The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7674: Branding Suction, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Jiang Yun, Tianzun and Daozun all turned their heads and looked around, with helpless expressions on their faces.

It's too complicated!

They were born here and grew up here.

Especially Dao Zun, as Daoxing Tiandi, they have never sensed anything too complicated.

However, they knew the identities of the three Long Xiangzi, so they naturally believed that they could not have had an illusion, or were deceiving themselves and others.

Jiang Yun quickly looked away, and said to the three of them: "No matter how complicated it is, please tell us, so that we can know."

Even though Jiang Yun had already met Jiang Yiyun and knew the origin of Daoxing Tiandi, he also knew that there must be many secrets hidden in this world.

And these secrets must also have a certain strength.

For example, only by becoming detached can we feel something.

Jiang Yun didn't know if there were any superhuman beings in the Daoxing Heaven and Earth in the past, but what he knew was that the strongest people who had entered the Daoxing Heaven and Earth were the three Long Xiangzi in front of him at this moment.

Therefore, they can feel the deepest secrets hidden.

Long Xiangzi said: "It seems that you don't know the weirdness of your world."

Jiang Yun shook his head and said, "The weirdness we know may be different from what you feel."

Long Xiangzi nodded and said, "Then Fairy Yinming and I will talk about what we feel first."

"First of all!" Long Xiangzi pointed at Jiang Yun and Tianzun and said: "You and her, including some creatures in this world that I can sense, most of them have a brand-like thing in their bodies. .”

"This brand should be connected with your world."

"But what exactly it does, I don't know yet."

Fairy Yinming echoed, "That's right, I can feel it too."

Tianzun smiled and said: "We know this brand, it is nothing more than letting us return to our world even if we die."

Jiang Yun also knew this.

Because Daoxing Heaven and Earth is a place of time, all living beings can be born in this heaven and earth in an endless cycle of reincarnation.

Therefore, there is indeed a need for something similar to a brand to be hidden in the bodies of all living beings.

Let them no matter where they are or where they die, they will eventually go back in time and return to Daoxing Tiandi.

Jiang Yun asked: "Where is this brand hidden in our body?"

"Why have I never sensed it, let alone seen it?"

Jiang Yun has a very good understanding of his body and soul. He has reshaped his body, tempered his soul, and entered his body, but he has never felt any branding.

Even if it has become a half-step detachment, it still cannot be found.

Fairy Yinming shook her head and said: "There is no specific location, but it is fused with your souls."

"Moreover, we can't sense this branding outside of Daoxing Tiandi. We can only feel it when we enter here."

"This shows that the brand is closely related to your Dao Xing Tiandi."

"Only when we are in Daoxing Tiandi, can we feel the imprint."

"Furthermore, the branding in your body is obviously much shallower than that of this girl."

"The strength of the branding should be related to your strength."

"If you improve your strength, or become detached, you should be able to make the brand disappear."

Daoist Begging for Life interrupted at this moment: "But it's a pity that if you don't erase this brand first, you Jiang Yun, including all the creatures in Dao Xing Tiandi, will never be able to become detached."

Tianzun frowned and said: "Isn't that an endless loop with no solution?"

The Taoist begging for life nodded, but did not continue to say anything.

Because even he doesn't know how to break this endless loop.

On the contrary, Jiang Yun calmed down again.

Because, he thought of those nine huge chains!

Although this time he could not break through to detachment even if he had Dao Xianzun's avenue, one of the functions of the sudden appearance of the nine huge chains was to suppress him and prevent him from breaking through to detachment.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that it was just Jiang Yiyun targeting him.

But now it seems that the chains should be aimed at the entire Daoxing world and all living beings.

If the secret of the chain can be unlocked, or the chain can be broken directly, then the imprint in Daoxing Shengling's body can also be broken.

Therefore, Jiang Yun skipped this question and said, "Besides the brand mark, what other things did the three of you sense?"

"Suction power!" Long Xiangzi pointed down and said, "Your world is like a huge vortex, absorbing power from other places all the time."

"It's just that, just like the brand mark, we can't feel this suction at all when we are outside Daoxing Tiandi. We can only feel it after we are here."

"Moreover, the strange thing is that I can sense the suction force, and I can sense that there is a steady stream of power flowing into you, but I can't sense where these powers go."

"I can only say that the absorbed power is not provided to you."

"Because logically speaking, your Daoxing Tiandi absorbs the power of the outside world so much, and over time, your place has already become a holy place."

"For mortals, it is a livable holy place. They will be free from disease and pain, live a long life, and be strong and healthy."

"For monks, it is a holy place for practice."

"Even if there is a brand mark, the strength of the monks here will be far beyond other dao worlds and other great domains."

"But the actual situation, the strength of the monks here, except for the two of you, is very weak."

Tianzun and Jiang Yun couldn't help but looked at each other again.

Daoxing Tiandi actually absorbs the power of the outside world all the time, this is really something they have never sensed, let alone imagined.

However, where did the absorbed power go, they all had the answer, that is, it provided the situation for the entire Dao Xing Tiandi.

Once this bureau is in operation, it will definitely require a lot of strength.

And no matter how powerful Jiang Yiyun is, it is impossible for the forces in this bureau to be self-sufficient and create something out of nothing.

So he had to let Daoxing Tiandi continuously absorb the power of the outside world for the purpose of turning the game around.

Tianzun said with some emotion: "No wonder our road of practice is so difficult!"

Yes, the difficulty of cultivating Dao Xing Tiandi monks is indeed far more than that of other Dao realms.

Before Jiang Yun left Daoxing Tiandi, in the entire Daoxing Tiandi, apart from Daozun, there was only Tianzun, a monk at the peak of origin.

The original state and the supreme state are also very few.

Not to mention comparing with the Soul Dao Realm, even compared with the Qingxin Dao Realm where Taoist Qingxin was, it is far inferior.

Jiang Yun remembered very clearly that there were thousands of monks in the Supreme Realm in the Qingxin Dao Realm alone!

As for Daoxing Tiandi, there are only human and earth venerables...

Suddenly, Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes and said: "Is it because of this reason that those Dao monsters want to destroy our Dao Xing Tiandi at all costs?"

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