The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7734: temporary balance, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Not to mention Jiang Yiyun and Bei Chenzi, even the illusory figure in control of the soul lotus was stunned when he saw Jiang Yun not retreating but advancing, and actively charging towards him.

So much so that the spinning soul lotus stagnated for a moment!

Obviously, he didn't expect that Jiang Yun would dare to approach him at this time.

Jiang Yun didn't care what other people thought.

He seemed to have lost his sanity. Not only did he protect the Dao Realm and quickly covered the soul lotus, but he himself followed closely behind.

The suction force released by the soul lotus itself was pulling Jiang Yun back, and now Jiang Yun took the initiative to rush towards the soul lotus, and the speed was naturally extremely fast.

The soul lotus and the phantom figure didn't dodge either, obviously wanting to see what Jiang Yun was going to do.

It didn't even take a breath, and the guardian of the Dao Realm had already incorporated the soul lotus and phantom figure, which had swelled to a size of ten thousand zhang, directly into his body.

"Bang bang bang!"

As soon as the soul lotus entered the guardian realm, a series of dull impact sounds came from Jiang Yun's body, which also made Jiang Yun's body, which was moving forward, stagger backwards uncontrollably.

Every dull sound, every step back, will make Jiang Yun's body spurt a lot of blood!

After his figure finally stopped, his whole body had completely turned into a blood man, including his face, which was covered in blood.

Although the soul lotus is included in the guardian realm, the realm cannot suppress it, so it is always in a state of rotation, and it is constantly releasing its own power.

And these forces, naturally, all hit the body of the Guardian Dao Realm, that is, Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun was in a state of being close to exhaustion, and sent the ancient blade into his body.

Now even the soul lotus has been annexed, so Jiang Yiyun's words are correct, his behavior is really tantamount to courting death.

However, Jiang Yun himself didn't think so!

Although in just a few breaths, Jiang Yun was indeed seriously injured and his life was in danger, but he gritted his teeth and retracted the guardian of the Dao Realm into his body.

Under him, Bei Ming appeared, directly presenting a huge body tens of thousands of feet away, heading towards a certain direction and leaving quickly.

Although Jiang Yiyun and Bei Chenzi clearly saw Jiang Yun's series of actions, but with their knowledge, they couldn't figure out what Jiang Yun's purpose was!

Bei Chenzi looked at Jiang Yun who was already sitting cross-legged on Bei Ming, and said to himself: "This Jiang Yun, although acting crazy, is not a brainless person."

"He clearly knows that the soul lotus is extremely powerful and has an unusual origin, but he still dares to take the soul lotus into his body, which means that he should have some confidence that he can refine and absorb the soul lotus!"

"It's just, what is his reliance?"

Jiang Yiyun was also still watching Jiang Yun, frowning and said: "Could it be that he wants to completely refine and absorb that soul lotus?"

"Should I tell him the true origin of the soul lotus, so that he can quickly dispel this crazy idea?"

As soon as Jiang Yiyun's voice fell, he heard Jiang Yun's voice with his spiritual consciousness: "Jiang Yiyun, do me one thing now, let Bei Chenzi stop staring at me!"

"En?" Jiang Yiyun was slightly stunned: "Why, you don't want to use the power of the soul clan's chains, do you?"

"Tell you, it's useless!"

"Even the power of the soul clan's chains can't suppress the soul lotus."

"I advise you to get the soul lotus out of your body quickly, or you will really be fused by him."

Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said, "I won't use the power of chains, but there are other ways."

"If you don't want me to be dealt with by Bei Chenzi himself, then hurry up and help me!"

Hearing Jiang Yun's words, Jiang Yiyun frowned even tighter!

Although he didn't like Jiang Yun talking to him in such a tone, he didn't want Jiang Yun to really die.

What's more, he is also very curious, besides borrowing the power of the chain, what other ways can Jiang Yun suppress the living soul lotus!

Therefore, when Jiang Yun urged him again, he said, "If you hide in the dark beast's body, he won't be able to see you!"

This answer made Jiang Yun stunned in turn.

He didn't expect that apart from being immune to power, the Dark Beast could even block Bei Chenzi's consciousness!

However, Jiang Yiyun would definitely not deceive himself about this kind of thing, so Jiang Yun didn't ask any more questions, and Bei Ming's body immediately rolled up under him, wrapping himself up.

Jiang Yiyun was telling the truth!

Just as the power of the nine clans can just restrain the detachment of the nine out of the cauldron, the dark beast, as a low-level life form born inside the cauldron, can really block everyone's spiritual consciousness!

Therefore, in Bei Chenzi's eyes, he could only see Beiming who was integrated with the darkness, advancing at an extremely fast speed, and could not see Jiang Yun who was wrapped in Beiming at all.

Regarding this, Bei Chenzi didn't expect that it was Jiang Yiyun who reminded Jiang Yun, and thought that Jiang Yun was just using Bei Ming as a cover for himself, so he didn't think it was strange.

But Jiang Yiyun is not affected, because he can know everything about Jiang Yun, not through his spiritual sense!

However, Jiang Yiyun also can't see anything now!


Jiang Yun spat out a mouthful of blood again, and his whole body was extremely lethargic, even exuding a faint breath of death.

There is no way, the ancient blade and the soul lotus are simply two weapons of destruction, and the damage they caused to his body is really too terrifying.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun now has a way to temporarily accommodate these two, at least in a short period of time so that his injuries will not aggravate again.

Jiang Yun took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and immediately entered his own guardian realm!

Inside the Guardian Dao Realm, it was already pitch black.

Since Bei Chenzi could no longer see himself, Jiang Yun naturally had no scruples and used the magical power of closing his eyes for the night.

Closing eyes for night is the innate ability of Zhulong's lineage.

And the blood power of their lineage is equally strong, not only can make Jiang Yiyun unable to see anything, but also can somewhat intimidate the soul lotus and the ancient blade.

The soul lotus is still spinning, but at a slower speed.

The illusory figure sat cross-legged on the blooming soul lotus, his face without facial features turned slightly, as if he was looking around.

Not far away, the ancient blade re-condensed into shape stood upright and suspended, aiming at the soul lotus, guarding the soul lotus like a guard.

As long as the soul lotus makes any move, it will cut it down without hesitation.

And this dark night is actually another space condensed by the Zhulong clan with their clan patterns.

Jiang Yun put the soul lotus and the ancient blade here at the same time, and let the two confront each other, which is tantamount to using the candle dragon's blood as a neutralizer, which makes the two forces form a balance.

However, this balance is only temporary.

Once Jiang Yun's strength is not enough to maintain the night, or if these two really start to break the night, the balance will be broken instantly.

In this dark night, besides the soul lotus and the ancient blade, there is one more thing.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's gaze was fixed on such a thing, and he said softly: "It's up to you, I hope you don't let me down!"

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