The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7756: exactly the same, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Just as Bei Chenzi was looking for the nine Dingwai detached, and was about to join them in finding Jiang Yiyun, the figure of Wanzhu ushered in the Extreme Heaven Law Domain.

The loss of Hunyou Dayu and the disappearance of Wuding Huohuo made Wanzhu finally understand why Zixu was so afraid of Jiang Yun.

He also had to worry about whether Jiang Yun would come to trouble him again.

And he really didn't know much about Jiang Yun, so he had to discuss with Zi Xu about how to deal with Jiang Yun.

After listening to Master Wan's account of how he fought Jiang Yun, Zixu didn't have any special reaction.

To be honest, this result was within his expectation.

Just like there was a drop of Zhulong's blood on his body back then.

He believed that there must be more secrets hidden in Jiang Yun, which is why Jiang Yun's strength is unfathomable.

He reminded Wanzhu to guard against Jiang Yun, not out of good intentions, but just wanted to use Wanzhu's hand to test Jiang Yun's strength again.

"Hey!" Zi Xu sighed, "I don't have any good solution here either."

"Presumably you also know that not long ago, I invited some other domain owners of the legal domain to come to me and told them about Jiang Yun."

"Some of them didn't believe it, so I took them to Daoxing Dayu."

"As a result, with the joint efforts of all of us, we were unable to break through the protection of Daoxing Dayu."

"Therefore, whether it is Jiang Yun or Daoxing Dayu, it is like a mountain to us, which is difficult to conquer."

Master Wan said in shock, "How can the protection of Daoxing Dayu be so strong?"

Zixu pondered and said: "I have a few people from Daoxing Dayu here. They speculate that the defensive measures should not be done by Jiang Yun, but left by a detached strongman who has left Daoxing Dayu."

Wanzhu suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, with gleams in his eyes, stared at Zixu, lowered his voice and said: "Brother Zi, isn't there a transcendent strongman born in your domain, and no transcendent strong one left... relying on? "

Zi Xu nodded and said: "Of course."

"I think, not only my Jitian law domain, but also your Wanzhu law domain, and most of the great domains that have given birth to transcendent strongmen, should have similar reliance!"

Wanzhu didn't speak any more, just stared at Zixu.

And Zixu obviously understood what Wanzhu meant, and said with a cold smile: "Brother Wan, don't look at me like that, those are all treasures at the bottom of the box, they are for life-saving!"

"Until the time when life and death are really at stake, if it were you, would you be willing to use it?"

Indeed, most of the detached strongmen born in other great domains will leave behind some things before leaving the cauldron.

Their purpose is not to protect their own big domains, but only to protect their own family clan, or relatives and friends.

And with the opening of the Taoism dispute, domain masters like Zixu Wanzhu will naturally collect more or less similar things.

It's just that they all regard these things as their own personal belongings, and of course they are not willing to use them in the battle between Dayu and Dayu.

Daoxing Dayu is certainly a strong bone, but there are still many remaining Daoxing Dayu. It is impossible for them to use these things now to capture Daoxing Dayu.

Master Wan smiled awkwardly, and hastily changed the subject: "Then Jiang Yun probably obtained the Unfixed Soul Fire, and Brother Zi also knows the function of the Unfixed Soul Fire."

"This will undoubtedly make him even more powerful, so we still need to find a way to kill him as soon as possible!"

"Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!"

Zixu nodded, looked in one direction and said: "There is only one way, and that is the place where the certificate should be obtained!"

"As far as I know, many monks have already gone to the place where they should be certified, and they want to try to see if they are the guides."

"If you can really pass through the place of proof and become a guide, it is equivalent to having luck, which is not only good for yourself, but also can use luck to strengthen the strength of Dharma or Taoism."

"At that time, whether it is to destroy Daoxing Dayu or kill Jiang Yun, we will be more sure!"

"Brother Wan, aren't you going to try it?"

Although many people are interested in the place where the certificate should be issued, they also have scruples.

Especially those like Zixu and Wanzhu who are already the masters of a large domain.

If they are really the leaders of Dharma cultivation, then of course everything is easy to talk about, but if they do not pass the place of proof, it will have a great impact on them.

The simplest thing is that in the future they must obey the orders of the leaders of Dharma cultivation.

With their status, how can they be willing to submit to others and work hard for others.

Therefore, they both want to go and don't want to go.

Wanzhu looked at Zixu and said: "Of course I want to try it, but I have some concerns. I don't know if Brother Zi has any intentions?"

"If there is, why don't we go together?"

Zixu smiled slightly and said: "I have already invited several other people to go together."

"If I can walk with Brother Wan again, it is naturally my wish."


Zixu paused suddenly, turned his head and looked around, and then said via voice transmission: "If Brother Wan wants to go together, we must first reach some agreements."

Master Wan was slightly taken aback and said, "What agreement?"

Zixu said softly: "If the leader of Faxiu is among you and me, then the others must not have any unruly intentions."

"We need to assist each other to win the final victory in the battle of Taoism and law."

""If the leader is not among you and me, then we will join hands and kill him!" "

Kill the leader!

Shocked expression appeared on Wanzhu's face, and he was about to speak, but Zixu waved his hand and said: "Brother Wan, don't be so pretentious, don't tell me, you don't have such an idea!"

"You just need to tell me, agree or not!"

To be the master of a domain, whoever is not a scheming, ruthless person, how could he be willing to let others be the guide!

Zixu didn't believe it at all, Wanzhu never thought of killing Faxiu's leader!

"Haha!" The shock on Master Wan's face was instantly replaced by a smile, he rubbed his palms together and said, "Brother Zi laughed."

"Before I answer, can Brother Zi tell me, besides you and me, who else did Brother Zi find to travel with?"

Zixu naturally understood Wanzhu's meaning, and said lightly: "Don't worry, their identities and strengths are comparable to ours, and there are four of them including Brother Wan!"

"Besides, one of them is contacting Qiu Yulong, saying that there is a high probability that Qiu Yulong will agree. In that case, there will be five people!"

Wanzhu fell silent, weighing the consequences of agreeing and refusing in his heart.

The five domain masters teamed up, although there are not many people, but if they can be favored by Zixu, the overall strength of the domain where they are located will definitely not be weak.

Together, the five jurisdictions may even compete against all other jurisdictions.

Therefore, after a while, Wanzhu nodded vigorously and said: "Brother Zi is willing to tell me such an important matter, that is to think highly of me, if I don't agree, wouldn't it be too ignorant!"

"Okay!" Zixu said with a slight smile: "Brother Wan will stay with me for a few days, waiting for their arrival."

At the same time, in a certain area of ​​the cauldron, a blood-colored figure sat cross-legged, looking at an unconscious figure in front of him.

If someone can see these two people, then they will find that the appearance of these two figures is exactly the same.

It's all Jiang Yun!

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