The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7970: Ancient Ding Fourteen, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Three days later, Ji Kongfan appeared in the space-time circle, looking at Jiang Yun who was sitting cross-legged inside.

Jiang Yun also felt something, opened his eyes, looked at Ji Kongfan and said, "Senior Ji, is there something wrong?"

Ji Kongfan walked up to Jiang Yun, sat down cross-legged as well, pointed to his head and said, "In the past few days, I chatted with Zishen, and he told me some things about the past."

"I think it is necessary to tell you these things."

Originally, Jiang Yun was worried that Ji Kongfan would fight with Zishen, but unexpectedly, not only did the two not fight, but Zishen was able to tell Ji Kongfan about the past.

This is also a surprise.

As for the past of these people, Jiang Yun was naturally very interested, so he nodded and said: "Senior Ji, please tell me."

"My last life..." Ji Kongfan shook his head and said: "It's so awkward to say, let's just say we, and you, are not from the same era."

"Simply put, the entire time in the cauldron, starting from the appearance of Daoxing Tiandi, can be divided into two major eras, and we are the people of the previous era."

"In our era, whether it's me, Ji Kongfan, or the Purple God, etc., in fact, we are all at the pinnacle of cultivation, and the weakest is half-step transcendence."

"It's just that the few of us are either somewhat independent, or have had some special experiences, which made us doubt the truth of the world we live in."

"At that time, Jiang Yiyun appeared, found us, told us about the inside and outside of the tripod, and suggested that we cooperate."

"At that time, Jiang Yiyun's name was Gu Ding, and he borrowed the meaning of Longwen Chi Ding."

"To be honest, even though we had doubts about the world of life at that time, we were still shocked after hearing his words."

"However, it is precisely because of our doubts that we are able to accept these things faster than others."

"Jiang Yiyun also showed us the evidence later."

"Actually, the evidence is very simple. It is nothing more than that he caught a monk from outside the cauldron."

"Of course, even if we can catch the monks outside the tripod, it is impossible to search their souls and know their memories."

"But Jiang Yiyun had planned long ago, and probably with the help of Longwen Chiding's power, he succeeded in invading the soul of that monk outside the cauldron."

"That is to say, at that time, we knew about the dispute between Taoism and law."

Listening to Ji Kongfan's narration, although Jiang Yun was quite shocked, it was basically in his expectation.

The era in which Jiang Yiyun and the others lived must have been very long away from himself and others.

And since their strength at that time was already top-notch existence, it is not unacceptable to be able to know Longwen Chiding and the secrets outside the cauldron.

Ji Kongfan continued: "The so-called dispute between Taoism and law is actually nothing more than a gamble between two great experts outside the cauldron."

"One side is the master of Longwen Chiding, Daojun."

"On one side is the white night of the Candle Dragon lineage."

"It's just that we don't know why they're taking this gamble."

"And in the end, even if there is a winner in this gamble, we also don't know what the outcome of the creatures in the cauldron will be."

"But now that we know the truth, we are naturally unwilling."

"So, Jiang Yiyun's idea that we all cooperate, work hard to survive, and even compete against those two great powers, was accepted by us."

"At that time, there were fourteen of us, from various domains."

"It is no exaggeration to say that among the creatures in the cauldron at that time, even if we were not the strongest, we were at least the top existence in each field."

"For example, I, at that time, I was definitely the first person to refine weapons in the cauldron."

"As for the Purple God, he was originally called the God of Death. If he wants to, he can completely control the entire death world in the cauldron, all the dead spirits!"

"In short, from that time on, we suppressed our cultivation as much as possible, gave up the opportunity to become a transcendent powerhouse, and went against Bei Chenzi and others to find various methods that could break the game, break the shackles, and so on. "

"In order to keep a secret, not only did the fourteen of us change our names to Gu Ding, but we also kept the same appearance, body shape and aura."

"During this process, we successively discovered the nine-petal flower, the land of boundaries, the transcendence of the nine cauldrons, the secrets that the power of the nine clans can restrain the transcendence of the nine cauldrons, etc."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun's face revealed a look of surprise!

He originally thought that these things were done by Jiang Yiyun alone, and he also wondered how talented Jiang Yiyun was to be able to do so many unimaginable things.

Only now did he realize that it turned out that this was the result of the joint efforts of fourteen people.

And this is also the reason why Bei Chenzi, as a strong man outside the cauldron sitting in Longwen Chiding, clearly knew of Jiang Yiyun's existence, but he was still unable to catch Jiang Yiyun.

Gu Ding is just a title, representing fourteen people headed by Jiang Yiyun.

"Originally, everything was moving in a good direction, but one thing happened, which gave us a big blow."

"We decided to let the two of them become detached powerhouses, go to Dingwai, inquire about the situation outside Dingwai, and then find a way to contact us."

"So, we selected the three most powerful people, and at the same time broke through to become transcendent powerhouses."

"As a result, we didn't wait for them to contact us, but waited for the shattering of the lifestone left by the three of them!"

"On the second day after they left and went to the cauldron, the three life stones were all shattered in front of us and turned into fine powder!"

Ji Kongfan closed his eyes, not sure if he really remembered the original picture, or was trying to conceive that picture.

After a long time, Ji Kongfan opened his eyes, and continued: "Three transcended, died at the same time in an instant."

"There is only one possibility, that is, their secrets were exposed, and they were killed by Daojun or someone from Zhulong's lineage."

"Since then, the remaining eleven of us have had differences of opinion."

"Some people think that no matter what we do, no matter how we do it, we can't change our destiny in the end, and we can't avoid the dispute between Taoism and law."

"Therefore, two of the eleven left first."

"As for these two people, one after another, they became transcendent powerhouses, but their life stones were not broken."

"Thus, three more people thought that as long as they gave up resistance and let nature take its course, there would be no danger, so they also left one after another."

"In the end, there were only six people left."

"Coincidentally, the six of us are all Dharma practitioners!"

"Jiang Yiyun feels that since the entire Longwen Chiding is owned by the Dao Lord, the Dao Lord has a greater chance of winning this bet."

"So, we might as well work together to create a powerful Daoist cultivator to win the battle of Daoism."

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