The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7408: why not, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

After Daojun pressed the palm of his hand, he saw a group of red shadows suddenly and slowly appear in the originally empty nothingness.

It can be vaguely distinguished that it is a red tripod.

Moreover, the tripod was trembling slightly at first, but with the pressing of Daojun's palm, the tripod gradually returned to calm.

Daojun then withdrew his palm, and said again: "It seems that the riddle you left me will be revealed slowly from now on."

"I want to see what you are going to do!"

In the outer layer of the place of origin, the so-called star domain is completely different from the star domains of other large domains.

Other large domains, which can be called star domains, at least contain hundreds of stars and countless creatures.

But in the place of origin, a star field may only have a few stars and a few monks surviving.

The more functions of the star field here are just to have a name so that others can identify the location.

Lanshan Star Field is an area with five stars.

Not only is there no sign of any living beings living in it, but it seems that no one has been here for a long time, and it is almost forgotten.

But today, in this dead star field, a middle-aged man appeared.

The man walked in the cracks of the boundary very casually, glanced at the deserted stars from time to time, and said to himself: "I really don't know, what is the origin of this place, and that chaotic domain?" As a result, most areas are so barren."

"In this way, there should be some truth in what Yuanzhu said about the dispute between Taoism and law."

"I'm afraid it won't take long for this place to be completely destroyed. At that time, it will be the real start of the Taoist war."

"It's just that the source master said that the leader of the law practice will appear here, which feels a bit unreliable!"

"If she's okay, what are you going to do here?"

"Is it possible that Yuanzhu not only found me, but also found her, and made an appointment here for the two of us to meet."

"If that's the case, what the source master did is clearly thinking that I might also be the leader of Dharma cultivation!"

Speaking of this, the man showed a sneer on his face, and continued: "If I am the leader of Faxiu, it will be fine."

"My fourth child and I, one with the Dharma cultivator and the other with the Daoist cultivator, will be able to sweep everything straight away, and gods will block and kill gods!"

Smiling slightly, the man looked around and said: "Forget it, don't think about it so much, since they are all here, then I will wait for a few days."

"It's best if the leader of the Faxiu shows up. If he doesn't show up, I still have to go to the intersection area and wait for the fourth brother and the others."

While speaking, the man also stopped his figure, sat cross-legged in nothingness, and closed his eyes.

And as he closed his eyes, he saw that above the five dead stars, there were actually a little bit of particles rushing towards him.

If anyone can see this scene, they will be extremely shocked.

Because the stars here have long since lost their vitality, and even the dead energy has completely evaporated.

If they are the corpses of living beings, they are equivalent to mummy corpses, without any power or anything at all.

However, it is really unbelievable that this middle-aged man can absorb particles from such stars.

Naturally, this man is Jiang Yun's master, ancient and immortal!

After stepping into the place of origin, Gu Bulao was always looking for the whereabouts of Jiang Yun, Dongfang Bo and others because he was randomly sent to various places.

It's a pity that he also got nothing, until he learned the news of the intersection area from other people, he immediately decided to rush to the intersection area, and he should be able to meet Jiang Yun and the others.

But what he didn't expect was that yesterday he met a strong man who claimed to be the source master and told him something about the dispute between Taoism and law.

For these, it doesn't matter if he is old or not. What really makes him care is that his disciple Jiang Yun is actually the leader of Taoism.

In addition, Yuanzhu also told him the identity of the Faxiu leader and the fact that the other party will go to the Lanshan Starfield.

Therefore, Gu Bulao appeared here in order to kill the leader of Dharma practice, so as to help his disciples and reduce some threats as much as possible.

As for the particle he absorbed at this moment, he called it the power of ruins, which is a power born after the death of everything.

The reason why he was able to absorb it was also because of the way he had comprehended to return to the ruins!

Gu Bulao was waiting for the girl, and in the outer layer of the Origin Land, Yue Tianzi had already caught up with Jiang Yun who left before him.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was standing in the darkness, motionless, just staring at the front with his eyes.

And in front of him, there are two monks fighting.

A man and a woman, both of them looked like middle-aged people.

The strength of the two is roughly around the high level of the original source, and they are both Taoist cultivators, and they used all their strength when they shot, so there should be some deep hatred.

Especially that woman, with her ordinary face, her facial features were distorted, and she was gnashing her teeth, as if she wanted to bite the man opposite to death with her teeth.

It's a pity that the man's strength is obviously slightly higher, so he has the upper hand, and his expression is quite relaxed.

Fighting monks, this kind of thing is extremely common anywhere, let alone in the place of origin.

Therefore, Yue Tianzi didn't think there was anything strange about the scene in front of him at all.

However, he found that Jiang Yun's eyes were staring straight at the woman, and his eyes were extremely complicated, full of doubts and excitement.

"Could it be that Jiang Yun knows this woman?"

Thinking of Jiang Yun rushing over impatiently just now, coupled with Jiang Yun's performance at the moment, Tianzi Yue couldn't help but come up with this idea.

Yue Tianzi did not ask in a hurry, but also looked at the woman.

The woman looks ordinary, dressed plainly, and has nothing special about her, except that she has a faint evil spirit on her body, and she is not a human race.

Although her strength is slightly weaker, and there are bloodstains oozing from her body, she is obviously holding the attitude of dying with the opponent at the moment. She does not defend at all between her shots, and they are all desperate attacks, exchanging injuries for injuries.

For a while, it forced the man to feel a little restrained, and even kept backing away.

However, Yue Tianzi certainly could see that this was only temporary.

The woman is injured and consumes a lot of strength. In her current state, she can't hold on for too long, at most no more than half a stick of incense, and the situation will be reversed.

Yue Tianzi quietly glanced at Jiang Yun again, and found that Jiang Yun was still just staring at him, not intending to stop him or save him.

Yue Tianzi couldn't figure out the situation, so he couldn't act casually, so he could only continue to watch.


Sure enough, within the time of half a stick of incense, the man directly burned out the woman's attack with a burst of flames, and hit the woman's body fiercely.

There was a scream from the woman's mouth, and the whole person had already staggered backwards, with blood flowing from her mouth and nose.

Finally, he forced himself to stop, but his body was wobbly and he couldn't stand still.

Yue Tianzi frowned secretly, Jiang Yun still didn't move, so he didn't know whether to save or not.

Fortunately, the man did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but turned his head to look at Jiang Yun and Yue Tianzi, and said with vigilance: "Who are you!"

Jiang Yun and Yue Tianzi were watching the battle openly, and they both saw it.

It doesn't matter to women, but men have to worry about whether Jiang Yun and the others want to be fishermen!

Yue Tianzi was about to respond, but Jiang Yun suddenly looked at the woman and said, "Why don't you use your way of dreams!"

"Why don't you use Qing, Ming, Meng!"

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