The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7694: self burning, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Guarding the Dao Realm is equivalent to Jiang Yun's avatar, which has all Jiang Yun's emotions and memories, and naturally knows the existence of the nine chains.

"Zhen Ling, help me!"

While speaking to Zhen Ling, a waterfall of light suddenly burst out from above his head, rushing straight towards the top of the boundary land.

Guarding the Dao Realm does not have Jiang Yun's strength, so he can only use the power of the Dao Realm.

Therefore, at this moment, he is extending the Dao Realm infinitely, and he wants to use the power of this array to see if he can reach the space where the nine chains are located.

Zhenling trusted Jiang Yun extremely.

Although he didn't understand why Jiang Yun's strength had weakened a lot, he still obediently sent the power of the array into the body that guarded the Dao Realm.

The dao world, which was supposed to be flat, turned into a line of light at this moment, extending infinitely upwards.

This kind of extension seems ordinary, but because the place where the nine chains are located and the boundary place are not in the same space.

Especially the boundary place is not an ordinary space.

Therefore, while extending the guardian realm, it also needs to constantly break through the power of space.

In this way, the difficulty will be much greater.

At the beginning, when Jiang Yun was in the process of breaking through, the deity wanted to go to the place where the nine chains were, but he barely succeeded after exhausting his strength.

It would be impossible to do it by relying solely on the power of protecting the Dao Realm itself.

But fortunately, there is a map to help!

The power of the formation diagram, in addition to coming from the ten blood lamps and the weapon spirit, also comes from the boundary.

In short, after more than ten breaths of time, the Guardian Dao Realm has successfully arrived at the place where the nine chains are located, and saw the nine chains!

These nine incomparably thick chains are not only trembling slightly, but also the power runes belonging to the nine tribes in the center of the chains are moving fast like torrents, emitting rays of light.

The Guardian Taoist looked intently, and soon found that these runes were all moving in the same direction.

"Obviously, someone is manipulating these nine chains, or using their power to go somewhere."

"These nine chains are most likely arranged by Jiang Yiyun."

"The only one who can borrow their power is Jiang Yiyun."

"At this time, Jiang Yiyun urged the power of these chains to go to a place. What is the purpose?"

"Could it be that the deity is in danger, and Jiang Yiyun is going to save the deity?"

The Guardian Daojie quickly deduced the general reason for the incident.

This made his heart finally relax a little.

Since Jiang Yiyun wanted to save Jiang Yun himself, let alone protect the Dao Realm, he would not interfere, even if he could.

However, watching the flow of these runes gave him another idea.

"I am now guarding the Dao Realm, so can I try to annex these nine chains and incorporate them into the Dao Realm?"

"Nine chains definitely won't work. Is it possible to annex one chain?"

"If I can, then not only can I know the true function of these chains, but I should also be able to control their power!"

Before switching to Daoist World, the Guardian Dao Realm would not have such an idea.

Because even the length and volume of a chain is too long.

But at this moment, guarding the Dao Realm is equivalent to covering the formation map, as well as the area between the boundary land and the nine chains, and can still use the power of the formation map.

This made his idea feasible.

"Anyway, even if it fails, there is no loss."

Thinking of this, the Guardian Daojie immediately expressed his thoughts to Zhen Ling: "Zhen Ling, I still need to use your power to annex some things."

Zhen Ling is naturally unconditional support!

After the guardian dao world glanced at the nine chains, he took the chains with the soul runes as the main body as his own target for annexation.

"This deity left Daoxing Dayu this time, the first thing to look for is the Dayu where the Soul Clan and Mirage Clan are located, so try it first and annex the chain of the Soul Clan!"

After making the choice, the guardian of the Dao Realm no longer hesitated, and continued to urge his body to expand, like a big snake, opened its mouth, and swallowed it silently towards the chains of the soul clan.

It is precisely because the Guardian Dao Realm only annexed the chains and did not release the slightest power, so even Jiang Yiyun did not notice it.

The speculation of Guardian Dao Realm is also correct.

It was Jiang Yiyun who was urging the nine chains to save Jiang Yun, kill Zixu, and **** that drop of Zhulong's blood!

As a rescued person, Jiang Yun didn't panic in the face of Zixu, and even asked, "Apart from you, are there other people like you in the cauldron?"

Jiang Yun really wanted to know how many people Bai Ye had planted in the cauldron, and how many drops of his blood had been sent in, so that he was able to hide it from the Taoist Lord.

Zixu smiled and said: "You are already dying, yet you still have such a strong curiosity!"

Jiang Yun shrugged his shoulders and said: "There is no way, I have encountered too many doubts in my life."

"Before you die, if you can solve one more doubt and understand the truth a little more, you can at least be a wise ghost!"

Zixu laughed loudly and said: "But I just want to make you a fool!"

Before the laughter fell, the drop of blood suspended between Zixu's eyebrows suddenly separated from his eyebrows, turning into a monster with a red body, snake-like shape, but a human face!

Candle Dragon!

Jiang Yun didn't know if this candle dragon was transformed from Bai Ye's real body.

But when this candle dragon appeared, Jiang Yun felt that everything in the cauldron had stopped flowing, and everything had fallen into a stillness.

It was as if this candle dragon was the true master of this tripod, and wherever it was placed, everything had to submit obediently!

Apart from Jiang Yun's ability to feel the horror of this candle dragon, Jiang Yiyun, who was on Danlu's surface, also had a strong feeling.

His complexion became serious in an instant.

As a result, his palm, which was originally making a tactic, also came to a standstill at this moment.

Because the power contained in the candle dragon's blood was beyond his imagination, so he needed to think carefully about whether he could save Jiang Yun without fully using the power of the nine chains in his hasty shot!

It is best to be saved.

If he couldn't save him, not only would Jiang Yun die, but the nine chains and himself would all be exposed!

Jiang Yiyun hesitated, but Jiang Yun didn't hesitate at all.

Although Zhulong's power is extremely powerful, Jiang Yun has never been a person waiting to die, and he doesn't know that someone will come to save him at this time.

Therefore, the moment Zhulong rushed towards him, Jiang Yun had already made a move!

However, Jiang Yun didn't shoot at Zhulong, but suddenly reached out and slapped himself heavily!

When Jiang Yun's palm fell, a trace of flames appeared on his body.

In an instant, his body was burned to ashes!


Zixu was stunned by Jiang Yun's actions, completely confused about what Jiang Yun was doing.

"Is this unwilling to die in my hands, wanting to burn myself to death?"

But as soon as Zixu's words fell, a majestic monster aura and scorching temperature suddenly rose from the ashes of Jiang Yun's body!

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