The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7975: help others, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Daojietianxia!

Jiang Yiyun's spiritual consciousness, which was swallowed by Xuxu, has been studying Jiang Yun's guardian seal for the past few days, and Xuxu didn't care about it.

However, even Xu Hua didn't expect that the other party would speak at this time, saying that Jiang Yun's guardian seal could be erased.

And Xu Hua is naturally not stupid, with a thought in his heart, he already understood that the purpose of Jiang Yiyun's sudden opening at this time should be to hope that he would take action at this moment to stop what Jiang Yun was about to do!


However, even though Jiang Yiyun had already spoken, Xu Hua raised his palm without any hesitation, and didn't even respond to the other party. It was still a force of time and rushed towards the Sea Demon King below.


The wasted power of time submerged into the river of time, immediately splashed a wave in Hanoi, and calmness was restored in an instant.

There was no response from the Siren King.

Jiang Yun and others naturally understood that the Sea Demon King wanted to feel whether he could turn the power of wasted time into his own and use it.

Taking advantage of this effort, Xu Hua then said to Jiang Yiyun's spiritual consciousness: "Is it because I stop Jiang Yun that you will erase the Dao seal left by him?"

"Of course not!" Jiang Yiyun replied: "However, you said a few days ago that as long as I can erase the Dao seal that left him in your soul, you will kill him!"

"Now, I will help you erase his mark!"

"As for what you want to do, I will not interfere."

Jiang Yiyun can also see what is happening outside through his exhausted body.

He knew better than Xuxu that Jiang Yun and the others wanted to restore the passage of time in Daoxing Tiandi and break the situation he had set up.

In fact, Jiang Yiyun knew very well that at this point, his situation had almost lost its effect.

No matter what I do again, it is impossible to restore the bureau and bring everything back to the track I hoped for.

But he really hated it, so he tried every means to create some trouble for Jiang Yun and the others, and prevent Daoxing Tiandi from recovering.

Even if he could just delay for a while, he would be very happy!

In short, Jiang Yiyun can maintain absolute calm when facing other matters.

But only when facing Jiang Yun and Daoxing Tiandi, his mentality was a little distorted, so that he couldn't control his emotions.

"It's too late for you to speak!"

Xu Hua said lightly: "Jiang Yun's dao seal is imprinted on my soul, even if you can erase his dao seal now, my soul will definitely suffer some pain."

"So, it's impossible for me to attack him here, let alone kill him."

"All I can do is not help him."

Of course, Xu Hua couldn't trust Jiang Yiyun so easily.

After all, this is Jiang Yun's territory, and there are as many as ten half-step detached powerhouses that he can sense.

Even though he was able to regain his freedom, he was not fully sure of escaping from here, so of course he would not choose to attack Jiang Yun at this moment.

As the voice of Xu Wen fell, in the river of time in the Sea Demon King's incarnation, suddenly there was another group of power of time shot out, it was the power of time that belonged to Xu Wen.

And the Sea Demon King's voice also sounded: "I can't use his power!"

This is also normal.

Xu Consumption is a monk outside the cauldron, his power of time, of course, the Sea Demon King cannot control it.

Xu Hua turned to face Jiang Yun, and said with some embarrassment: "I let the master down."

Jiang Yun glanced at Xu Hua and said, "It's okay, since the Sea Demon King can't use your power, let me give it a try!"

"You send part of your power of time into my guardian avenue."


Although Xu Xu's heart was full of curses, he didn't show the slightest expression on his face, he didn't even hesitate, and immediately sent his power of time into the guardian avenue.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes, and began to urge the Guardian Dao with all his strength to absorb the power of wasted time in the transformation.

Jiang Yun has even refined the fire of origin and the blood of the candle dragon, so he can naturally absorb other powers outside the cauldron.

However, this process may be quite troublesome.

But the good thing is that what is wasted is also pure power of time.

Even if it is to be converted, it may not waste too much.

Therefore, Jiang Yun wants to try to see if he can use his own time source to convert the wasted power of time.

After Xu Hua sent part of the power of time, he walked aside obediently, lowered his head, and deliberately did not lift his head.

And Jiang Yiyun said again: "Didn't you realize that the few people here, except Ji Kongfan, including Jiang Yun, have lost their strength?"

"A Ji Kongfan is definitely not your opponent. You have every chance to kill Jiang Yun."

"Of course, I'm just talking. Whether you make a move or not depends on yourself."

"Should I help you erase Jiang Yun's guardian seal now, or wait until later?"

Jiang Yiyun seems to have given the right to choose to Xu Hua, but how can Xu Hua not understand his calculations.

With a cold smile, Xu Hua replied: "You don't have to test me here."

"Kill Jiang Yun, there are plenty of opportunities."

"But if you insist on letting me do it at this time, then the cooperation between you and me can only end here."

"I said, all I can do today is not to help Jiang Yun!"

Erase Jiang Yun's guardian seal, aside from wasting the pain he needs to bear, how could Jiang Yun not feel it at such a close distance?

Once Jiang Yun sensed that something was wrong, he might be able to immediately mobilize the Guardian Dao Seal to kill Xu Hua first.

Unless, Jiang Yiyun's speed of erasing the guardian seal is faster than Jiang Yun's speed of action.

And Xu Hua didn't trust Jiang Yiyun, so it was impossible to take risks for Jiang Yiyun.

However, Xu Hua did not deceive Jiang Yiyun.

After a while, Jiang Yun opened his eyes, shook his head at Dongfang Bo and the others, and said, "No, I can directly use the power of wasted time."

"But if you want the Sea Demon King to use it, it will take too long."

The wasted power cannot provide any help.

"Then what should we do now?" Dongfang Bo frowned.

"Now..." Jiang Yun looked outside Guantian Palace and said, "I can only ask other Daoxing monks for help and use their strength."

"I hope that after Tianzun wakes up, don't blame me for it!"

Tianzun has always had resentment towards monks in other Taoist realms.

If Tianzun knew, it would be monks from other Taoist worlds who contributed their strength to help Dao Xing Tiandi and save herself.

I'm afraid, she doesn't know whether to continue to resent or thank them.

Of course, Jiang Yun couldn't think about Tianzun's thoughts anymore, the voice fell, and outside Guantian Palace, his guardian avenue had appeared!

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