The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7761: I want a drop of blood, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Hearing these four words from Hun Lian, Jiang Yun couldn't help frowning.

Although Hun Lian was talking about Jiang Yun from the last reincarnation, in essence, she and him are the same person.

Therefore, in Jiang Yun's mind, Hun Lian's words were not explaining a fact, but deliberately belittling and ridiculing herself!

However, as the voice of Soul Lotus fell, Xue Ling nodded and said: "Yes, he is not human!"

Jiang Yun frowned even tighter!

For the blood spirit, Jiang Yun has a sense of trust and kindness that he can't even express.

Moreover, Xue Ling also said just now that the reason why he turned into his own appearance was to commemorate Jiang Yun who was reincarnated last time.

Then, naturally, he would not belittle or ridicule Jiang Yun who was reincarnated last time.

Therefore, Jiang Yun is willing to believe his words.

But if he was telling the truth, Jiang Yun in the last reincarnation was not a human being, wouldn't he be inhuman as well?

Even Jiang Yiyun should not be human anymore!

If it's not a human being, what else could it be?

Jiang Yun didn't ask his doubts, but stared deeply at the blood spirit with his eyes, waiting for him to make a convincing explanation for this sentence.

Xue Ling obviously understood what Jiang Yun was thinking, and murmured: "I'm not talking about a human being, but I mean that he was born differently from a real human race."

"The real human race is conceived by a man and a woman."

"And his essence, or his origin, strictly speaking, is a drop of blood!"

"A drop of blood mixed with Jiang Yiyun's natal blood and soul blood!"

"To put it simply, Jiang Yiyun sent a drop of his blood into the body of a certain woman in the world you are in."

"It seems that Jiang Yun was conceived by that woman through October pregnancy."

"But in fact, Jiang Yiyun's natal blood gave this person a body, and his soul blood gave this person a soul."

"Because of this, no matter how many times Jiang Yun reincarnates, no matter whether he destroys his physical body or blew himself up to death, he will always be just a chess piece controlled by Jiang Yiyun, and he cannot get rid of it."

After saying these words, Xue Ling closed his mouth and looked at Jiang Yun with the same fixed gaze.

Xue Ling knew that he needed to give Jiang Yun some time to accept and sort out this fact.

At this moment, Jiang Yun felt extremely confused and shocked.

From Jiang Yiyun's mouth, Jiang Yun already knew something about his own origin, and thought that he should be half of Jiang Yiyun, or part of his soul.

Jiang Yiyun also said that he split his soul into two back then.

Half of it was put into the Daoxing world he opened up by himself, and became himself.

Half of them quietly entered the heart of the tripod, entered the surface of Danlu, and tried to seize the Longwen Chiding, becoming Jiang Yiyun.

But now, Xue Ling said that he was just a drop of Jiang Yiyun's blood, which was sent into his mother's body by him, and was conceived by her mother's body.

However, after thinking for a long time, Jiang Yun gradually accepted this statement.

Whether it is blood or soul, there is actually no big difference, they are all Jiang Yiyun's pawns anyway.

And with Jiang Yiyun's strength, he could easily create a new life with a drop of his own blood and a strand of soul.

Xue Ling has been paying attention to the changes in Jiang Yun's complexion.

Seeing the dazed look on Jiang Yun's face, he went on to say, "As a blood spirit, my sensitivity to blood is naturally unrivaled."

"When I was about to absorb that Jiang Yun's blood, I realized that he was also conceived from a drop of blood."

"This is somewhat similar to my situation."

"Especially in that drop of blood, there is a trace of my breath!"

"It is conceivable that I am very curious about his origin, so I let him go!"

"However, because I was experiencing the eighth catastrophe at the time, I didn't have time to ask him about his origin."

"I just put him aside, imprisoned him, and started to catch other creatures to help me overcome the catastrophe."

"To my surprise, when I grabbed another monk and wanted to **** blood, that Jiang Yun, perhaps because he had my breath in his body, broke free from my confinement and shot at me!"

"His purpose is to save the monk who is about to be sucked by me!"

Speaking of this, a smile suddenly appeared on Xue Ling's face and said: "At that time, he was too weak, and it took a lot of courage to dare to attack me."

"Fortunately, I am also extremely weak, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have killed him at that time."

"He successfully rescued the monk, and at that time, my eighth catastrophe came."

"My situation at the time made it impossible for me to survive that catastrophe."

"So, although I was very angry at his actions, and even wanted to kill him, but thinking that I was about to disappear, and there was my breath in his body, I didn't shoot him, just closed my eyes Wait to die!"

"But what surprised me again was that when my eighth catastrophe really came, he used his own body to block the catastrophe for me."

"And, he also gave me his blood on his own initiative!"

"In short, with his help, I finally managed to survive the eighth catastrophe."

"It shouldn't be difficult for you to guess what happened next. He saved my life. I am grateful and became friends with him!"

"Later, from his mouth, I learned about Jiang Yiyun, I learned about Daoxing Tiandi, and I learned that you are trapped in an impossible situation!"

"I immediately proposed to help him break the situation and help him get rid of Jiang Yiyun's control, but the premise is that he needs to wait for a while."

"Because I'm different from you."

"If you successfully cross the tribulation, your cultivation will immediately skyrocket, but after I successfully cross the tribulation, there will be a rather long period of weakness."

"I thought, after I pass the period of weakness, I will find Jiang Yiyun and kill him."

"Then go to Daoxing Tiandi again and help him break the situation there."

"At that time, he also agreed with a smile, thanked me repeatedly, and said that he would wait for my arrival."

"So, I sent him back and gave him a drop of blood."

"That drop of blood doesn't have power, it just allows him to go to me through that drop of blood when he is in danger."

"Huh!" Xue Ling let out a long breath suddenly, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

Looking at the sadness gradually showing on Xue Ling's face, Jiang Yun was able to roughly guess what happened next.

I'm afraid that Jiang Yun, who was in the last reincarnation, did not wait for the arrival of the blood spirit, but encountered the attack of the three gods on the Dream Realm and the death of relatives and friends.

Sure enough, after a while, Xue Ling opened his eyes again, and continued: "Before I went to find him, he came to me again."

"At that time, compared to when I first met him, although his strength had improved a lot, his condition was extremely poor. He was like a walking dead."

"He told me that almost all his relatives and friends died, and a new round of reincarnation is about to begin, and he is about to disappear and re-enter the reincarnation."

"Although I hadn't fully passed the period of weakness at the time, I should be able to keep him and prevent him from reincarnating."

"But he has another plan."

Jiang Yun's heart hung up inexplicably, and he couldn't help asking: "What plan?"

Xue Ling looked at Jiang Yun, and said word by word: "He asked me for a drop of blood, a drop of Longwen Chiding's blood!"

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