The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7417: Path of Soulfire, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

A faint light appeared in front of Jiang Yun's eyes, allowing him to clearly see that where he is now is a road.

However, when he looked at the road under his feet, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Because, this road is actually composed of soul fire!

The faint light comes from these soul fires.

It's not a mass of soul fire, but an inexhaustible number of densely packed soul fires, stacked and criss-crossed, forming a path.

The road meanders and stretches forward, with no end in sight.

On both sides of the road, there is endless darkness.

In the depths of the darkness, even with Jiang Yun's eyesight, he couldn't see clearly what was there.

However, when Jiang Yun turned his head to look behind him, he found a square wall standing behind him, about ten feet high, which was also condensed from a large number of soul fires.

In the center of the wall, there is a hole the size of a needle eye.

Obviously, through the hole in the wall, you can return to the place of origin.

This means that at least this place is not a Jedi, and at worst, you can go back the same way.

In order to verify it, Jiang Yun deliberately approached the soul fire wall again, and he felt a thrust, pushed himself out directly, and placed himself in the Baidang star field again.

"From this point of view, no matter who arranged the road inside, it shouldn't be a dangerous place."

"In addition, this place can only be discovered by people of the soul clan, and they can only enter and exit freely in the state of a soul body."

"This can all show that the person who arranged this way is reserved for the soul race, or me!"

Jiang Yun followed the eye of the needle again and entered it, and his heart was already settled.

Jiang Yun didn't move forward in a hurry, but stood on the road of soul fire, released his consciousness, and checked for any danger around him.

Gradually, a familiar feeling suddenly rose in his heart, as if he had been in a similar place before.

This made him try to think hard in his mind, where did his familiar feeling come from.

After a while, Jiang Yun's face showed a look of surprise, and he said two words softly: "Yulu!"

In the original dream domain, it was divided into four major domains of suffering and destruction.

Among them, there are 108 Jiyu.

Between each set of domains, there are domain roads connecting them.

Around Yulu Road, there are all kinds of dangerous darkness hidden.

At this moment, Jiang Yun felt that the Lu Lu under him was very similar to Yu Lu.

The difference is that Yulu is not condensed by soul fire.

"Could it be that this road is actually a domain road, connecting one hundred and eight large domains?"

This idea made Jiang Yun think it was very possible.

After all, this place of origin should be above all the great domains, so it is not unimaginable that there are roads leading to all the great domains hidden here.

"It's just, why do you want to condense the soul fire into a road?"

"It can't be because of the special environment between the big domains. Only the road formed by the soul fire can exist and not disappear?"

"Then who left this road? Is it me in a certain reincarnation?"

Jiang Yun's spiritual sense carefully sensed the path of the soul fire, and said to himself: "This is the soul fire condensed by ordinary soul power."

"Moreover, the soul power is very weak, not the indeterminate soul fire."

Originally, Jiang Yun's first feeling was that these soul fires were indeterminate soul fires, but now it seems that they are obviously not.

"The soul power in it doesn't have any attributes, not even the breath of Tao."

"Then it shouldn't be left by me in a certain reincarnation, but it's a bit closer to the origin of the tripod."

"Perhaps, this is the hidden path inside Longwen Chiding."

"No!" After a while, Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "The soul power inside is cyclical. Some flow toward the front, and some flow back from the front."

"It's a bit like ten thousand streams returning to the sea, and then the sea is divided into ten thousand streams, where does it stretch."

"And because this is the starting point of this road, the soul power here is the weakest."

"This is also the reason why the soul power here will not disappear!"

"That is enough to prove that this road of soul fire has an end, and the end point is the place with the strongest soul power!"

Jiang Yun thought about it for a long time, and could only think of these for the time being.

Keeping other doubts in his heart, Jiang Yun finally started to walk forward along this road of soul fire.

At first, Jiang Yun walked very slowly.

Although he speculates that this place is not a dangerous place, there is no guarantee that there will be no hidden dangers, so he is always cautious about the darkness around him, and there will be sudden dangers.

As for leaving the road of soul fire and actively exploring in the dark, Jiang Yun would never do such a stupid thing.

However, after he walked out for more than an hour and found nothing but darkness, he gradually quickened his pace.

In the end, Jiang Yun used his agility and speed to the extreme.

But this road seemed to have no end at all. After Jiang Yun had been advancing at full speed for a day, he still couldn't see where the end of the road was.

However, Jiang Yun found something different.

The road of soul fire under his feet not only became brighter than before, but also contained a stronger soul power.

The soul power that condenses the soul fire is obviously increasing gradually!

This situation is in line with Jiang Yun's previous speculation.

Soul power is cyclical, flowing to the end point, and then flowing back.

Jiang Yun didn't pay too much attention to this, and just continued walking along the road.

As for the time he will stay here, Jiang Yun has set a month.

Within a month, if he still can't reach the end of the road, then he will go back.

Because he had to go to the middle level of the place of origin with other monks.

Jiang Yun tried to summon Beiming, thinking that using Beiming instead of transportation would save him some energy and allow him to do other things.

Unexpectedly, just after Bei Ming appeared, he immediately became irritable and restless, as if he didn't like this place very much.

Even if Jiang Yun forcibly controlled it with Dao Seal, it would not move forward.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only give up this idea, took Beiming back again, and continued walking on this road by himself.

Naturally, he also communicated with Daoyang, Daozun, and even Qi Ling of the Ten Blood Lanterns, and asked them what they thought of this place.

Dao Zun still didn't say a word, Dao Rang didn't know what to say.

Although Qi Ling can communicate normally, it is also unable to judge what is here.

In this way, when Jiang Yun walked on this road of soul fire for seventeen days, the light emitted by the soul fire under his feet had already illuminated the surroundings like daylight, and the darkness could not be approached at all.

This is because the soul power condensed into soul fire is already very powerful.

However, the strength of this kind of soul power is only relative to this road of soul fire, not to Jiang Yun.

What's more, the strength of this soul power is far inferior to the soul power controlled by Jiang Yun.

But in any case, the fact that the soul power is already so strong means that the end of the road must be getting closer and closer.

Finally, on the nineteenth day, Jiang Yun saw the end of the road in his sight.

At the end, just like at the beginning, there is also a mass of soul fire.

It's just that this ball of soul fire is no longer condensed into a wall, but into a door!

Jiang Yun slowed down, walked slowly to the door of Soul Fire, observed the door carefully for a moment, and after confirming that there was nothing strange or dangerous, he stretched out his hand and tried to push the door open.

The strange thing is that although the soul power contained in this door is far inferior to Jiang Yun's, Jiang Yun exhausted his soul power, but the door didn't move at all.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Yun tried other powers, even using the power of Lei Benyuan, but he still couldn't push the door open.

"Do you need the source of the Dao of Soul?"

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, and lines began to appear on his body.

In the past few days of Yue Zhongtian's retreat, although he has not been able to condense the soul source body, he finally succeeded in comprehending the soul source.

This is also one of Jiang Yun's confidence to come here!

At this moment, the original power of the Dao of Soul covered his whole body, Jiang Yun stretched out his hand again, and pushed hard towards the door!

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