The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7362: talking to himself, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

"Do you want to know what I just saw?"

However, just when General Jin Chan had made up his mind to deal with Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun, who was lying on the ground, suddenly spoke softly.

Jin Chanjiang was taken aback for a moment, and looked around in a daze.

When he thought about it, Jiang Yun was definitely not talking to himself.

But here, as the intersection area of ​​the outer layer and the middle layer of the place of origin, almost no one would come here on weekdays, let alone now.

Within a radius of ten thousand miles, apart from General Jin Chan and Jiang Yun, there was no other figure, not even a dark beast.

And Jiang Yun's voice continued to sound: "I just saw a huge piece of blood-colored metal, are you interested in guessing what that metal is!"

Hearing Jiang Yun speak again, General Jin Chan could be sure that Jiang Yun was really talking to himself.

Turning his eyes slightly, General Jin Chan's first reaction was that Jiang Yun's purpose of speaking at this time was to deliberately delay time, attract his attention, and prevent himself from making a move, so that he could take the opportunity to heal his injuries.

Jin Chanjiang raised his palm and said with a sneer, "Of course I'm very interested to know."

"However, I don't need to listen to you. After I catch you, I will know everything."

As soon as the words fell, General Jin Chan suddenly shot out six golden swords from his hand, stabbing at Jiang Yun's body.

As long as you catch Jiang Yun, you can search for Jiang Yun's soul.

No matter what secrets Jiang Yun knew, General Jin Chan would know, so he naturally refused to listen to Jiang Yun's initiative.

As for his attack this time, General Jin Chan is also sure, thinking that there should be no accidents.

But just when the six golden swords were about to stab Jiang Yun's body, there was a gust of wind rushing out of Jiang Yun's body.

Under the gust of wind, it directly engulfed the six golden swords and blew them in all directions.

Jin Chanjiang's face darkened and said: "I didn't expect that you still have a second hand!"

It wasn't Jiang Yun who made the move, but the Qi Ling of the Ten Blood Lanterns!

Jiang Yun was still lying there, as if nothing had happened, and continued: "That piece of blood-colored metal is actually one side of a tripod!"

"Shut up!" Jin Chanjiang roared, and a large number of golden dao patterns appeared on his body.

But without waiting for him to attack again, his complexion changed again, and he turned his head suddenly, a huge darkness appeared behind him, and in the darkness, like waves, endless ripples were set off layer by layer.

Dark Beast!

The arrival of the Dark Beast let General Jin Chan know that it was impossible for him to catch Jiang Yun again this time.

Even, if he insists on making a move again, his original Dao body may be destroyed here.

Therefore, after taking a deep look at Jiang Yun, General Jin Chan could only stomp his feet in resentment, and walked towards the way he came with a feeling of unwillingness.

With the departure of General Jin Chan, this dark beast, which was far larger than Bei Ming, had come to Jiang Yun's side in an instant.

Jiang Yun, however, as if he hadn't realized it, was still lying there, and continued to speak: "That tripod, named Longwen Chiding, is a magic weapon of a strong man!"

"Can you believe it, all of us, all the worlds, all the heavens and the earth, are actually only in one tripod!"

In fact, Jin Chan misunderstood Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun and Jin Chan will speak, not to delay time, but after seeing the blood-colored metal and making many guesses, their hearts are greatly shocked, and they really want to have a good talk with someone .

In addition, he also felt that there was no need to fight between himself and General Jin Chan, or even between all the creatures in the 108 great domains!

Everyone is already living in a tripod, and to say that they are frogs in a tripod is to praise themselves.

It would be meaningless to fight each other like this, it would be better to work together and think of a way together, and try to see if we can get out of this tripod!

It's a pity that General Jin Chan didn't believe in Jiang Yun at all, so he didn't hear this big secret.

As for the arrival of the dark beast, it was not due to Jiang Yun's summoning, but his other two original Dao bodies, which had already subdued the dark beast.

The two original dao bodies also disappeared because of Jiang Yun's injury, so before they disappeared, they urged the dark beast to come and look for the deity.

Compared with Beiming, although this dark beast has more intelligence, it is not strong enough to have the consciousness to act independently.

Jiang Yun was lying there, unable to give orders to it, so it also remained motionless.

Jiang Yun continued to whisper softly, talking to himself, as if he was talking to the air, telling what he had seen before and the various thoughts that emerged in his mind.

It was not until a long time later that Jiang Yun closed his mouth and eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, Jiang Yun finally regained his senses.

"Okay, the dark beast has been subdued, and the original thunder has been seen, now it's time to go to Master and the others."

Jiang Yun didn't get up in a hurry, but called to Bei Ming, asking Bei Ming to come over and fuse the dark beast.

Next, Jiang Yun lay there, waiting for Bei Ming while healing his injuries.

Bei Ming's speed is not slow.

Along the way, he even met General Jin Chan who fled in a hurry.

Seeing Bei Ming, Jin Chan Jiang ran faster, but fortunately, Bei Ming ignored him and walked past him.

In a blink of an eye, seven days had passed. Mengjue, who was in the illusion, suddenly heard Jiang Yun's voice, and ran out in a hurry. Sure enough, he saw Jiang Yun sitting on Beiming.

"grown ups!"

Mengjue bowed to Jiang Yun with a respectful expression.

As the originator, he felt even more keenly that Jiang Yun and Bei Ming had undergone some changes compared to before.

Jiang Yun waved his hand and said, "Has anyone been to your place recently?"

Mengjue replied: "There is only one Golden Chan in the future!"

Then, Mengjue explained in detail the event and purpose of Jin Chan's future visit.

Jiang Yun naturally understood that the person who wanted to kill him that day was General Jin Chan.

Jiang Yun didn't care about this either.

After Mengjue finished speaking, he said: "I see, then I will go to Zhongtian now, and I have to ask you to help me keep an eye on this place. If there are strangers passing by, they will be left behind."

Meng Jue clasped her fists and saluted, "Don't worry, my lord!"

Jiang Yun nodded at him, then turned and left, heading for the moon.

After seven days of rest, Jiang Yun has returned to normal emotionally.

Although the matter of Longwen Chiding still shocked him extremely, at least he had accepted it. He even understood more clearly that the avatar left by Ye Dong and the transcendent strongman in front of the entrance of the Land of Origin, the reason why they wished him success for no apparent reason was that they hoped that he could get out of this place.

Zun Ding!

Since Ye Dong and the others are waiting for the transcendent strong to leave, then I must be able to too!

As for the purpose of the appearance of this tripod, and the content of the bet between Taoist Lord and Bai Ye, although Jiang Yun doesn't know the specific content, he speculates that it should be about Taoist and non-Taoist.

Daoxiu and non-daoxiu fight in the cauldron to decide the winner.

Only the winning side is eligible to leave the tripod.

And I might be one of the two guides, representing the Taoist side, so I should try my best to find a powerful way to lead the Taoist away from this tripod!

At the same time as Jiang Yun was going to the moon, on his only way, Jin Chan would appear again, waiting for Jiang Yun's arrival. The difference is that this time, the future of Jin Chan is the deity!

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