The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7430: Dharmakaya, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

With Jiang Yun's current control over the fire of the Dao, the flame in Ji Kongfan's body can be easily extinguished.

However, Ji Kongfan's absorption of the wind here is certainly to extinguish the flames in his body, but it is almost the same as Jiang Yun's previous absorption of thunder and flames to reshape his original body!

Moreover, based on Ji Kongfan's current state, it is not difficult for Jiang Yun to judge that absorbing the wind here has not had any bad effects on him.

You know, whether it is the wind from the Wind Pass or the thunder from the Thunder Pass, they always exist here, and there must be monks who have tried to absorb them and turn them into their own power.

But there is almost nothing that can really be done.

The reason is that once the same power of different attributes enters the monk's body, it is equivalent to turning into a powder keg.

They will repel each other, attack each other, and may explode anytime, anywhere.

Jiang Yun was able to do it because he has the blood of all rivers, the way of guardianship and other conditions that others do not have.

But at this moment, Ji Kongfan clearly did it too.

Jiang Yun speculated that it should be the flame in Ji Kongfan's body that played a role similar to neutralization.

Coupled with the domineering wind of Nirvana, Ji Kongfan can also absorb these winds of different attributes into his body, and even transform them into the attributes of Nirvana, turning them into his own.

Even if Ji Kongfan doesn't have the original Dao body, as long as the wind here absorbs enough, at least his strength can be improved.

Therefore, this is a great opportunity for Ji Kongfan!

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, while the beautiful woman repeatedly expressed her gratitude, she also hoped that Jiang Yun would let her see Ji Kongfan's condition.

Naturally, Jiang Yun couldn't refuse the other party's request, so he simply took her out of the Dao Realm.

Anyway, there is no wind within the range of Ji Kongfan's body, and the beautiful woman will not be in danger.

After the beautiful woman appeared, the first thing she saw was not Ji Kongfan, but Jiang Yun's body turned into bones.

After seeing it, she couldn't help exclaiming: "Brother, you..."

Jiang Yun hurriedly put his finger to his mouth, motioned for the beautiful woman to lower her voice, "Senior, please keep your voice down, so as not to disturb Senior Ji."

"I'm fine, just rest for a while."

The beautiful woman swallowed the remaining words, and nodded slightly.

After taking another deep look at Jiang Yun, she turned her gaze to Ji Kongfan.

And at this moment, Ji Kongfan, who had his eyes closed, suddenly spoke, "I'm fine."

Although Ji Kongfan still had flames burning on his body, as more and more winds gradually suppressed the flames, his emotions and sanity had basically recovered, and he naturally knew the appearance of Jiang Yun and the beautiful woman.

Hearing Ji Kongfan admit that he was fine, the beautiful woman finally felt relieved, turned around, and said with a deep blessing to Jiang Yun, "Thank you."

Jiang Yun hastily waved his hands to lift the beautiful woman's body and said, "Senior, you're welcome, I didn't do anything."

The beautiful woman straightened up, and said with a slight smile: "Next, I have to trouble my brother, so I won't make trouble for him, and please send me back to the place I was just now."

Seeing Jiang Yun's situation, the beautiful woman knew how dangerous it was, so she didn't want to stay here any longer, lest Jiang Yun would be distracted from taking care of herself.

Jiang Yun sent the beautiful woman back to the Dao Realm, and also looked at Ji Kongfan and said, "Senior Ji, let me tell you a secret, just listen to it."

Since Ji Kongfan could speak, Jiang Yun didn't have to worry about disturbing him, and hurriedly revealed the secret that he discovered that the original Dao body could be reshaped.

While Jiang Yun was talking, Ji Kongfan slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Jiang Yun.

Although there was no expression on his face, deep in his eyes, there was a trace of relief and emotion hidden.

In this world, there are very few people who can truly disregard their own safety for the sake of others!

Jiang Yun did it, which is enough to prove the importance of Ji Kongfan in his heart.

However, Jiang Yun didn't notice the emotion in Ji Kongfan's eyes at all.

Seeing Ji Kongfan open his eyes, he hurriedly reached out and waved his hand, and the Dao Body of Huoyuanyuan had appeared.

"Senior Ji, you are a Dharma cultivator. I don't know if you have something similar to my body, but you can refer to my method and use the wind here to improve your strength as much as possible."

"Yes!" Ji Kongfan said softly.

Immediately afterwards, another Ji Kongfan walked out of his body!

Although Jiang Yun couldn't feel the breath of the wind of extinction, it was not difficult to see that Ji Kongfan in front of him should obviously be condensed by the wind of extinction.

This Ji Kongfan opened his mouth and said, "I condensed this after I stepped into the original state."

"Originally, I didn't know what it was called, but now it seems that he should be called the law body, the original law body!"

Although Ji Kongfan, Xuanyuanxing and others have all stepped into the original state, they did not enter this state by virtue of their own practice, but the memory of the Master of All Souls, who used a special method to disregard their life and death. , forcibly increased their strength.

Later, with the help of Gu Bulao who integrated the memory of Master of All Souls, not only their lives were saved, but also their cultivation realm was stabilized.

After that, Ji Kongfan gradually condensed the original dharma body.

Jiang Yun nodded again and again: "Yes, the original Dharma body, Senior Ji, you first use the wind of extinction to swallow the wind here, and then try to reshape your Dharma body."

"After success, the strength will definitely improve."

"Okay!" Ji Kongfan agreed, and the original dharma body submerged into his body again, and he also closed his eyes.

Jiang Yun let out a long breath, also put away the body of fire source, sat beside Ji Kongfan, and began to heal his injuries.

With the protection of Ji Kongfan's Wind of Nirvana, the two of them no longer need to worry about the wind's attack.

After three days passed, Jiang Yun's physical body had fully recovered. He opened his eyes and looked at Ji Kongfan.

The latter seemed to have sensed it, and immediately said: "I tried your method, and it is indeed useful, but it will definitely take a long time."

"Even if everything goes well, it will probably take two to three months to reshape the original law body."

"How about you leave first and go to Senior Gu, and then go to you guys after I'm done."

In fact, two or three months can reshape the original law body, which is not a long time at all.

But Ji Kongfan knew that Jiang Yun was worried about the safety of Gu Bulao and Daoxing Tiandi, so he let him leave first.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "I can leave, but if I'm not wrong, you want to continue to absorb the wind here to reshape the original Dharma Body, the premise is to ensure that the fire in your body cannot be extinguished!"

"And I, can ignite this fire at any time."

Ji Kongfan was slightly taken aback, and then a smile appeared on his face and said: "The eyesight is getting better and better, I can't hide this from you!"

What Jiang Yun said was right.

The emotional fire ignited in Ji Kongfan's body is the key to his ability to absorb these winds of different attributes!

If these flames are extinguished, although Ji Kongfan himself will not be in any danger, he will no longer be able to reshape the original Dharma Body.

Ji Kongfan originally wanted to give up the opportunity to reshape the original Dharma Body, so that Jiang Yun could go to Gu Bulao.

But now that Jiang Yun saw it through, he also knew that Jiang Yun would never leave, so he stopped talking nonsense.

Instead of wasting time trying to persuade Jiang Yun, it is better to seize the time and complete the reshaping of the original law body as soon as possible.

In this way, Jiang Yun sat beside Ji Kongfan, paying close attention to the flames in Ji Kongfan's body, and as soon as he found that they were about to go out, he immediately let them continue to ignite, helping Ji Kongfan neutralize the wind here.

Although this approach will indeed take some time, it is also beneficial to Jiang Yun.

It is to make him proficient in this kind of flame that can control other people's emotions!

Jiang Yun called it the fire of emotion.

Even Ji Kongfan, who was as strong as Ji Kongfan, was unknowingly affected by the fire of emotions, and even almost committed suicide.

It can be seen from this that the power of this emotional fire is not weaker than any flame.

At the same time, in the outer layer of the place of origin, the more than a hundred monks are getting closer and closer to the intersection area!

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