The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7564: no need to stay, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

"How many people are here in Hongmeng?"

Dao Zun's words changed the expressions of Jiang Yun and the three of them, and Jiang Yun asked hurriedly.

Dao Zun directly stretched out his hand and pointed towards the void in front of him.

Immediately, nothingness was like the surface of water, and after a circle of ripples, the situation beyond Daoxing Tiandi was revealed inside.

It is clearly visible that in the eternal darkness, there is an army of monks that cannot be seen at a glance. It is mighty, like a wave, and wave after wave, it is constantly advancing towards the direction of Dao Xing Tiandi.

"At least a million monks!" After Tianzun said this, he sighed: "The war begins now!"

The four of them naturally understood that since Hongmeng had sent such a large number of monks, it meant that they had officially started to attack Daoxing Tiandi.

Although they all knew that this day would definitely come, they never expected that it would come so soon.

Especially Jiang Yun has just returned to Daoxing Tiandi.

And Jiang Yun's gaze fixed on the leader after scanning the other monks.

Pan Chaoyang!

Jiang Yun entered the Hongmeng camp twice before and after, and carefully searched for Pan Chaoyang's traces, but he was never found, but now the other party appeared at the forefront of the Hongmeng army in a fair manner.

After Jiang Yun glanced at the image of the teleportation array condensed in the air, he shifted his gaze to Pan Chaoyang again and said, "Are you reminding me not to go to you through this image of the teleportation array again?" Where do you want me to go?"

At this time, Tianzun said again: "I don't know if he is reminding you, but I think you should leave quickly!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "It's pointless to go now!"

The purpose of Jiang Yun wanting to see Pan Chaoyang is to discuss with him a way to get rid of the control of the Dao Monster, so as to prevent the Hongmeng from launching a war against Dao Xing Tiandi.

But now that Pan Chaoyang is at the forefront and has brought millions of monks out of Daoxing Heaven and Earth, even if Jiang Yun leaves now, at least it is impossible to stop these million monks.

Whether to leave through this teleportation array is naturally meaningless.

What's more, if Jiang Yun leaves at this time, it will be tantamount to running away.

However, Tianzun continued: "No, it makes more sense if you leave now!"

"If Daoxing Tiandi wants to continue to exist, the only hope should be to avoid this war."

"That's why I wanted that Four Seasons Building."

"I want to break the Daoxing Heaven and Earth situation before the big battle, so that I can escape with all the creatures."

"But now, this battle is inevitable, it will start soon, and I don't have time to break it."

"Although I haven't left Daoxing Tiandi, I also know that the entire Hongmeng will definitely not only have these million monks."

"There will definitely be more monks coming towards our Daoxing Heaven and Earth in a steady stream."

"Even if you stay here, even if we can kill these million monks, we will only welcome more monks."

"In short, Daoxing Tiandi has absolutely no chance of winning this battle."

"Then what we need to do is not to find a way to win this battle, but to delay the time as much as possible, and wait for someone to end this war as soon as possible."

"The only person who can do this is you, Jiang Yun!"

"If you stay now, the most you can do is to hold back a few strong men from Hongmeng and share the pressure of other monks in Daoxing Tiandi, but how long can you hold off?"

"Simply put, if you stay, you can only delay the demise of Daoxing Tiandi, but if you leave, it is possible to avoid the demise of Daoxing Tiandi!"

"What's more, your leaving now should be beyond Hongmeng's expectation, they would not have thought of it."

"Then even if you fail to find a permanent solution in the end, you can rush back and kill them by surprise from behind them!"

It has to be said that what Tianzun said makes sense.

Jiang Yun also understood what Tianzun meant.

No matter how strong you are alone, as long as you are not strong enough to become a detached powerhouse, not strong enough to fight against the entire Hongmeng with your own strength, then in such a big battle, the role that an individual can play is It cannot change the outcome of the war.

If you want to change the outcome of the war, you have to solve the source of the war!

However, Jiang Yun looked at Tianzun and said: "I understand what you said, but what I am worried about is that you can't last that long!"

When he was in the Hongmeng camp, Jiang Yun had a general understanding of the strength of those monks.

The weakest are the million monks in the Great Emperor Realm. Under the full attack, they should be able to sweep Daoxing Tiandi in a short time with a destructive force.

Tianzun suddenly showed a sneer on his face, looked at Jiang Yun and said, "Jiang Yun, you have to know that although I admire you quite a lot, in my heart, the safety of the real domain will always come first."

"If killing you can prevent this great battle and allow Daoxing Tiandi to continue to exist in a stable manner, then I will strike without hesitation!"

"I let you leave now, not because I am worried that you will die in the war, but because I need you to find a solution to the problem."

"Of course, if you really take this opportunity and never come back, I won't blame you!"

"Although our overall strength is indeed far inferior to Hongmeng, we are not as weak as you imagine."

"From the moment I knew about Hongmeng, I knew that today would come, and I've already started making preparations in secret!"

"So, don't worry, we can last...for a long time!"

Tianzun's words finally made Jiang Yun make a decision.

Yes, everything Tianzun does is based on protecting Daoxing Heaven and Earth.

Therefore, Jiang Yun could only grit his teeth and say, "Okay, I'm leaving now!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun waved his sleeves, and the Four Seasons Building had appeared in front of everyone.

In the Four Seasons Building, Long Xiangzi, Yinming Fairy, Daoist Begging for Life, Yue Tianzi and others also came out quickly under Jiang Yun's call.

When the Taikoo Qiling and other three spirits saw the Taikoo Formation Spirit, they all froze there as if struck by lightning, unable to believe their eyes at all.

When Tianzun saw Long Xiangzi and the other three, his eyes also widened.

However, in addition to shock, there was also a sense of guard in her eyes, so that the strong power in her body began to operate uncontrollably.

Although Tianzun didn't know who these three were, her keen intuition made her feel dangerous towards them!

Before Jiang Yun had time to introduce to everyone, he looked at Long Xiangzi and other four monks brought back from the place of origin and said: "Four, this is already my hometown, Daoxing Tiandi."

"At this moment, the Hongmeng's army is coming here, and the war is about to begin, but I have something to do and need to leave, so I hope you can stay here temporarily and help my hometown."

"I also promise to you, as long as you sincerely help, after this battle is over, regardless of the outcome, I will return you to freedom."

"If I also die in battle, then before I die, I will also give you freedom!"

"Today, I swear an oath..."

"Wait!" At this moment, Tianzun suddenly spoke, interrupting Jiang Yun's words: "Jiang Yun, I don't need them to stay and help."

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