her.

After listening to Jiang Yun's words, Liu Ruxia said with a solemn expression: "In this way, when Dao Zun took your soul clone back then, in fact, Zhou Xiang already had a plan, and he was plotting something."

Jiang Yun smiled coldly and said: "What else can he plot, nothing more than that he thinks that I may become a detached powerhouse."

"Even, I suspect that I will fuse the soul clone now, and nothing will happen."

"But when one day, if I can really become a detached powerhouse, Dao Zun will take me home!"

Liu Ruxia nodded in agreement and said, "It is indeed possible, so what are you going to do?"

Jiang Yun let out a helpless breath and said, "If I don't fuse my soul clone, my realm will never be able to break through."

"Therefore, I can only bite the bullet and jump into the trap of Dao Zun."

Liu Ruxia pondered: "Let me help you first to see if there is still a connection between your soul avatar and Dao Zun."

Of course, Jiang Yun would not refuse Liu Ruxia's kindness.

Although he also knew that even Liu Ruxia probably couldn't see anything.

Dao Zun has planned for so long, and he must have considered it very carefully, and imagined all kinds of possible accidents.

However, Liu Ruxia, as the Great Fate Emperor, had already cut off the Fate with the entire Daoxing Heaven and Earth.

Perhaps, when Dao Zun was thinking about the plan, he ignored her existence.

Countless runes appeared in Liu Ruxia's eyes, looking at Jiang Yun's soul clone.

Jiang Yun, who has been in contact with a little of the power of fate, knows that those runes are the runes of fate. You can directly see the line of karma between all things.

Unlike the monks in the dharma realm, they need to pass the wheel of fortune to see.

Liu Ruxia looked at it very carefully. After a long time, she retracted her gaze, shook her head and said, "Apart from the connection between you and me, which was reconnected by me, there is no other connection on his body. ."

Although Jiang Yun was a little disappointed by this result, it was also what he expected.

Then, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and was thrown out by the soul clone before, and he is still floating there, and unfolded the Daoxingtian map about a zhang size and said: "Can the senior help me to take a look at this picture? Has the karma changed?"

Before, Liu Ruxia had seen this picture and could see that there was indeed a line of fate on it.

However, it is not connected to the soul avatar, but extends upwards, which should be connected to Dao Zun.

That is to say, although Dao Zun gave this fake picture to the soul clone, he only gave him the right to use it.

Now, Jiang Yun also wants to see if he has left a divine sense in it, whether he has already obtained this picture, or is it just like the soul clone, just able to use it.

Liu Ruxia once again stared at the Daoxingtian map.

After a while, she suddenly raised her hand, and there were also a lot of fate runes on her palm, and she slashed towards the top of the Daoxingtian map.

However, her palm only dropped halfway and stopped in the air.

Immediately afterwards, she turned her head to look at Jiang Yundao: "There is one more line of fate."

"However, this line of fate is not directly connected to you, but is connected to your Dao Realm!"

This answer made Jiang Yun a little surprised.

"Is it because I devoured it with the Dao world, so it has a relationship with my Dao world?"

Liu Ruxia shook her head and said, "I can't explain this problem either."

Jiang Yun thought for a while, and then asked: "With the premise of this line of karma, is it possible to continue to increase the line of karma?"

Liu Ruxia nodded and said, "It's possible!"

"Moreover, once the number of lines of fate has increased to a certain number, you can grab this picture from Dao Zun and really take it for yourself."

"Also, I just found out that I can actually cut off the lines that connect the Dao Venerable, and now let you get this Daoxingtian map."

"Do you need me to cut it off for you?"

Jiang Yunwei pondered and shook his head: "No need!"

"If the line of fate is cut off, Dao Zun should know that, at that time, maybe he will use other methods to count me."

"It's better for me to take the plan instead of being on guard against him all the time."

After a pause, Jiang Yun then asked: "In addition, senior thinks, is it possible that those lines of fate are actually connected to the real map of Daoxingtian?"

Jiang Yun's guess made Liu Ruxia's eyes light up: "It's possible!"

"If that's the case, then you can find the real Daoxingtian map along these lines of fate."

"Yeah!" Jiang Yun walked to the side of his soul avatar with a smile and sat down: "If that's the case, then leave it alone for the time being, and talk about it later."

"Now, I will fuse my soul avatar, and ask senior to help me protect the law."

Taking a look at the soul clone, Liu Ruxia sighed faintly.

The body of the soul clone was definitely moved by Dao Zun.

Once Jiang Yun fuses it, it is equivalent to leaving a hidden danger in his soul, a hidden danger that may make him lose his life at any time.

But knowing all of this, Jiang Yun could only fuse the soul avatar.

He couldn't even help Jiang Yun in any way.

"You can integrate with peace of mind!"

Liu Ruxia sat not far from Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun suddenly looked at the depths of the Taoist world, and then changed to voice transmission: "Senior, that tree demon has not moved?"

Jiang Yun and Liu Ruxia are now in the Dao world.

Logically speaking, tree demons can also appear.

However, Jiang Yun was unable to confirm the identity of the tree demon, and still had a little doubt about him, so he simply placed him in a separate closed space, so that he could not know what happened outside.

Liu Ruxia shook her head and said, "No movement at all."

Jiang Yun nodded, withdrew his gaze, and reached out to set up a dream for himself.

Then, without hesitation, he opened his mouth and inhaled the soul avatar into his body in one bite!

The soul clone, at its root, is Jiang Yun's soul, so this fusion is extremely smooth, and it doesn't even require Jiang Yun to do anything deliberately.

After inhaling the soul clone into the body, the soul clone automatically floated towards Jiang Yun's soul, gradually turning into a ray of soul again, and slowly integrating into it.

So far, Jiang Yun's soul has finally become complete again.

And Jiang Yun also clearly felt immediately that his cultivation realm, which had been stagnant for a long time, showed signs of breaking through.

Jiang Yun thought: "When I break through to the yin and yang realm, I don't know if there will be a catastrophe."

"If there is, I can slow down a little longer, and then break through when I face the Master of All Spirits."

"Borrow the power of heaven to deal with the master of all spirits!"

Using the calamity to fight the enemy, Jiang Yun is also familiar with it.

It's a pity that his current cultivation path is the only one, and no one can know whether his realm breakthrough will lead to a catastrophe.

Jiang Yun also didn't dare to gamble, so he gave up the idea, and simply took advantage of the present to try to break through to the realm of Yin and Yang.

At the same time, outside this world, the gloomy Master of All Spirits stood there and said coldly: "There are still seven worlds left to find, I see where you can hide!"


As the voice of the Master of All Spirits fell, not far from him, there was a series of dull knocking sounds.

It sounds like someone is knocking on the door!

This made the Master of All Spirits suddenly turn his head and look in the direction from which the voice came.

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