The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7731: Indiscriminate, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Wanzhu, Hunyan Peak, Master Painful and so on have a total of twelve half-step detachments. Although they are not within the scope of the Soul Blessing Great Territory at all, Gu Bulao has obviously discovered them.

And among these twelve people, apart from Hun Yanfeng who really wanted to fight with Wanzhu in order to exchange lives with Wanzhu, there was no danger in the fight between them.

Their strength is almost the same.

Although there is indeed enmity between each other, at least at this moment it is far from the time of real life and death, so naturally there is no need to go all out.

After all, even if he could kill the opponent, he would have to pay a considerable price.

Therefore, none of them went to kill, they were just delaying each other's time.

Even, several strong men in the Kudu Dao Domain have already secretly transmitted voices, discussing whether they should leave first.

It's not that they regret helping Jiang Yun, but because they have delayed long enough.

What's more, they didn't have much hope for Jiang Yun's attempt to rescue the soul clan.

If Jiang Yun succeeds, it will be the best.

But if they fail, it will be a waste of time and energy for them to stay here.

In case the Ten Thousand Lord Jurisdiction takes half a step beyond the strong to deal with them, then their lives will be in danger.

But at this moment, a powerful suction force suddenly descended from the sky, covering their bodies respectively.

Regardless of whether they were willing or not, the power in their bodies immediately began to flow out along this suction.

This sudden change surprised everyone.

The first thing they thought was that the other party had come to help, but when they saw that the other party's reaction was the same as their own, they realized that there should be another strong person coming.

This time, they didn't bother to fight with each other anymore, they all retreated in unison, widening the distance between them and their opponents.

Then, they sat down cross-legged one by one, trying their best to keep the strength in their bodies.

However, to their shock, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't resist the suction.

The faster their power runs, the faster it will be lost from the body!

This really shocked them deeply.

They are all half-step detachment, and they are the top existence among monks.

But there are other people who can absorb their power so wantonly, and it doesn't matter whether they are Taoists or Dharma practitioners!

Could it be that this person is a transcendent powerhouse?

If such a person exists, then any battle between Taoism and law, or any battle over a large domain, would be meaningless at all.

The opponent alone can destroy all the big domains and all the monks!

Bei Chenzi, who also saw this scene, stood up abruptly, turned his head again, looked at Gu Bulao's position, and said with a look of shock on his face: "Could it be that he is..."

Before he could finish his words, he stopped suddenly, turned to step forward, disappeared from the spot, and appeared in the area where Gu Bulao was hiding.

It's dark here, and nothing seems to exist.

But in Bei Chenzi's eyes, he could clearly see that this place seemed to be transformed into a sea area, the power of law hidden in the darkness, just like waves, surging up and down, layer upon layer!

Bei Chenzi couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and said coldly: "Gu Bu Lao, I know your origin!"

After Bei Chenzi finished speaking, there was silence in the darkness.

But only a few breaths later, Gu Bulao's voice sounded with a smile: "Oh? I don't even know where I come from, but you actually know?"

"It's better to say it, let me listen!"

"Hmph!" Bei Chenzi snorted coldly, "Stop pretending to be confused for me here!"

"I'm here to remind you, whether you admit your identity or not, since you were born in Dingding, you need to use your own strength to participate in the battle of Taoism."

"You hide here and compete with me for the laws here. Even if you take all the laws for yourself, not only will it not be good for you, but it may lead to a fatal disaster."

"I also tell you this based on your background."

"That's all for now, believe it or not, how to choose, it's all up to you!"

After saying these words, Bei Chenzi actually turned around and was about to leave.

And behind him, the ancient voice sounded again: "Don't think I don't know your purpose."

"Aren't you just worried that if I really take away all the laws here, you will also be punished by then!"

Bei Chenzi had no expression on his face, and he didn't stop at his feet. He had already disappeared from this area, but in his heart, he was full of hatred!

Because Gu Bulao was right!

As a transcendent existence in the cauldron, Bei Chenzi would be robbed of the power of law by the creatures in the cauldron.

Strictly speaking, he shouldn't be blamed for this, but various constraints restrict him, but Daojun doesn't care about these.

Once this matter is known to the Taoist Lord, although he is not guilty of death, but from then on, he will definitely lose value to the Taoist Lord.

And without the protection of Daojun, outside the cauldron, his end would not be much different from death.

Therefore, what Bei Chenzi said just now seems to be a kind reminder to Gu Bulao, but in fact, the real purpose is to hope that Gu Bulao will leave the Ding Xinyu as soon as possible, to participate in the battle of Taoism, and to fight Soul Lotus to the death. Forget it, as long as you don't compete with yourself for the rules.

Now, having been broken by Gu Bulao, Bei Chenzi naturally hated Gu Bulao in his heart.

Fortunately, the ancient voice no longer sounded.

And in the depths of the area filled with layer upon layer of power of law, Gu Bulao was sitting there with flames burning all over his body, his face pale, bleeding from his seven orifices.


Gu Bulao let out a long breath, closed his eyes, and said to himself: "It's still a little bit close, the ancient flower will be in full bloom!"

It is not difficult to see that Gu Bulao paid an extremely high price to help Jiang Yun make the ancient flower bloom!

At the same time, Jiang Yun's body had already grown a force so powerful that he was a little afraid.

Jiang Yun understood that this was the power of Wanzhu and others!

And this also caused the same doubts in his heart as Wanzhu and the others.

How could my own master forcibly absorb so many half-step detachment powers at the same time?

Moreover, there is no distinction between Taoism and Dharma cultivation!

Because the soul lotus absorbs the power of the soul, and its control over the soul, it surpasses the indeterminate soul fire.

As long as it is a living being, it must have a soul and the power of the soul, so the soul lotus does not distinguish between Taoism and law, as long as it is a soul, it can absorb it.

But even if the master is conceived by the law, he is also a Dharma cultivator. Why can he easily absorb even the half-step detachment power of the Taoist cultivator?

Although he was puzzled, Jiang Yun didn't have time to think deeply.

He didn't dare to allow so much power to exist in his body at all, so he could only continuously draw out the influx of power and send it into the ancient flower in front of him.

With such a powerful supply of power, the remaining three petals of the ancient flower have begun to bloom slowly!

But at this time, the soul lotus seemed to be stimulated by the ancient flower, and the remaining seven petals started to tremble slightly at the same time.

Obviously, it wants to bloom all the petals, so as to compete against the ancient flower.

At this moment, Master's voice sounded in Jiang Yun's ear again: "Fourth Brother, Master can only help you so far."

"Next, it's up to you, come on, destroy this broken lotus!"

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