The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7346: not an illusion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The battlefield between Daoists and non-Taoists!

Mengjue's guess is really extremely bold and crazy.

Although it completely subverted Jiang Yun's cognition and even the perception of most monks, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems extremely reasonable.

Because taking Jiang Yun himself as an example, his practice and experience in this life, in fact, boiled down to being in the constant choice between Taoist and non-Taoist.

He embarked on the road of practice from Taoism, but in the meantime, he went through many twists and turns and changes, trying various ways of practice such as destroying the realm, collecting the realm, suffering the realm, and even the true realm.

And these practice methods, simply put, are non-Taoist practices. This kind of constant swaying and changing on the road of practice is not because Jiang Yundao is not firm, but because in his original dream realm, the practice of the great way is a broken road, and halfway there, there is no way out. Walk,

It is far less long than other paths of practice.

It wasn't until Jiang Yun's own strength reached a certain level, and he broadened his horizons and experience, that he finally decided on his path of Taoism.

But even if Jiang Yun is a pure Taoist cultivator, his current strength can be regarded as the top powerhouse, but in the entire Daoxing world, there are still not many real Taoist cultivators.

The original Earth Venerable Ren Zun, now the most powerful Tian Zun, and the Dao Zun hiding in Jiang Yun's body.

What's more, even Jiang Yun's master Gu Bulao, senior brother Dongfang Bo and others are not pure Taoists!

In short, although Daoxing Tiandi is known as the place where the Dao emerged.

But in fact, non-Taoism still occupies the main body.

As for Daoxiu, if Jiang Yun hadn't appeared, let alone disappeared, he would have been in decline long ago.

As for the domain of chaos and the place of origin, these two places gathered monks from all time and space in the 108 great domains.

Jiang Yun has also met many people, among whom there is also the difference between Taoist and non-Taoist.

Therefore, if the situation of Jiang Yun himself and Daoxing Tiandi is extended to the entire 108 Great Domains, and to other people, the same should be applicable.

This is more proof that Mengjue's guess is reasonable.

However, if this guess is true, the consequences it will lead to are quite terrifying.

Just because there will be a war between Daoist and non-Taoist, it means that Jiang Yun, his master, Tianzun and others will turn against each other.

If there is really a decision between two different ways of cultivation, then in the end, only half of the 108 great domains will be able to leave smoothly!

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to have half as many.

Daoist and non-taoist, although Jiang Yun doesn't know whether there are more Taoist or non-taoist, but once they fight, it is possible for both sides to die together!

In short, thinking of this series of things, Jiang Yun's mood became more and more heavy.

He looked up at Mengjue, intending to ask something more, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't know where to start.

In the end, Jiang Yun had no choice but to stop discussing this issue, but changed the subject and said, "Tell me about you, why did you set up an illusion here, and why did you kill so many monks?"

"Besides, you are also a non-Taoist cultivator yourself, why did you decide to follow me as a Taoist cultivator?

Mengjue thought for a while and said: "I was instructed by a senior, so I decided to choose Daoxiu, my lord!"

Jiang Yun asked in surprise, "Which senior?"

"I don't know, it's a woman. I suspect that the reason why I was enlightened, enlightened, and came here should be due to that senior."


The first possibility Jiang Yun thought of was his second senior sister, Situ Jing.

However, this is not easy to prove, and Meng Jue will definitely not know the real identity of the other party.

Mengjue continued: "I trapped these people, especially wanting to keep the adults here with me. Apart from self-protection, my real purpose is to change from a non-Taoist to a Taoist."

"However, my lord misunderstood me, I didn't kill those people."

"Actually, until the power of karma appears, your lord is still in the illusion set by me."

"Their self-destruction that the adults saw was all fake, but the power of self-destruction is real."

Jiang Yun was slightly surprised: "Is it all fake?"

"Yes, this can be regarded as my innate ability." Mengjue nodded, stretched out his hand to touch the blood on Jiang Yun's face and said: "The blood and injuries of your lord are also true!"

Jiang Yun suddenly realized. No wonder Meng Jue wanted to set up such an illusion to attract a large number of monks to enter and imprison them in order to search the souls of these monks and understand their cultivation methods so that he could walk on the road by himself.

Repair the road.

As for self-protection, it can also be explained. If a strong enemy comes, Mengjue only needs to let the opponent enter the dreamland, and then control the creatures in the dreamland. There is no need to do anything, as long as the self-detonation is continued, and the enemy will be attacked with the power of self-destruction. Over time, it will be able to hurt, even

kill the enemy!

Before the origin, every talent possessed was indeed extremely special.

"What about them?"

However, Jiang Yun felt that he had to confirm before he could rest assured.

Mengjue raised her hand and waved lightly towards the stars below her.

I saw those mountains and rivers and other things immediately swaying ripples one by one.

And through the ripples, what Jiang Yun saw was darkness and a large number of unconscious figures in the darkness.

Jiang Yun hesitated for a moment and said, "What you showed me isn't an illusion?"

Jiang Yun was frightened. This dream's attainment in illusion was stronger than that of nightmare beasts and mirages, so that he was a little suspicious and couldn't tell the truth from the fake.

Mengjue laughed dumbly and said, "Of course it's not an illusion!"

"If your lord doesn't believe me, I can wake up that Cang Xingzi and ask him to tell you personally."

While talking, Mengjue has already reached out to wake up Cang Xingzi.

Jiang Yun waved his hand to stop him and said, "Wait first!"

Although Jiang Yun has some affection for Cang Xingzi, he doesn't have a deep friendship with him.

What's more, the conversation between me and Mengjue is not convenient for outsiders to hear, so at most, let Mengjue let him go after a while.

Jiang Yun looked at Mengjue and said with a smile: "In Before Origin, your phantom power is really too powerful."

"If it weren't for the fact that I was once an illusion, I'm afraid I would also be lost in your illusion, and now I'm obediently at your mercy!"

Since Cang Xingzi and the others are not dead, Jiang Yun's attitude towards Mengjue has naturally changed, so he deliberately said a few jokes to ease the atmosphere.

However, Meng Jue frowned, and asked doubtfully, "My lord was once an illusion?"

"Yes!" Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I was created by a strong man in a dream, and the place where I live and grow is also a dream."

"It wasn't until I got out of the dream, and I was lucky enough to comprehend the truth of reality, that's why I was able to turn reality into reality and become a real person!"

Meng Jue shook her head and said, "I've seen people who have transformed from illusions into real people and turned fiction into reality."

"But my lord has lived with me for more than half a month, and I can be sure that my lord has nothing in common with the real people that those phantoms have become." "My lord, from the beginning to the end, I am a living real person, definitely not an illusion!"

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