The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7533: You said it the other way around, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Looking at Jiang Yun as if strolling in the garden, completely ignoring the terrifying power of the star explosion, Xie Lingzi couldn't help muttering: "The speed of time around him is much slower than the normal speed of time. .”

"And, he can transcend time!"

Even though Xie Lingzi didn't have the power to control time, as a powerhouse at the peak of origin, it was not hard to see that Jiang Yun was in two different states.

In the first state, Jiang Yun was indeed in the explosion of those stars.

But the flow of time around him slowed down, so that all the forces and objects that should have hit him slowed down immediately after approaching his body, allowing him to easily avoid it.

And the second state is that Jiang Yun at this moment is not in the same time and space as those exploding stars at all! The explosion of the stars is the present moment, but Jiang Yun is either in the past time and space, or in the future time and space, so the force of the explosion and the objects that hit him obviously passed his body, but they couldn't hurt him

a cent.

Xie Lingzi's judgment was correct!

Although Jiang Yun has already touched the Tao of time, he has only just entered the Tao, and is far from reaching the level of Jiang Yiyun.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only alternate between the two states continuously, and he is also exploring more ways to display the power of time.

However, no matter what state it was in, it was enough for him to successfully avoid the explosive power of those stars.

As for the looming time dial on Jiang Yun's body, it is not the real Dahuang time dial, but Jiang Yun imitates the Dahuang time dial with the time pattern.

Jiang Yiyun also taught Jiang Yun how to use the Great Wilderness Time Dial.

However, Jiang Yun is still unable to play the role of the Great Desolation Time Dial, so he can only condense it with the help of the time pattern, so as to enhance some of his own power of time.

Seeing that Jiang Yun was about to walk out of the evil formation, Xie Lingzi also said to the fourteen original monks again: "What are you waiting for!"

After the fourteen monks looked at each other, a middle-rank female cultivator from Yuanyuan whispered, "Senior Xie Lingzi, Jiang Yun's strength has exceeded our expectations."

"Until now, he hasn't even handed over his helper. Even if we go together, we may not be his opponent."

"So, why don't we retreat first today, wait..."

Before the woman could finish speaking, a black shadow suddenly shot out from Xie Lingzi's sleeve, and hit the woman's head in an instant, making a muffled "bang", interrupting her words .

Everyone hurriedly followed the sound, and suddenly saw a black, mud-like object covering the nun's head.

And above the object, a grimace quickly appeared, grinning at the other monks, revealing a dark mouth.

Seeing this monster, the pupils of an old man at the peak of origin shrank slightly, and said in a low voice: "Xie Lingzi, what are you doing!"

"The order we received before we came, if we are sure that we are not Jiang Yun's opponent, we don't need to sacrifice in vain, we can leave first."

"Sacrifice in vain?" Xie Lingzi sneered and said, "Several evil stars in my evil world were destroyed, and countless evil cultivators died. Isn't that sacrifice in vain?"

"You didn't even move your hands, just wanted to leave?"

"How can there be such a cheap thing!"

"Don't use the Hongmeng to suppress me. This is the evil world, and it's my territory. Even if the leader of the Hongmeng comes, he won't dare to do anything to me."

"Today, there are only two paths before you, either go and kill Jiang Yun."

"Or, I'll kill you!"

As soon as Xie Lingzi said this, the expressions of the others all changed.

The old man at the peak of origin still wanted to speak, but just as he opened his mouth, he saw the female cultivator whose head was wrapped in a black monster suddenly raised her hand, and a cold light shot at him.


The old man stretched out his hand, and with the sound of a crisp impact, a white sword was sent flying by him.

Although the old man was not injured, his face became even more ugly.

Because that female cultivator has clearly been controlled by the evil spirit.

And Xie Lingzi smiled evilly, and the **** robe on his body swelled automatically without wind, exuding a powerful aura.

Yes, apart from Xie Lingzi's own breath, there are two other breaths!

The other two breaths gave everyone the feeling that they were as powerful as the evil spirit.

It was as if under Xie Lingzi's black robe, there were still two original peak powerhouses hidden.

In fact, how strong Xie Lingzi is, everyone is equally unclear.

After all, neither the evil world nor Xie Lingzi had a good reputation, and in the huge domain, no one had any friends, and no one wanted to be his enemy.

Before today, most of them had never even seen Xie Lingzi, only heard about it.

It is said that this evil spirit son is not only powerful, but also has cultivated three evil bodies!

No one knows exactly what the three evil bodies are, because anyone who has seen the three evil bodies of Xie Lingzi has already died.

Therefore, now feeling the two powerful auras emanating from under the black robe of Xie Lingzi, and the black grimace wrapped around the head of the nun, who was grinning at everyone, made everyone vigilant.

That black grimace should be one of Xie Lingzi's evil bodies.

Since he can easily control an original middle-level cultivator, if he says that he will kill everyone, it is really not alarmist.

Even if he can't kill everyone, as long as he makes a move, someone will definitely die in his hands!

But if they listened to Xie Lingzi and went to deal with Jiang Yun, everyone would also have no confidence.

But when everyone was in a dilemma, Jiang Yun's voice suddenly came from afar: "It seems that your Hongmeng's hearts are not in harmony!"

"However, you don't have to fight anymore. Today, you all have to stay!"

Jiang Yun had already walked out of the evil formation, so he could easily hear the conversation between Xie Lingzi and these original monks.

Although Jiang Yun already knew, in fact, these monks may not really want to be against him, or even against Daoxing Tiandi.

Just like Qin Bufan back then, and those original monks who blew themselves up not long ago, there is a powerful existence behind them, controlling and forcing them.

However, if they are not dealt with today, they will appear in Dao Xing Tiandi in a short time, and countless souls of Dao Xing Tiandi will die in their hands.

As for Xie Lingzi, Jiang Yun could easily guess from the opponent's identity, strength, and character that he was the one who drove away Xie Daozi back then!

Therefore, Jiang Yun is not going to let go of any of the fifteen original monks here today!

As Jiang Yun's voice fell, Long Xiangzi, Daoist Begging for Life, Yue Tianzi and others finally appeared again.

"Leave the others to you!" Jiang Yun pointed at Xie Lingzi and said, "He's mine!"

Everyone shook their bodies in unison, and in an instant they crossed a distance of tens of thousands of miles and came to Hongmeng, the original monks.

Jiang Yun, on the other hand, ignored the others, walked past them, and walked towards Xie Lingzi.

Naturally, none of these original monks rushed to stop Jiang Yun.

They would rather deal with Long Xiangzi and the others than fight Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun stared at Xie Lingzi and asked coldly, "Are you looking for my elder brother?"

The moment Long Xiangzi and the others appeared, Jiang Yun clearly saw Xie Lingzi's gaze quickly passing over them, and a look of doubt flashed across his face.

"Brother?" Xie Lingzi said with a mocking smile on his face, "Jiang Yun, don't you think that Xie Daozi really regards you as a brother?"

"Since you've seen it, I won't hide it."

"I led you to the world of evil ways, in fact, to find the son of evil ways."

"As long as you hand over Xie Daozi, not only will I not be your enemy, but I can also cooperate with you to help you deal with Hongmeng."

Jiang Yun stared deeply at Xie Lingzi and said, "You've got it wrong!" "Actually, I have never regarded him as an elder brother, but he has long regarded me as a brother!"

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