The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7455: find a substitute, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Jiang Yun hurriedly looked back, the woman who was following behind him and was always stepping on the petals he passed by, the petals under her body suddenly collapsed and turned into a cloud of mist.

The woman was waiting for Jiang Yun to go to the next petal so that she could continue to follow, but she didn't expect the petals under her to collapse suddenly, and she screamed out in fright.

Fortunately, the woman's reaction was not slow, and she jumped up high, flying towards a petal near Jiang Yun.

But at this moment, a huge strip-shaped object suddenly protruded from the mist, and rushed towards the woman's body as fast as lightning.

As the object rushed out, Jiang Yun could see clearly that it looked like a giant python, extremely thick, but it was covered with wriggling suction cups, like the tentacles of an octopus.

What's even more weird is that at the front end of this tentacle is a humanoid monster that looks like a mummy. Several suction cups firmly **** the back of the monster, making it look like it is growing with the tentacle. Average together.

The monster was as white as paper, unable to see the front clearly, opened its arms, and grabbed the woman.

Jiang Yun saw the old man who attacked him before, and it was this thing that caught him into the mist.

It's just that Jiang Yun never expected that there was a tentacle attached to the back of this thing.

Naturally, the woman also saw this thing, and screamed again in fright, desperately trying to step on another petal.

It's a pity that with the appearance of this tentacle, the mist rolled violently, creating a strong resistance that slowed down the woman's speed.

Seeing that the arms of the humanoid monster were about to grab the woman, the woman also closed her eyes, and she did not do anything other than screaming continuously.

In fact, even if her speed slows down, if she attacks tentacles or monsters, or even throws a magic weapon to explode, it may give her a glimmer of life.

But under the great shock, she completely forgot that she was a monk in the original state!

Behind the woman, the male monk also showed horror. The body standing on the petals was trembling, and it was impossible to help.

Fortunately, at this moment, Jiang Yun raised his hand, and several golden thunders flew out of his hand, condensed into a thunder sword, and slashed fiercely at the tentacles behind the humanoid monster.

At the same time, Jiang Yun also shouted violently: "Go!"


The sword of Thunder accurately slashed on the tentacle that was as thick as a millstone!

Logically speaking, with Jiang Yun's thunderous power, even a mountain can be easily split into pieces.

But when the Thunder Sword slashed on the tentacles, it was shaken away by a powerful counter-shock force, and it couldn't be cut off at all.

However, the tentacle seemed to feel the pain, and it shrank slightly, pulling the humanoid monster at the front back a distance of Zhang Xu.

When the woman heard Jiang Yun's voice, she hurriedly opened her eyes. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the humanoid monster to retreat, she ran forward with all her strength, and her feet finally stepped on a flower petal!

As the woman stood on the petals, although the humanoid monster's actions had returned to normal, it stopped rushing towards the daughter, but suddenly turned its head and aimed at Jiang Yun!

At this moment, Jiang Yun also completely saw the front of the monster, which was a human mummy.

The skin of the mummy was taut, but the facial features were intact.

Especially the eyes, although they are pitch black without pupils, there is a faint light flickering, and it can be vaguely seen that it is a middle-aged man.

However, it is not accurate to say that it is a mummy.

Because when it was facing Jiang Yun, it suddenly opened its mouth wide and let out a sharp roar, and a black flame spewed out from its mouth like an arrow, shooting at Jiang Yun.

The appearance of the mummy reminded Jiang Yun of the emperor's corpse he had encountered before.

But the emperor's corpse does not have consciousness, it is completely dead, but this mummy is clearly expressing his anger to himself, and even can send out magical attacks.

Jiang Yun raised his hand again, and when he was about to extinguish the black flame sprayed out by the other party, a ray of light suddenly emanated from the petals below him, directly blocking the black flame.

Seeing that his attack missed Jiang Yun, the mummy roared again.

The huge tentacle behind it has already taken its body, and quickly disappeared into the mist again, disappearing without a trace.

"Many, thank you seniors"

At this moment, the woman finally came to her senses and stammered to thank Jiang Yun for saving her life.

If it hadn't been for Jiang Yun's shot just now, she would have been taken into the mist by the mummy just like the old man before.

Going deep into the mist, she didn't think she could survive!

Jiang Yun waved his hand as a response to the woman.

Although Jiang Yun did save the opponent, it was also to feel the strength of the tentacles and mummy.

As a result, it is not very optimistic!

At least it can be proved that the Thunder of the Great Dao has no effect on the tentacles.

"Next time if they reappear, I should try to attack the mummy directly."


Just as Jiang Yun finished speaking, there was another muffled sound.

Before Jiang Yun could look over at the sound, the sound of "bang bang bang" kept ringing like a cannonball.

The sound came from the petals!

In the direction Jiang Yun came from, the mist kept rolling, just like setting off waves, and kept pushing forward.

Wherever it passed, all the suspended petals would immediately start to collapse once they touched the mist!

This time, not to mention the two monks, even Jiang Yun's complexion changed slightly!

The reason why Jiang Yun is not too afraid of the tentacle and the mummy is that besides believing in his own strength, it is also because he believes that standing on the petals is safe.

But if there were no petals, Jiang Yun would not know if he was its opponent when he was in the mist and faced the tentacles and mummy.

Therefore, seeing the petals start to collapse, Jiang Yun turned around immediately, and jumped forward.

The two monks naturally followed closely behind Jiang Yun, and they really tried their best to escape crazily.

At this time, the gap in strength is revealed!

Not only was Jiang Yun the fastest, but the distance he took in one step far exceeded the other two monks. He didn't stop at all, and quickly passed the petals one by one.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Yun had already crossed the distance of ten thousand feet, and there was another scream from behind him.

The scream came from that male monk!

He himself was at the end, and his speed was also affected by the panic in his heart. When he stepped on a petal, the mist just caught up with him, causing the petal to collapse.

Having lost his foothold, the man's figure was also weak, unable to move on to the next petal, and fell directly into the mist.

And a huge tentacle, carrying the mummy, appeared behind him in an instant.

The mummy opened its arms, grabbed the man's body, and led him into the depths of the mist again.

Strange to say, as the man was taken away by the mummy, the turbulent mist immediately stopped.

Naturally, the petals no longer collapsed, and calm was restored here.

Jiang Yun temporarily stopped his figure, turned his head, and suddenly found that although the mist had calmed down, there were streaks of colorful mist emerging from below, converging quickly, causing the collapsed petals to reappear!

Soon, all the petals that collapsed before appeared, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, the woman also came near Jiang Yun, stopped her figure, turned her head to look, and said with lingering fear on her pale face: "It seems that the monster has found a substitute, so I let it go for the time being." us!"

Find a stand-in!

Jiang Yun looked at the woman, and asked in a deep voice, "Do you know what that monster is?"

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