The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7331: around **** cloud, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

While speaking, the figure slowly raised its head.

Although the hall was pitch black, one could tell that that face was Jiang Yun's second senior sister, Situ Jing!

Naturally, Jiang Yun's feeling and Dao Zun's speculation were all correct.

Although I don't know where it is in the vortex, the person who wants to take away the Stone of Origin is indeed Situ Jing!

Originally, Situ Jing didn't know that the owner of the Stone of Origin that she was going to take away this time was Jiang Yun.

Just as Jiang Yun was familiar with Situ Jing's aura, Situ Jing was also familiar with the aura of his little junior.

It wasn't until Jiang Yun covered his dao realm in the whirlpool that Situ Jing recognized him.

Regardless of Situ Jing's identity, Jiang Yun will always be her junior in her heart.

Therefore, it is of course impossible for Situ Jing to continue to forcibly take away the Stone of Origin.

Even, instead, she took the initiative to use her identity to re-inject power into the Stone of Origin, so that the Stone of Origin, which should have been useless, could once again qualify to enter the inner layer without being taken back.

It's just that Situ Jing's actions naturally violated the rules in the Land of Origin, which is why Taoist Lord will ask her now.

After listening to Situ Jing's answer, Daojun was silent for a moment and then said: "I know, he is your junior, but he came too early and his strength is far from enough."

"The most important thing is that his existence has already been known by Bai Ye and the others."

"Bai Ye was already trying to find an excuse to deal with him."

"And what you're doing now violates the agreement we made with them."

"If you let him know, it will be like giving him an excuse, and it will be even more detrimental to your junior brother."

"And the importance of your junior brother, I don't need to explain it to you!"

Situ Jing looked at Daojun steadfastly, and said again: "He is my junior brother, and as a senior sister, I will help him as much as I can."

"I want him to know that here, as a senior sister, I can still support him!"

"Hey!" Daojun shook his head helplessly and said, "Forget it, I can find a way to hide it for you this time, but I won't make an example."

"Especially this time, the ones who entered the place of origin, besides your little junior brother, also have your master, your senior brother and third junior brother!"

"You, you can no longer make an exception for them!"

Situ Jing lowered her head slowly, but she didn't speak again, neither agreeing nor denying, she just clasped her fists slightly at Daojun, then turned and left.

Watching Situ Jing's back disappear at the gate of the palace, Daojun suddenly chuckled and said: "Since Bai Ye can use the guiding candle and the black soul pearl to lead Jiang Yun here in advance, then she will actually do it. Not too outrageous!"

"What's more, the guiding candle will definitely target Jiang Yun."

"With Bai Ye and I staying on stage, if we just surround Jiang Yun and everyone shows their abilities, we can compete in advance."

In the outer layer of the land of origin, Dao Zun's voice no longer resounded.

Jiang Yun, on the other hand, was still immersed in what the other party said.

Although Dao Zun's words really overturned Jiang Yun's many cognitions, but after he came back to his senses, he was able to gradually accept it.

Especially since Situ Jing is still alive, this is really great news for him, so why should he care about the identity of the second senior sister!

Of course, apart from the good news, Jiang Yun had countless questions in his mind.

For example, why doesn't the second senior sister talk to me, even if she calls me "fourth child"!

Jiang Yun tried to ask Dao Zun a few more questions, but Dao Zun didn't give any response.

And considering that Dao Zun did not have much lifespan, Jiang Yun did not dare to force him to answer his own questions for the sake of the safety of the entire Dao Xing Tiandi.

"Dao Zun is right. For me now, the most important thing is to enter the inner layer of the land of origin. There, I may meet the second senior sister!"

"By that time, everything will be cleared up!"

Jiang Yun stopped thinking about these issues for the time being, but turned his consciousness to the stone of origin.

This time, his consciousness easily entered the inside of the Stone of Origin.

Back then, he was not strong enough to use his spiritual sense to see clearly what was inside the Dao Seal fragments, so naturally this problem will not arise now.

The inside of the Stone of Origin is exactly the same as the fragment of Dao Seal, at least on the surface.

After absorbing the Dao will, the fragments of Dao Seal will turn into a handful of water, which is divided into nine layers.

Items, even the owner himself, can be allowed to enter it to practice.

And inside the Stone of Origin, there is also a handful of shallow water.

However, on the surface of this handful of water, there is still a net composed of countless runes!

This net should be a seal, so that Jiang Yun's spiritual consciousness can only see here, and cannot pass through the net and enter the water below. Naturally, he cannot know what the water is condensed from.

Jiang Yun can understand this.

For me, this stone of origin is a fragment of Dao seal, or a tablet of seeking repairs.

But for the monks in the place of origin, it is just a key.

Its function is only to allow the owner to enter the inner layer of the land of origin, so of course it will not let the owner figure out what the water under the seal is!

After Jiang Yun tried many methods but couldn't get his consciousness through the net, he also chose to give up and just put his guardian Dao seal in it.

As soon as the guardian seal was formed, Jiang Yun could clearly feel that there was an additional connection between the Stone of Origin and himself, which meant that it had recognized itself as its master.

As long as you hold the Stone of Origin, you can smoothly enter the inner layer of the Land of Origin.

This also proves once again that the ray of light shot out from the vortex before must have come from the second senior sister!

Otherwise, who could treat himself so well!

After all this was done, Jiang Yun was just about to withdraw his consciousness from the Origin Stone, but at this moment, he suddenly saw that the net began to slowly dissipate.

This made Jiang Yun's heart suddenly vibrate!

"Could it be that the second senior sister deliberately moved her hands and feet so that I can see what's going on inside the Stone of Origin."

"Or, what secrets are hidden in the Stone of Origin, such as the divine consciousness of the Second Senior Sister?"

Jiang Yun waited patiently until the rune net disappeared, and his consciousness immediately probed into the water below.

Sure enough, his consciousness was not hindered by anything, and he easily submerged into the water.

This water is still different from the water transformed from Dao seal fragments.

Naturally, this is not real water, but contains various things related to the Dao.

Dao Yi, Dao Qi, Dao Power and so on.

Jiang Yun immediately realized that the water could be absorbed as aura, which would definitely help him improve his strength.

Furthermore, there are nine layers of water transformed by Daoyin fragments.

But the water here, a shallow handful of water, is actually like a vast ocean, unfathomably deep. Jiang Yun's consciousness spread downward as far as he could, but he still couldn't touch the bottom of the water. Instead, he felt that the bottom of the water seemed to lead to another space.

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