The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7629: Back in time, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

The sundial was originally used as a timekeeping tool.

For a common sundial, its disk is called a sundial, and there are twelve grids on the front and back sides, representing the twelve hours of the day.

Iron rods are called sundials.

The way to use a sundial is to insert a sundial needle into the round hole in the center of the sundial surface at a certain angle, and place it outdoors to be exposed to the sun.

When the sun shines, a shadow will be formed on the sundial, which can also move as the sun moves.

Which grid the shadow moves to, according to the hour corresponding to the grid, so that people can know the approximate time.

Although the shape of the Great Wilderness Sundial looks similar to that of ordinary sundials, it is actually much more complicated than ordinary sundials.

There are also twelve grids on the front and back sides of the sundial, but the front side represents time, and the back side represents space.

Moreover, because each grid is condensed by space-time runes, there are actually more detailed divisions and smaller grids in it.

For example, the space grid on the back, twelve grids, correspond to one hundred and eight large domains.

Each grid represents nine great domains.

And within each grid, there are nine small grids, corresponding to the nine large domains.

In each small grid, there are several smaller grid divisions, which naturally correspond to the Dao Realm or Dharma Realm, stars, etc. in each large domain.

The positive time grid, the division is more complicated and detailed.

Each large grid, according to Jiang Yiyun's words, represents an era.

Jiang Yiyun didn't say how many years an era was, and Jiang Yun didn't know either.

But the small grids that are also divided in each time grid are based on ten thousand years.

These are only what can be seen on the dial, and it is not too clear.

Only after infinitely magnifying the Dahuang Hourdial inside the surface of the sundial can we see more detailed divisions.

However, whether it is the span of ten thousand years or the nine great domains, it is too long and too wide.

Therefore, once you have successfully entered a time and space of ten thousand years, you need to use the Great Desolation Time Dial again to enter a shorter and more specific time and space.

In short, no matter which time and space you want to go to, it is not a simple matter!

And the method of activating the Great Wilderness Time Dial is to imitate the ordinary sundial and use the lines of time and space to condense into a time and space sun.

The sun of time and space, shining on the sundial, will also be projected onto the sundial, forming a shadow.

Then, move the shadow forward or backward so that it points to a certain square.

That is what Jiang Yun is doing at this moment.

It's just that, of course, the pattern of time and space cannot really become the sun, and it is even more impossible to emit sunlight.

The so-called sunlight is actually the extension of the space-time streaks that make up the sun of time and space.

Then through some special seals, let it interweave with the sundial pin and dial surface, and finally cooperate with the powerful force of time and space to distort and condense time and space, and open a road of time and space.

For other large domains, if you want to open up a space channel connecting domains, you need to make a lot of preparations and consume a lot of power.

In the presence of space, time must be added, and it is conceivable that it requires a lot of power.

Of course, the stronger your own space-time power, the easier it will be to control the Great Desolation Time Dial.

Although Jiang Yun's attainments in the power of time and space are not as good as Jiang Yiyun's, his purpose at this moment is to reverse the time in the Qianzhang area and fight against the law and part of the power in the cauldron. There is no need to open the road of time and space, so It's still manageable.

However, feeling the difficulty in the process of controlling the Great Wilderness Sundial, Jiang Yun once again had doubts about Jiang Yiyun's strength.

With his current half-step detachment strength, it is so difficult to control the Great Desolation Time Dial.

Jiang Yiyun said that he was unlawful, and he did not become a transcendent powerhouse, but he was able to travel through time and space continuously.

Is it really just because of his extremely high attainments in the three powers of time and space patterns?

Also, all Jiang Yiyun's plans don't seem to be something that a non-detachment can make.

Is it possible that Jiang Yiyun, in fact, has already become a transcendent strongman, but through some method, he can avoid the rules in the cauldron, pretending to be a non-transcendent strongman, and still stay in the cauldron.

There is also a possibility that Jiang Yiyun's strength is due to the use of the power within the cauldron.

This doubt only flashed in Jiang Yun's mind.

Right now, he just wants to quickly turn back time, heal this Qianzhang area, and prevent other Dao domains from invading.

Therefore, he put aside all distracting thoughts and concentrated on staring at the golden and emerald wild time dial in front of him.

The magnification of the volume of the Dahuang time dial makes the time and space grid on the surface of the sundial infinitely magnified.

About ten breaths later, there is already a shadow cast by the sundial on the surface of the sundial.

Regardless of whether it is Jiang Yun, or Long Xiangzi and others outside, they can clearly feel the time and space in the Qianzhang area and start to distort.

Jiang Yun's figure was a little blurry, but in the eyes of Long Xiangzi and the others, he was already distorted, leaving only a shadow, as if he was in the water, making people worry that a gust of wind would blow his figure away scattered.

As for the Great Wilderness Time Dial, they could see even more vaguely, so they had no idea what Jiang Yun was doing.

The initial position where the shadow appeared on the sundial was Jiang Yun's here and now!

If you want to speed up the passage of time, then push the shadow to move clockwise, otherwise, it is counterclockwise.

Jiang Yun's hands began to form seals one after another quickly, sinking into the sundial.

This process looks simple, but it is extremely difficult to actually do it.

It would be impossible for Jiang Yun, who had not become a half-step detachment, to do it.

When Jiang Yun finally played the last seal completely, he was as strong as him, and beads of sweat were faintly oozing from his forehead.

He didn't have time to clean it either.

Because the next step is the most critical part, turning back time.

If successful, the thousand-foot area will return to its original state.

Then Jiang Yun can go to other entrances blasted by the black beads one after another, and use the same method to erase all the entrances one by one.

Of course, Jiang Yun's speed may not be faster than that of other large domains.

Teaching him to use the Great Desolation Time Dial is also a big test for his own cultivation.

But there is no way, this is the only way he can think of now.

With the end of the Yinjue, Jiang Yun continued to activate the power of time and space to make the shadow of the sundial needle move counterclockwise.

Whether it is a space area of ​​thousands of feet, or just need to go back in time to a moment before, the span is not very large.

Reflected on the surface of the sundial, the movement range of the shadow of the sundial is almost invisible to the naked eye.

However, in the interior of the Great Wilderness Time Dial that Jiang Yun observed with his spiritual sense, the moving distance of the shadow is not a short distance.

And once the shadow starts to move, time will also go backwards.

Jiang Yun regained his composure, and the power of time poured down, wrapping around the sundial.

The sundial made an imperceptible vibration, and after standing still for three breaths, the shadow finally started to move.

In an instant, the time around Jiang Yun immediately reversed.

Because it has been dozens of breaths since Jiang Yun came to this thousand-foot area, it is not difficult to turn back the time of this part.

What shocked Long Xiangzi and others the most was that the five of them were clearly standing outside the Qianzhang area, but suddenly there was a strong tearing force, which forcibly grabbed their bodies and dragged them back to the Jianghu area. Cloud's side.

Before they could see Jiang Yun clearly, they were pushed out by a strong force.

Because, the thousand-foot space began to shrink slowly.

Long Xiangzi showed surprise on his face and said: "He really did it, time, no, it made time and space flow back!"

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from the depths of the thousand-foot space.

"court death!"

Amidst the violent shouting, another arm stretched out from the depths, directly towards Jiang Yun, and grabbed it.

Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and said coldly: "You are the one who is courting death!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun pointed like a knife, and cut off the oncoming arm with one finger!

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