The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7432: there is a vortex, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Watching Shi Feng and others disappear into the Pass of Wind, Yuanzhu frowned slightly, and said to himself: "If these people can't kill Jiang Yun, then we can only wait for the middle-level Yuanyuan monks to take action." .”

"Whether Jiang Yun is dead or not is actually a second priority. The key is the guiding candle, which must be brought back."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to live well in the days to come!"

"Oh, unfortunately, I can't go to the middle floor myself!"

Shaking his head, Yuanzhu no longer waited for Tianzi Yue and others, turned around and walked towards the way he came from.

The area he is in charge of is the outer layer of the Origin Land.

Now that Jiang Yun has left, the rest of the matter is beyond his control.

On the way back, Yuanzhu naturally met many monks including Tianzi Yue.

Yue Tianzi also never expected that the third fire gate would also disappear without a trace.

This made him a little unbelievable, so he stopped temporarily and searched for the next four weeks, wanting to see if Jiang Yun left safely, so he wasted some time.

At this moment, seeing that the source master had already returned, he didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly led the crowd towards Fengzhi Pass.

The source master was alone, and the speed was extremely fast, and he had already left the intersection area after a day.

But at this time, he saw five figures rushing here.

In his mind, these five people must be those monks who are slower and have only arrived here now.

Therefore, for these five people, Yuanzhu just glanced at them, and also didn't care about them.

But he didn't know that each of these five people had some relationship with Jiang Yun.

Especially one of them is Jiang Yun's elder brother, Dongfang Bo!

These five people are Dongfang Bo, Jiu Qin, Cang Xingzi, Wan Ruhu and Miao Shucheng!

Dongfang Bo and Jiu Qin met by accident.

Jiuqin knew Dongfang Bo's identity, so she took the initiative to talk to her, and told her and Jiang Yun's common experience, and then joined Dongfang Bo and rushed to the meeting area.

When they passed by the star where Mengjue was, Mengjue kept in mind the mission Jiang Yun had given him, brought the two of them into his illusion, and told them Jiang Yun's words and the Stone of Origin.

As for Cang Xingzi, Wan Ruhu and Miao Shucheng, Mengjue also let them go.

Although the five people didn't have any friendship, but because of Jiang Yun, they simply formed an alliance temporarily and rushed to the intersection area hand in hand, and they didn't arrive until this time.

Five people passed by Yuanzhu!

Inside the Pass of the Wind, Shi Feng and the others who were thrown here by the source master, under the protection of the source master, advanced safely and soundly at least ten thousand feet away.

Even though the distance doesn't seem far away, it also helped them save a lot of power, and naturally gave them a deeper understanding of the power of the source master.

With no one entering, half a hundred monks can be protected by a single force, and they can advance such a long distance.

It is conceivable that if the source master enters in person, then this level cannot stop him at all.

Seeing that the power of the source master is about to disappear, Shi Feng said: "Everyone, I must know something about this wind pass. The easiest and safest way to pass is that we take turns to use magic tools to resist the invasion of the wind while go ahead."

"If you don't have a magic weapon, then rely on your own strength to prop up the shield and move forward."

"Therefore, next, we'd better briefly introduce our respective situations so that we can make the most reasonable arrangements."

"Let me first say that I brought a Kunpeng umbrella. With my strength, it is enough to protect you from a distance of one hundred thousand feet."

Others also opened their mouths one after another, giving a general overview of their situation.

Although everyone must have reservations, but everyone is also well aware that since everyone is joining forces for the time being, everyone will naturally need to contribute. It is impossible to enjoy the protection of others without doing anything, so at least some Useful skill.

Even the Lord of Heavenly Stems and Qin Bufan are no exception.

In short, after just a short while, Shi Feng had already made arrangements.

There are a total of forty-nine of them, starting from him, a group of seven, each responsible for a distance of 500,000 zhang, and they take turns in circles until they walk out of the wind barrier.

With the disappearance of the source master's power, Shi Feng took the lead in throwing out a huge black umbrella shaped like a Kunpeng spreading its wings, completely covering the forty-nine people, and walked forward.

The others didn't feel anything, but Shi Feng was slightly taken aback, thinking to himself: "Strange, why do you feel that the wind here is not as strong as the rumors say?"

Shi Feng had never really entered the Pass of Wind.

Regarding the situation of this level, he always listened to what the source master and a few strong men told him.

In the mouths of those people, it is said that this level should not be underestimated, and the power of all kinds of wind is extremely great.

But at this moment, under his personal experience, he discovered that Yuanzhu and others seemed to be exaggerating.

If it was just the power of the wind he felt, then he could walk a distance of 300,000 feet by himself with the Kunpeng Umbrella!

Of course, Shi Feng would not express his feelings. He could only think that maybe it was because everyone had just stepped into the Pass of Wind, and when they went deeper, the power of the wind would increase accordingly.

However, Shi Feng accelerated his walking speed.

And at a place about a million feet away from Shi Feng and the others, Ji Kongfan was still sitting there cross-legged, and the Wheel of Silence above his head was constantly absorbing the wind here and entering his body.

More than a month is not long, but Ji Kongfan really tried his best, and he dare not say that he has absorbed all the wind here, but Jiang Yun deduced that the wind here has been reduced by at least one tenth. quantity.

However, instead of expanding, the wind vortex that was originally ten thousand feet in size shrank to only a hundred feet in size.

This is because Ji Kongfan has transitioned from pure absorption to the stage of condensation, from only pursuing quantity at the beginning to focusing on quality.

The effect is naturally extremely significant.

Ji Kongfan's original dharma body has already condensed half, and in a month's time at most, it should be done.

Once successful, Ji Kongfan's cultivation realm should be able to stabilize at the original high level, or even the peak!

Therefore, even though Jiang Yun was anxious and worried about the safety of his master and Daoxing Tiandi, he didn't dare to show the slightest bit on his face.

Fortunately, Dao Zun never spoke again, indicating that Daoxing Tiandi should be fine for the time being.

Jiang Yun can only pray that his master can pass through all the checkpoints safely and enter the middle level.

After igniting the emotional fire in Ji Kongfan's body again, Jiang Yun couldn't help but look outside the whirlpool, and murmured: "Also, senior brother and third senior brother don't know what's going on now. Didn't step into this intersection area?"

Because the area of ​​the vortex is reduced, Jiang Yun can faintly see the situation outside the vortex now.

And as his voice fell, he suddenly saw that there was a touch of pure black outside the vortex.

Although the wind here has some colors because of the large number, the colors are all extremely light. Jiang Yun has never seen such a pure and conspicuous color.

Especially the black, not only is it not small in size, but it is also approaching the direction of the vortex at a constant speed!

"What is this?" Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes and said, "Could it be a new wind?"

Turning his head to look at Ji Kongfan who didn't react at all, Jiang Yun stood up and looked at the black again.

Shi Feng urged his Kunpeng Umbrella, smiled and said to the cultivator behind him: "Everyone, this journey is so easy, it seems that we should be able to pass this fourth level unscathed."

The forty-nine of them, according to the previous arrangement, have gone smoothly to the present, everyone has had their turn, and now it is Shi Feng's turn.

As Shi Feng said, everyone feels more relaxed when they use magic tools or power to protect everyone, especially now that they have been away for so long, and it is still the case. Naturally, everyone feels that there will be no more roads ahead. What difficulty.

As soon as Shi Feng finished speaking, the Heavenly Stem Lord behind Shi Feng suddenly said, "Everyone, there is a vortex over there!"

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