The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7414: yes on the line, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

"Oh?" Jiang Yun said with interest on his face: "Fellow Soul Daoist, can you tell me in detail what's special about that place, and where is it located?"

Hun Yanfeng's personality is obviously careless, and when Jiang Yun asked, he didn't hide it and said: "It's just outside the place of origin."

"The exact location is close to the Baidang Starfield."

"I passed by there by accident, and I felt something like a call."

"However, it feels extremely ethereal, with no fixed position."

"Moreover, there is nothingness all around, and neither the naked eye nor the spiritual sense can see anything at all."

"Later, I simply separated my soul from my body, and in the state of my soul, I found that place."

Having said that, Hun Yanfeng stopped and frowned, obviously thinking about how he should describe what he saw to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun didn't urge him either, but was also thinking about where the place Hun Yanfeng found was, and how it appeared.

After a while, Hun Yanfeng finally continued: "That place is extremely small, only the size of a needle eye."

"When I got close, I could feel the wind blowing out of it."

"After weighing it for a long time, I made up my mind, separated a soul, and got into the eye of the needle."

"However, after my split soul entered, it immediately disconnected from me, as if it was wiped away by an invisible force."

"Next, I tried a few more times, and the result was still the same."

"Under this situation, no matter how curious I am about it, I can't continue to try, so I just ignore it."

Hun Yanfeng's narration came to an end.

And Jiang Yun also understood why the other party would tell him without any concealment.

Because even he, the original peak powerhouse of the soul clan, couldn't enter that needle eye, and even if other people knew that place, they couldn't enter it either.

Hun Yanfeng smiled and said: "If Fellow Daoist Jiang is interested in that place, I can tell you the exact location."

"But take my advice, don't take any chances."

"If the body is gone, there are still ways to do it, but if the soul is gone, then it's really all over."

Jiang Yun clasped his fists at Hun Yanfeng and said, "Then I will thank Fellow Daoist Hun first. I am really curious about that place."

"If there is a chance, I still want to see it."

Hun Yanfeng reached out and took out a jade slip, and threw it to Jiang Yundao: "There is a map inside, and I have marked the location of the needle eye."

After receiving the jade slip, Jiang Yun thanked Hun Yanfeng again.

Hun Yanfeng waved his hand and said: "You're welcome, although you are not a soul clan, but you should have practiced the way of souls, and I can feel kindness from you."

"If it were someone else, even if it was the Son of Heaven, I might not even give it to him!"

Jiang Yun was stunned, because he also mastered the power of the soul clan, and even had a close relationship with the soul clan, so Hun Yanfeng regarded himself as half a soul clan member, so he was so generous.

And this also aroused the curiosity in Jiang Yun's heart: "Can you tell me again, Fellow Soul Daoist, the situation of the soul clan in the Hunyou Great Domain?"

A look of reminiscence appeared on Hun Yanfeng's face.

Obviously, Jiang Yun's question reminded him of his hometown.

Next, Hun Yanfeng began to describe Hunyou Dayu.

Jiang Yun has been listening with great interest, occasionally echoing a few words, which makes Hun Yanfeng more interested as he talks.

When Hun Yanfeng was about to say something, Jiang Yun asked again: "Friend Hun Daoist, do nobles have any skills or tricks in the practice of Hun?"

Hun Yanfeng laughed and said, "There really are!"

While speaking, Hun Yanfeng suddenly snapped his fingers, and a white flame about an inch high rose from his fingertips.

"We have a sacred object called the Indeterminate Soul Fire!"

Jiang Yun's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked intently at the white flame on Hun Yanfeng's fingertips.

The soul race in Daoxing Tiandi also has the sacred object of Infinite Soul Fire.

Even, this holy object has been fused by Jiang Yun's soul.

And within the white flame at Hun Yanfeng's fingertips, there is a strong soul power exuding. Although it is indeed formed by the condensation of soul power, it is very different from the indeterminate soul fire.

Hun Yanfeng continued: "This is just an ordinary soul fire, not a holy thing."

"The sacred objects of our clan are enshrined in the holy place and guarded by the elders of the patriarch. Only with permission can we approach and observe."

"I don't know the origin of the holy object, but our family, as long as we observe the Wuding Soul Fire, we can benefit a lot and it is very helpful for our cultivation."

Jiang Yun nodded, thinking in his heart whether he should show his Indefinite Soul Fire to the other party, and by the way, confirm whether his Indeterminate Soul Fire is similar to the sacred objects in the other party's clan.

However, in the end Jiang Yun gave up on this idea.

Because he really couldn't explain why he could have the Indeterminate Soul Fire.

Then, Jiang Yun looked at Shen Lin who was at the side again, hoping that she would also tell him about the situation of the Mirage Clan in the Mirage Great Domain.

Shen Lin also didn't hide anything, and told Jiang Yun everything.

However, their ethnic group does not have the sacred object of mirage.

Jiang Yun was thoughtful.

"The holy relics of the Nine Clans, some of them were refined by Sikongzi, the great emperor of the utensils, such as the mirage, Jiekong tripod, etc."

"However, like the Indeterminate Soul Fire and the Tree of Reincarnation, these two things have been fused by me, and they are not artificially refined."

"It is very likely that the self in a certain reincarnation directly snatched a part from the big domain where the corresponding ethnic group is located."

"If this is the case, will these holy objects also have special functions."

"For example, will Hun Yanfeng go to the place where the needle eye is going, can he enter it by relying on the Wuding Soul Fire?"

After chatting with Shen Lin and Hun Yanfeng for a long time, and sending them away, Jiang Yun started retreat again.

This time, his attention was no longer focused on the source of time, but on the source of soul.

Even with the origin of the Dao, it is not easy for Jiang Yun to comprehend it.

This is like the answer given to you in advance during an exam, but you still need to use the answer to deduce the process of solving the problem in reverse, and understand how the answer is obtained in order to truly understand the corresponding origin.

Naturally, Jiang Yun also made up his mind to understand the origin of the soul as soon as possible, and before going to the intersection area, he first went to the needle eye mentioned by Hun Yanfeng.

Perhaps, there, the answers to some questions can be found.

At the same time, Gu Bulao, who had been sitting here waiting for Lanshan Starfield, finally opened his eyes.

Because, in his consciousness, a figure appeared.

It was a woman who came, and her figure was shuttling quickly in the space.

Gu Bulao did not hide his figure and aura, so the woman quickly discovered Gu Bulao's existence, and came directly in front of Gu Bulao without the slightest hesitation.

Gu Bulao stood up, looked at the woman who had stopped, and said with a slight smile, "Faxiu leader?"

It was the girl who came.

The voice transmission she received from the source master told her to come here to kill someone.

The source master didn't say who he asked her to kill, but said that she would naturally know when she arrived in the Lanshan Starfield.

Therefore, seeing Gu Bulao, especially hearing Gu Bulao directly calling out his identity, the girl couldn't help frowning slightly: "Are you waiting for me?"

Gu Bulao nodded and said, "Are you looking for me?"

Both of them are smart people, and after a few simple sentences, they understood that the meeting between the two of them was intentionally done by Yuanzhu.

However, Gu Bulao didn't care, he just repeated his question and said, "Are you the leader of Dharma cultivation?"

The girl hesitated and said, "They think I am!"

"Yes, that's fine!" Gu Bulao laughed and said, "You and I have no grievances, I will kill you just because we have different ways!"

"Without a leader, Faxiu will be somewhat affected!"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Bulao had already stretched out his hand towards the girl, pointing.

A four-petaled flower appeared under the girl's body.

"Phew, we've finally arrived!" Just as Gu Bulao was attacking the girl, a cloud of snowflakes came from outside the Lanshan Starfield, and Xue Yunfei's voice came from inside!

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